

中文摘要 摘要 為對屏東縣之街道洗掃作業的執行狀況做進一步的掌握,本計畫所有工作項目均力求質與量的確保,除了落實各項監督查核的機制外,也積極橫向聯繫其他單位之執行狀況,以呈現本縣整體道路洗掃作業的狀況,本年度現階段各工作項目已依預定之目標及進度落實執行,執行摘要說明如下各點,詳細工作成果見各章節內容。 一、於97年5月15日計畫執行開始時即成立規劃與管理組及稽核組,訂立各種監督查核等管理表格並舉辦人員教育訓練。 二、針對本縣屏東及潮州空氣品質監測站周圍道路進行道路髒污程度分級普查輔以道路街塵負荷規劃出最佳洗掃路線,截至97年11月份工作團隊共進行7次道路目視普查及70筆街塵量負荷採樣分析量測。 三、監督及成效稽核 1. 利用照相器材完整記錄各路段之洗掃前中後狀況,並配合執行單位於洗、掃街車輛上加裝的行車記錄器查核洗掃作業執行的落實度,每週彙整執行車輛的行進座標,透過行控軟體確實掌握洗、掃街車的作業狀況,作為核定洗掃里程之依據。 2. 每月進行四條洗掃街作業路段執行洗掃前後TSP檢測作業,截至97年11月份共執行了24次TSP檢測。洗掃前後TSP濃度減少量介於-11.4~28.1μg/m3。 3. 自6月2日開始執行洗掃街工作,至12月14日為止累計執行掃街8,709.3公里,洗街11,781.4公里,平均每週掃街311.0公里,洗街420.8公里。 四、每月依據髒污路面查核情形,供環保局督導管理參考。 五、協助環保局臨時交辦事項皆順利完成,此外並協助環保局做好街道揚塵洗掃作業監督查核工作。 六、工作團隊於計畫執行開始即將團隊名冊提交環保局核備,執行期間並無人員異動情事發生。 七、工作團隊於計畫執行開始即備妥相關器具(如攝影器材、GPS通訊設施等)並符合合約規範。 八、就97年度1至10月各單位之洗掃作業里程數估算(依環保署公式及係數推估),本縣TSP污染物共削減1461.8公噸,平均每月可削減TSP污染量132.9公噸。 九、各項監督及成效評估記錄及結果皆於每月十五日前準時提送環保局核備,以供督導管理參考。
中文關鍵字 揚塵,洗掃


專案計畫編號 經費年度 097 計畫經費 1125 千元
專案開始日期 2008/05/01 專案結束日期 2008/12/31 專案主持人 曾聰億
主辦單位 屏東縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 執行單位 康廷工程顧問企業有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 97屏東縣加強街道揚塵洗掃暨作業規劃管理計畫-規劃與管理.pdf 80MB

2008 Strengthen streets’ dust sweeping work and control project.

英文摘要 Abstract All tasks of this project are accomplished in terms of quality and quantity in order to keep track of the street sweeping and flushing efficiency in Pingtong County. The executive performances are summarized as follows: A. The supervisory and auditory teams were established when the project started on May 15, 2008. Then lots of useful forms were created and trainings were given to those who work in the project. B. According to the cleanliness degree of the peripheral roads along Pingtong and Chaojhou test locations, most labor was focused on relatively dust-laden roads in an attempt to enhance the sweeping and flushing frequency. Until the November 2008, the team members of this project had conducted seven times of visual judgments, and seventy times of virtual tests of street dust loadings. C. Supervision and efficiency evaluation 1. With the help of camera equipments, record all the conditions of road dusts before and after flushing. Each street flusher is equipped with a GPS, keeping track of its sweeping and flushing locations and thus enhance working efficiency. 2. TSP tests were monthly carried out along the peripheral roads of Pingtong and Chaojhou test locations. Till the November 2008, 24 times of TSP tests were conducted. Tests report surveyed that street sweeping and flushing efficiency has direct influence on the reduction of particle air pollution. TSP reduction rates go between -11.4 and 28.1 ug/m3. 3. Till the December 14 2008, the team had swept streets of 8,709.3 kilometers in length and flushed streets of 11,781.4 kilometers in length. On the average, the team sweep 311.0 kilometers per week and flush 420.8 kilometers per week. D. Report of road cleanliness in Pingtong was monthly handed to local Environmental Protective Bureau. E. The team had completed the impromptu tasks which Pingtong Environmental Protective Bureau gave and had help to supervise street sweeping and flushing performance and provide timely helps. F. The team had no change in personnel during the whole project. G. All equipments in need were well prepared as the contract required when the project began. H. According to January to October 2008 gross sweeping and flushing mileages, TSP reduction rate was 1,461.8 tones. TSP emission reduced at an average of 132.9 tons per month. I. The team compiled monthly supervisory and auditory reports, and handed them on time to Pingtong Environmental Protective Bureau before the 15th day of every month
英文關鍵字 dust,sweeping