

中文摘要 本計畫為揮發性有機物(以下簡稱VOCs)空氣污染防制費(以下簡稱空污 費)開徵作業之綜合性執行計畫,主要作業重點在檢討現階段 VOCs 空污費 制度並建立因應方案,以求整體制度之完備性;此外,因應第二期程開徵作 業的推動,亦配合建立各項配套作業工具與執行相關衝擊評析,以利縣市主 管機關與業者可及早因應,減緩政策推動衝擊。 在 VOCs 空污費審查作業部分,完成全國 VOCs 空污費申報案件35,290 件之初審作業、501 件書面(含287 件現場)複審作業、25 件非甲烷碳氫化 合物抽測及25廠次(共100個樣品數)原物料VOC含量抽查,掌握整體VOCs 空污費費額之溢繳金額為 3,841 萬 4,483 元,補繳金額為3 億 7,005 萬 1,475元,有效提昇申報內容之正確性,以利縣市主管機關辦理後續空污費追補繳 作業事宜。 在協助 VOCs 空污費徵收制度推動部分,主要成果為建立各項相關審查 核作業技術工具之配套作業,以順利制度之推動,落實制度推動下,以 96-97 年度而言,每年平均徵收費額為 6.89 億元,在經濟誘因制度有效推動下, 掌握 96 年至 97 年公私場所增設 VOCs 相關防制設備,共計 708 座,其中以 洗滌塔(41.5%)及吸附設備(37.4%)所佔比例較高,相較 95 年減少約 12,800 公噸 VOCs,減量幅度約 16%;另完成 15 廠次實廠排放調查作業、完成全 國前 200 大之排放量差異檢討作業,據以提出 17 個行業製程別最適計量方 式之修定原則、完成「自廠係數建置要點」法制化公告作業,以提升徵收制 度之整體完備性。 在相關法規研修與配套作業推動工作上,今年度作業成果與成效如下: 1.在公告係數研修作業部份,針對一般 VOCs 排放係數共研修 88 個製程公 告係數,針對個別物種部分,增列42 個反應性製程及 67個非反應性製程公 告係數,使整體公告係數更趨於完備;2.在辦理自廠係數審查與宣導部分, 協助完成「自廠排放係數建置」書面審查作業 53 件與現場查核作業 30 件, 使相關業者之排放量計算結果更具代表性;3.在輔導縣市執行減免申請案審 查部份,建立減免申請案件之審查作業SOP 與表單,並掌握全國計35件減 免申請案辦理情形。 第二階段開徵作業制度推動部分,以順利推動第二階段VOCs 空污費之 開徵作業為目標,主要成果為完備各項配套作業包括:1.建立質量平衡計量 方式,並規劃採另行公告方式推動;2.預估第二期程收費費額,約可徵收 11.3 億元/年;3.配合個別物種加徵,研修收費辦法,以求整體法源依據之完備性; 4.執行開徵第二期程作業之經濟衝擊評析,除針對整體產業外,亦對個別產 業進行評析,以建立可能衝擊之因應對策;5.預估第二期程有效推動後可達 VOCs 減量效益為 8900 公噸/年;6.在系統端,亦配合第二期程徵收作業方 式,完成第二期程 VOCs 空污費資訊系統之建置,並邀請台北縣、桃園縣、 嘉義縣與高雄縣等主管機關共同進行系統測試,並提出相關修正建議,以掌 握後續使用者之意見,持續作為後續完備整體系統建置之參考。 除前述成果外,本計畫亦針對現階段空污費徵收成果進行效益評估作 業,主要目標在建立揮發性有機物空污費政策執行效益之評估模式,提出最 適資源配置評量模式;此外,亦配合完成三場次專諮會議,藉由匯集各方專 家委員意見,完備整體徵收制度研訂之內容;藉由完成三場次技術轉移會 議,有效將審查作業技術移轉地方,以利整體制度的落實;藉由完成辦理七 場次係數研商會議與二場次自廠係數建置要點(草案)研商會議之辦理,可針 對環保署推動之各項法規內容,多方彙集業者意見,達到溝通協調之目的, 以強化法規研修內容之適切性。 延續今年度各項工作執行經驗,提出下列相關建議於環保署,作為未來 相關管制推動之參考:1.在空污費審查作業上,應持續加強縣市主管機關之 技術轉移工作,並加強對業者之宣導作業,以使 VOCs 空污費能更加落實;2.持續建立廢水處理廠、廢氣燃燒塔與相關行業製程別之本土化係數,以使 未來排放量更具代表性;3.為提升整體空污費之掌握度,可建立全國空污費 排放清冊;4.持續研擬擴大未來有害加徵物種,以達維護國民健康之目標; 5.在經濟誘因之管制方式大抵已完成下,建議針對大宗污染排放源,應著手 研擬相關行政管制作為,以達最佳減量效益,如船舶建造修配業等,以全面 落實國內固定污染源之揮發性有機污染物排放減量,進而達到空氣品質改善 與維護國民健康之最終目標。
中文關鍵字 揮發性有機物,空污費,排放係數


專案計畫編號 EPA-97-FA12-03-A193 經費年度 097 計畫經費 19000 千元
專案開始日期 2008/08/11 專案結束日期 2009/06/30 專案主持人 張素清
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 鄭春菊 執行單位 環科工程顧問股份有限公司


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期末報告 EPA97FA1203A193公開版.pdf 11MB [期末報告]公開版

The Completion of Stationary Sources - VOCs Air Pollution Abatement Fee Imposition, Cases Reviewing and Auditorial Skills Supporting Plan

英文摘要 This project is the VOCs emission levy. To complete all aspects of this system,. the project focused on the review works at the current stage. Besides, to implement the second stage of emission levy, it established supplemental measures, finished the impact analyses and informed local authorities and factories at an early date to reduce the impacts caused by the implementation. For the VOCs emission levy review work, it finished 35,290 initial, 501 paper double checks(including 287 onsite reviews), 25 NMHCs, 100 materials content examinations, the totally overpay amount is 38,414,483 dollars and the short is 370,051,475 dollars. All these works improved the correction of reporting contents and for the local authorities to do further project implementation For implementation of the emission levy, the achievements are finished all supplemental tools of review works. Under this system, between year of 96 and 97, it collected 689 millions. After implementation of economic lure, the total VOCs control systems installed is 708 between the year of 96 and 97. It included scrubber as 41.5% and absorption tower as 37.4%. Compared with the year of 95, it reduced 12,800 tons VOCs as 16%. It also finished 15 factories emission investigations, difference analysis of top 200 emission factories and brought up 17 industries emission calculation rule, factory coefficients application guideline legislation procedure to improve the emission levy. In the regulation revision and implementation, the achievements are as follow: 1. In the coefficients revision, it revised 88 manufacture processes coefficients for the general VOCs and added 42 reactive processes, 67 nonreactive processes for the individual pollutants. It makes the coefficients completion. 2. Implemented factory owned emission coefficients guidance and help finishing factory owned coefficient 53 papers and 30 onsite reviews to make the result from factories more representative. 3. Assisted local authorities reviewing the reducing applications, established reduction application reviewing SOP and forms, followed up the progress of 35 national reduction applications. For the second stage of the emission levy implementation, the achievements are including: 1. setting up the rule of mass balance and implementation process. 2. It was estimated to collect 1,130 millions per year after the second stage emission levy. 3. Revised the rule for the individual pollutant emission levy. 4. Done the economic impacts analysis of implementation of second stage emission levy, including the influences of whole industry and single factory and bring up the policies. 5. After the implementation of second stage, it was estimated to reduce 8,900 tons per year. 6. In systems, to cooperate with the second stage emission fee collection, we finished the setting up of information system, inviting the authorities of Taipei county, Taoyang county, Chayi county and Kaohsiung county to perform system checking, bring up suggestions and collect opinions from prospect users to complete the establishment of the system. Beside the pervious works, this project also focuses on the achievements evaluation, established the evaluation model and resources distribution model to bring up the best evaluation model. The project also held 3 experts meetings, 3 skill transfer meetings, 7 coefficients discussions and 2 factory own coefficients guideline conferences to collect opinions and communicate with factories. It had done every work in this project and make following suggestions 1. the EPA should continue improving the skill transfer works and the factories education to implement the VOCs emission levy. 2. Continue establishing the coefficients of wastewater station, flare and related manufacture process. 3. Establish the emission inventory to improve the control. 4. Continue adding the HAPs to protect public health. 5. For the maturity of economic attractions, the EPA should focus on the major sources and draft administration control to achieve the most reductions, such as ship constructions. Doing the whole nation VOCs emission reduction works to achieve the final goal of improving the air quality and protecting the health of the nations.
英文關鍵字 volatile organic compounds, air pollution fee, emission coefficients