

中文摘要 本計畫主要針對淡水河、南崁溪、老街溪、濁水溪、新虎尾溪、急水溪、鹽水溪、二仁溪及愛河等9條流域進行河川水體與底泥之基本性質調查及分析水體與底質之污染物含量,並進行包括藻類、螺貝類及底棲生物等之種類及族群分布調查,建立相關生物圖鑑資料,同時應用統計方法探討污染物的污染潛能與可能的污染來源,以提供河川污染管理之參考。藉由流域污染程度評估,來瞭解河川環境水體之背景現況,其中水體品質部分參考河川污染指標(RPI),底質部分主要參考美國環保署之底質污染風險評估基準,針對底質污染情形對水生生物及人體健康造成危害之影響程度,作進一步的評估,生物部分則利用藻類、魚類及大型甲殼類、水棲昆蟲(Shannon 種岐異度指數)作為指標生物來判斷水質階級。針對各測站之水質、底質與生物調查等監測結果,進行污染等級判定,並列出各河段之水質與底質指標物,作為後續監測之參考依據。
中文關鍵字 水質監測, 底質品質基準, 生物指標, 淡水河, 南崁溪, 老街溪, 濁水溪, 新虎尾溪, 急水溪, 鹽水溪, 二仁溪, 愛河


專案計畫編號 EPA-98-L101-02-202 經費年度 098 計畫經費 8000 千元
專案開始日期 2009/02/11 專案結束日期 2009/12/31 專案主持人 葉庭芳
主辦單位 監資處 承辦人 游琇如 執行單位 中環科技事業股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 報告全文(公開版).pdf 0MB

Integrated Investigation and Monitoring for the Water Quality of Tan-Shuei River, Nan-Kan River, Lao-Jie River, Jhuo-Shuei River, Xin-Hu-Wei River, Ji-Shuei River, Yan-Shuei River, Er-Ren River, Love River (2009)

英文摘要 The main purpose of this project is to investigate the background information for the water and sediment of Tan-Shuei River, Nan-Kan River, Lao-Jie River, Jhuo-Shuei River, Xin-Hu-Wei River, Ji-Shuei River, Yan-Shuei River, Er-Ren River, Love River, and to analyze the concentration of pollutants in the river water and sediment. These investigations also include findings of the distribution and varieties of algae, conch, shellfish and benthic organism in the area, and a biological graphic illustration is established. A statistical method is used to study the potential effects of pollution and most probable pollution sources; these findings can serve as a guideline for the oversight of pollution control of this area. In order to understand the environmental background of the river basin under investigation and to estimate the degree of pollution of these rivers, RPI method was used for water quality, and the degree of potential hazards of heavy metals issued by USEPA sediment pollution risk assessment criteria were used as a reference to evaluate the magnitude of harm to human health and aquatic animals resulting from the sediment pollution. Algae, fish, crustacea and aquatic insects were used for the biological evaluation. According to the results of the above findings, we were able to classify the degrees of pollution for the whole river basin under investigation. The distinctive pollutants and major biological species identified from various sections of the river will serve as a guideline for future monitoring.
英文關鍵字 Water Quality Monitoring, Sediment Quality Guildline, Biotic Index, Tan-Shuei River, Nan-Kan River, Lao-Jie River, Jhuo-Shuei River, Xin-Hu-Wei River, Ji-Shuei River, Yan-Shuei River, Er-Ren River, Love River