
2008 環境盃全國大專院校資源回收辯論比賽計畫

中文摘要 2008年「環境盃全國大專院校資源回收辯論比賽」共計吸引了32隊來自台灣各地的大專院校報名參加。本年度的辯論題目分別為『我國應全面禁用免洗餐具』、『我國資源回收體系應由民間運作』。 舉辦本次比賽之目的,在於透過比賽相關的系列活動與比賽本身對資源回收政策議題的討論,對大專學生與社會各界宣導資源回收之成果與相關知識,以及提升各界對資源回收在環保工作中重要性的認識。其次,本次比賽亦期望透過大專學生的討論與思辯,以及專家學者的參與,對資源回收政策提出更多具有創新性之意見。 本次活動分為起跑記者會、開幕式、辯論比賽初賽、複賽、決賽、頒獎典禮等階段性活動。透過這些活動項目之設計,一方面達成對參與的大專學生與社會各界宣導資源回收之效果,他方面透過對兩個辯題之資料蒐集與討論的準備過程,以及比賽過程中的思辯與專家學者的講解,強化大專學生對於資源回收制度相關議題的瞭解與掌握,並進而去親身落實環保的工作,同時並藉由提升其對資源回收與環保議題的長期興趣,落實家園永續經營之目標。
中文關鍵字 環境, 資源回收, 辯論


專案計畫編號 EPA-97-HA11-03-A163 經費年度 097 計畫經費 1080 千元
專案開始日期 2008/05/13 專案結束日期 2008/11/30 專案主持人 趙玉瑋
主辦單位 回收基管會 承辦人 陳怡吟 執行單位 中華中等教育學會


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 20090108期末報告完整版.pdf 10MB [期末報告]公開完整版

The 2008 Environmental Cup Resources Recycling Debate Competition

英文摘要 The 2008 Environmental Cup “Resources Recycling” Debate Competition attracted a total of 32 universities and colleges around Taiwan to participate. There were two topics that have been chosen for the competitions, namely “The disposable plastic tablewares should be banned in Taiwan’ and “The resources recycling system in Taiwan should be privatized” Through the arrangement of a series of related events and the competition process itself, the competition aims at promoting the achievements of resources recycling works in Taiwan and related knowledge among university students and the general public, and at enhancing the understanding of the value and importance of resources recycling system in protecting our environment. It also expected that through the preparation, discussion and debate on the two resources recycling topics, and the participation of academics and experts in the process, new and innovative views on resources recycling policy could be raised. To achieve the aforementioned objectives, the 2008 Environmental Cup Debate competition was consisted of a cascade of events, including the kick-off press conference, the opening ceremony, preliminary round competition, quarter finals, semi finals and finals, as well as the awarding ceremony. The design of the events was to maximize the promotional objective of the competition. Through the preparation, discussion and the instruction delivered by expert referrers, it also hoped to enhance the understanding of resources recycling related issues among university students, and, as a consequent, to participate in environmental protection activities in the future. At the same time, the eventual target was to generate long-term interest in environmental protection related issues so as to achieve sustainable development policy in Taiwan.
英文關鍵字 Recycling、Debate Competition