

中文摘要 「公共腳踏車」是公共交通系統新成員。近幾年歐洲各國的大城市透過廣設腳踏車租借站及發展電子租借(智慧卡、磁卡或信用卡)技術建立自行車租賃系統,配合低廉的使用價格,鼓勵市民選擇自行車為交通工具,來解決交通擁塞、節能減碳及改善空氣品質與都市生活環境。 行政院環保署為改善都會區之空氣污染,鼓勵民眾以腳踏車做為短程捷運接駁交通工具,於96年11月20日召開評選會議,選出由高雄市政府率先試辦公共腳踏車自動租賃系統,希望藉由綠色運輸「公共腳踏車」之建置,提供民眾另一種無污染、便捷、轉乘交通工具之選擇,並落實節能減碳及改善空氣品質。 高雄市現有自行車道已突破200公里,為讓公共自行車租賃系統能與高雄捷運結合,發揮「最後一哩」之接駁功能,於97年11月18日高雄市政府環保局與本案得標團隊統立開發公司簽約,正式合約期間一年、廠商承諾延展經營四年,由統立開發公司負責公共腳踏車租賃系統軟硬體設施之建置及建置完成後之營運,提供方便之公共自行車租借服務,配合安全之自行車騎乘環境,強化以自行車為輔助接駁功能之運輸服務。 「高雄市政府建置接駁型公共腳踏車租賃系統示範計畫」依合約自97年11月18日執行至98年11月18日止(因設置進度延至98年12月9日截止),工作項目包括:設置50個以上公共腳踏車租賃站、提供4,500輛公共腳踏車供民眾租借騎乘、實施自動化及半自動化示範租賃系統、經營管理、舉辦公共腳踏車宣導及推廣活動、並參與政府相關機構主辦、推動與本計劃相關之各項工作檢討及教育訓練。 本計畫執行公共腳踏車租賃站之建置,於交通精華地區規劃站點分佈路網,簽約三個月後(98年2月18日)完成設置20個公共腳踏車自動租賃站,成為全國第一個全自動化公共腳踏車租賃系統,5月18日又完成設置另外30個公共腳踏車自動租賃站,全系統共設置50處以上租賃站:包括50處全自動租賃站(其中20處位於高雄捷運沿線車站)、三個有人服務租賃維修調撥站及三個(美利達)商店加盟租賃站。全自動租賃站之中控台設備、車鎖全部自動化,消費者租借全程電子化自助式作業,每站最多可放置32輛腳踏車供租借;真愛碼頭有人服務租賃站則放置250輛腳踏車供民眾租借。 腳踏車採用美利達自行車廠公共腳踏車特別設計高品質車款,具低跨點、鋁合金車架、三段內變速、摩電車燈、夜間反光、特別標記樣式等,並依依據CIS發展車身顏色及後土除裙網廣告設施,於98年5月18日共設置4,500輛公共腳踏車投入營運。 租賃系統經營管理方面,實施金流及卡務規劃、辦理會員招募、計價核備並實施、民眾及團體騎乘之經營、顧客服務及後勤調撥維修作業等,另外於98年1月底官方網站建置完成,提供「中文版」、「英文版」及「無障礙版」三種版本依照瀏覽者的需求切換,內容有港都鐵馬行、租賃資訊、活動訊息、會員服務、社群及宣傳影片等。至12月中旬已有超過十二萬人次上官方網站瀏覽。 宣導活動成果包括,印刷宣導文宣DM/海報數萬份、3萬份以上宣導贈品、1.6萬冊「慢遊港都高雄公共腳踏車完全手冊」印刷品、捷運站/市區路口天橋/環保車設置或懸掛公共腳踏車廣告標語、捷運月台及電台播放廣告等措施,以推廣公共腳踏車租賃系統及綠色運具。另外,根據合約舉辦三場大型宣導活動,第一場為春節期間在真愛碼頭租賃站舉辦的「真愛鐵馬遊旗津」帶狀活動,主要目的為將全國第一個全自動化公共腳踏車租賃系統介紹給市民;第二場活動「夏日夯Bike 我愛C-Bike高雄市公共腳踏車&美利達單車逍遙遊」,為50站啟用典禮並推廣城市深度旅遊,吸引四千人以上報名參加;第三場活動則為幸福環保騎乘比賽帶狀活動及C-bike樂活一卡通上市記者會,比賽活動總獎額高達500萬元,另外還推出「綠色星期四」優惠活動邀請市民與C-bike一同「綠化」美麗高雄。 自98年2月中旬營運以來、截至98年11月底止,公共腳踏車騎乘人次含自動站租借、人工站租借及團體騎乘總計達13萬人次以上,以「租借支付工具」區分:使用信用卡租借佔56%、使用會員卡佔42%;而以「租還型態」區分:甲借乙還騎乘型態約佔84%比例、甲借甲還僅有16%。騎乘時數累積(11月底)約達560萬分鐘、換算里程約達125萬公里、二氧化碳減排約160公噸以上。
中文關鍵字 公共腳踏車;節能減碳;接駁


專案計畫編號 經費年度 097 計畫經費 89000 千元
專案開始日期 2008/11/18 專案結束日期 2009/12/09 專案主持人 葉致中
主辦單位 高雄市政府環境保護局 承辦人 周日新 執行單位 統立開發(股)公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 3摘要-修.pdf 0MB

Kaohsiung City Public Bike Share Plan

英文摘要 Public bicycle is a new member to the public transportation system. In recent year, European major cities encourage their citizens to choose bicycle as their tool of transportation through extensively developing the bicycle renting system, including bicycle renting station and electronic renting technology (Smart Card、Magnetic Card or Credit Card). It could be argued that bicycle could reduce the flow of traffic、the usage of energy、the release of carbon dioxide and to improve air quality and living environment within the city. In order to reduce the air pollution within metropolitan area, and to achieve the goal of “reduce the usage of energy and release of carbon dioxide”, the Environmental Bureau of the Executive Yuan held up a evaluation and election meeting on 20th of November, 2007, and chose Kaohsiung city as the first trial city for public bicycle self renting system to encourage citizens to choose bicycle as their short-distance transportation tool to connect with the subway. Through the public bicycle self rental system, the government wishes to provide citizens a greener and easier choice of transportation tool. Nowadays, the bicycle lane within Kaohsiung city has extended to more than 200 Kilometers, yet the City Council decided to sign up a contract with Tung Li Development Co., Ltd on 18th of November, 2008, as to maximize the potential of the public bicycle rental system to connect with the city’s subway system. According to the 1 year contract, Tung Li Development Co., Ltd is responsible for setting up the soft and hard ware of the public bicycle rental system, as well as the operation (which Tung Li agrees to extend 4 years), which aims to provide a convenient public bicycle rental service with a safe bicycle ride environment, and to enhance a transportation service connect with the assistance of bicycle within the city. According to the contract, “Demonstration plan of establishing connective public bicycle rental system by Kaohsiung city.” which starts from 18th of November, 2008 to 9th of December, 2009 (Due to delay upon establishment) includes: Establish more than 50 public bicycle rental stations、provides 4,500 public bicycles for rental、establish self or semi-self rental demonstration system、manage and operate the system、held up public bicycle propaganda and promotion、attend to all the work reviews and educational trainings relating to this plan, that provides by government officials. According to the plan, all the public bicycle rental station should be establish around area with intense traffic flow in the city. The first public bicycle self rental system was establish with 20 self rental stations 3 months after the contract was signed (18th of February, 2009), and another 30 self rental stations were established on 18th of May, 2009. After all, there will be more than 50 rental stations established when the entire system is set up, including 50 self rental stations (20 of them located along the Kaohsiung MRT stations) and 6 semi-self rental stations (3 at Merida bicycle shop). Each self rental station provides maximum 32 bicycles with fully automatic control system and bicycle lock, and the entire renting process is also control by an electronic system. On the other hand, the semi-self rental station at Love Pier provides 250 bicycles for rental. All the public bicycles were high quality model specially designed by Merida, and these unique characteristics includes low standover height、aluminum alloy main structure、3 scales transmission、motorized electronic lights、light reflection design and exclusively designed bike, etc. Moreover, the main body color and AD on the fender board were developed according to CIS. At 18th of May, 2009, there are totally 4,500 public bicycles launched into operation. In terms of operation management of the rental system, cash flow plan and membership cards plan were applied together with trial ride for individuals and social groups、customer service and maintenance operation. On the other hand, official website with “Chinese version”、”English version” and” Disable accessible version” were established by the end of January, 2009, which includes introduction to Kaohsiung bicycle tour、rental information、activity information、membership service、social groups and propaganda films. Until middle of December, more the 120 thousand people have visited the website. The result of the propaganda activity includes tens of thousands of DM and posters, more than 30 thousands free gifts, 16 thousands “ A complete guide to public bicycle tour in Kaohsiung ” and commercial slogan deployed among Kaohsiung MRT stations and all other corners within the city to promote public bicycle rental system. Nevertheless, there were 3 large scale propaganda activities held according to the contract. First of all, the “ Lover Pier & Cijin Bike Tour “ held during Chinese New Year at the Love Pier rental station, which aims to introduce the first self rental public bicycle system of Taiwan to the citizen of Kaohsiung. Secondly, the “Kaohsiung Summer bicycle festival” , which aim to promote insight city tour and to celebrate the establishment of number 50 rental station, and attracts more than four thousands people to join. The third activity was the “Ride for happiness and the environment race”, which has the total prize of 5 millions NT dollars, and the press meeting on the launch of C-bike card. Moreover, “Green Thursday” promotional activity was also launched during that time, which aims to invite citizens of Kaohsiung to make the city greener with C-Bike. Since the operation started at the middle of February, to the end of November 2009, there are more than 130 thousands people using the public bicycle rental system. 56% of them used credit cards, and 42% of them used membership cards pay rental charge. 84% of them rent the bicycle at point A and return at point B, and 16% of them rent and return bicycle at the same point. Moreover, the 130 thousands rental is equals 5.6 millions riding minutes and 1.25 millions Km, which reduced more than 160 MT of carbon dioxide emission.
英文關鍵字 Public Bike;Transportation;release of carbon dioxide