

中文摘要 人民申請案件滿意度調查:本次調查對象為台灣地區,於95年7月至96年6月間至環保署申請案件之受訪者。調查時間自96年8月20日起至96年9月7日。採取電腦輔助電話訪問(CATI,Computer Assisted Telephone Interview)方式進行,成功訪問589位受訪者。調查結果顯示:曾打電話給環保署的成功受訪者中,約九成六(95.7%)對環保署接聽電話人員的服務態度表示滿意,不到一成(3.6%)表示不滿意。曾填寫過申請書表格的成功受訪者中,有八成一(81.0%)對案件申請書的表格設計表示滿意,有一成六(16.0%)感到不滿意。曾至環保署洽辦案件的成功受訪者中,有八成六(86.1%)對環保署各單位的服務標示與動線導引明確度表示滿意,約一成三(12.9%)的表示不滿意。曾與環保署收件單位有過接觸的成功受訪者中,有九成七(97.0%)對環保署收件單位服務態度表示滿意,不到一成(3.0%)表示不滿意。曾使用過環保署提供的網路申請服務的成功受訪者中,有八成四(84.0%)對環保署提供的網路申請服務表示滿意,約一成三(12.9%)表示不滿意。有九成四(94.1%)的成功受訪者對於環保署工作人員的服務態度表示滿意,不到一成(3.9%)表示不滿意。約七成三(72.7%)的成功受訪者對環保署審查案件的時程感到滿意,約二成四(23.9%)表示不滿意。需要補件者約九成五(94.9%)對補件手續中工作人員的服務態度表示滿意,不到一成(2.0%)感到不滿意。整體而言有九成三(93.0%)的成功受訪者對環保署處理自己申辦案件的情形感到滿意,僅5.3%感到不滿意。 公害陳情滿意度調查:本調查之調查對象為全國地區,曾經向各級環保機關陳情公害污染案件並留下電話之民眾,成功訪問3,020個受訪者。本專案採取電腦輔助電話訪問(CATI,Computer Assisted Telephone Interview)方式進行。調查結果如下:公害陳情案件類型中,「空氣污染(惡臭)」的比率最高,有三成三(33.1%),其次為「噪音」(31.8%)。約八成八(87.9%)的受訪者對公害陳情專線接聽電話人員的服務態度表示滿意,不滿意的受訪者有一成(10.3%)。約三成九(38.5%)的受訪者對環保人員處理的結果表示滿意,不滿意的受訪者有六成一(60.6%)。有二成九(29.1%)的受訪者會會同環保人員前往現場勘察,約七成一(70.9%)的受訪者則否。提出公害案件陳情檢舉時有會同環保人員前往陳情現場勘察的受訪者中,約七成六(75.8%)的受訪者對環保人員由受理陳情開始至實際到場處理所花費的時間表示滿意,有一成八(18.2%)受訪者不滿意。提出公害案件陳情檢舉時有會同環保人員前往陳情現場勘察的受訪者中,有七成六(76.4%)的受訪者對環保人員處理陳情案件的服務態度表示滿意,有一成九(19.1%)受訪者不滿意。提出公害案件陳情檢舉時有會同環保人員前往陳情現場勘察的受訪者中,有五成九(59.4%)受訪者認為環保人員所表現出來的處理能力夠專業,有二成四(24.2%)受訪者認為環保人員不夠專業。提出公害案件申請時有要求環保單位回復處理情形並收到回復的受訪者中,約七成七(76.9%)的受訪者對環保機關回復處理結果的速度表示滿意。約二成(19.6%)受訪者不滿意。提出公害案件申請時有要求環保單位回復處理情形並收到回復的受訪者中,約七成八(77.7%)的受訪者對環保機關在回復所陳情案件時的態度表示滿意,不滿意的受訪者約二成(19.9%)。約五成三(52.5%)的受訪者表示曾經針對過同一個陳情原因再度陳情。
中文關鍵字 公害陳情案件,人民申請案件,滿意度調查,環境保護署


專案計畫編號 EPA-96-K103-02-208 經費年度 096 計畫經費 430.8 千元
專案開始日期 2007/03/06 專案結束日期 2007/12/31 專案主持人 吳文彬
主辦單位 管考處 承辦人 陳冠章 執行單位 異視行銷市場調查股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 96年度各級環保機關執行公害陳情處理暨本署受理人民申請案件之滿意度調查專案工作計畫成果報告.pdf 8MB [期末報告]公開完整版

2007 The Post-Satisfaction Survey of Local Environmental Administration that Processing Citizen's Complains & The Satisfaction Survey on EPA accept people's application

英文摘要 Every year Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) conducts a survey. The purpose of this survey is to understand the satisfaction about application forms design, service in answering person, service index and layout of EPA, service in receiver, the network service, service in EPA staff, efficiency in case-investigation, service in renew procedure, corrupt situation when EPA accept applications, and the whole satisfaction of EPA. The samples in this investigation were collected from person who filed application to EPA from 2006.7 to 2007.6 in Taiwan. In this case, we use CATI (Computer Assisted Telephone Interview) system and interview 589 applicants successfully. According to the research findings : 95.7 percent of interviewees feel satisfied with the service in answering person. 3.6 percent of interviewees feel dissatisfied. 81.0 percent of interviewees feel satisfied with application forms design. 16.0 percent of interviewees feel dissatisfied. 86.1 percent of interviewees feel satisfied with the service index and layout of EPA. 12.9 percent of interviewees feel dissatisfied. 97.0 percent of interviewees feel satisfied with the service in receiver. 3.0 percent of interviewees feel dissatisfied. 84.0 percent of interviewees feel satisfied with the network service in EPA. 12.9 percent of interviewees feel dissatisfied. 94.1 percent of interviewees feel satisfied with the service in EPA staff. Only 3.9 percent of interviewees feel dissatisfied. 72.7 percent of interviewees feel satisfied with verity efficiency. 23.9 percent of interviewees feel dissatisfied. 94.9 percent of interviewees feel satisfied with the service in renew procedure. Only 2.0 percent of interviewees feel dissatisfied. 93.0 percent of interviewees feel satisfied with the whole service process. Only 5.3 percent of interviewees feel dissatisfied. In order to process the case of citizen’s complains and grievances effectively, the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) has established the Center for Environmental Complains and created a completely management model since 1991. To understand the satisfaction of local environmental administration that processing citizen’s complains, the EPA has commissioned E-Strategy Research Center to investigate the satisfaction of different levels of environmental administration case in dealing with complains cases. The samples of this survey were collected from person who had called 0800-066666 to EPA and left telephone number during January to September in 2007 in Taiwan. And the total interviewers in this survey were 3,020 applicants successfully. During this investigation, CATI (Computer Assisted Telephone Interview) system is applied to survey the data. Results:In the types of public nuisance disputes case, in terms of number of the case, the problem of air pollution is the highest percentage (33.1%), then is noise problem (31.8%). 87.9 percent of interviewees feel satisfied with Environmental Complains Center’s Services. And only 10.3 percent of interviewees feel dissatisfied.38.5 percent of interviewees feel satisfied with processing result of their complains, and 60.6 percent of interviewees feel dissatisfied.29.1 percent of interviewees came to the pollution source with auditors, and 70.9 percent of interviewees don’t.In these interviewees who came to the pollution source with auditors, 75.8 percent of interviewees feel satisfied with the timing that auditor appearance and 18.2 percent of interviewees feel dissatisfied.In these interviewees who came to the pollution source with auditors, 76.4 percent of interviewees feel satisfied with the attitude of auditor’s services, and 19.1 percent of interviewees feel dissatisfied.In these interviewees who came to the pollution source with auditors, 59.4 percent of interviewees feel satisfied with EPA staff’s professional abilities, and 24.2 percent of interviewees feel dissatisfied. In these interviewees who received the response of environmental agency, 76.9 percent of interviewees feel satisfied with the respond timing pervaded by environmental agency, and 19.6 percent of interviewees feel dissatisfied. In these interviewees who received the response of environmental agency, 77.7 percent of interviewees feel satisfied with the respond attitude of environmental agency, and 19.9 percent of interviewees feel dissatisfied.52.5 percent of interviewees express that they plead several times in the same complain case.
英文關鍵字 Processing Citizen’s Complains,people's application,Post-Satisfaction Survey,Environmental Protection Administration