

中文摘要 計畫工作項目主要針對列管 259 種毒性化學物質及具潛在重大危害之非列管毒性化學物質,進行國內外燃燒、爆炸或熱分解等相關危害、影響或研究資料之蒐集。並推估化學物質在運作過程中,發生爆炸或火災意外時,其在火勢波及、熱輻射等高溫環境下,經燃燒或熱分解產生衍生物。依建立之篩選原則,選定約 40 種物質接續後續之燃燒驗證試驗,非列管毒化物物種之篩選,由署內提供十種環境用藥名單為優先考量,另增列非危害事故化學品。除文獻蒐集外,另以理論結構式推估各物質可能衍生物。原規劃10種非毒化物物種,經署內提供10種環境用藥名單為主,經討論決議,建議以環藥製成品進行燃燒試驗或針對特定物種進行試驗,以環藥(正百寧 Cypermethrin)為優先測試對象,其餘依非毒化物事故統計物種,挑選至少10種(含正百寧)物質進行試驗。 高溫裂解儀器實驗分析方面,以緊急排放處理儀 (Vent Sizing Package 2, VSP2) 進行高溫裂解實驗,藉由 VSP2 昇溫及追壓特性,進行化學物種之高溫裂解,後續經由採樣收集後,再透過氣相層析質譜儀 (Gas Chromatography/Mass, GC/MS) 測定分解產物測試。以反應前及反應後之化合物列表比對,如反應前、後均有該物質,則該化合物應屬來自原化合物之主成份或不純物。如為反應後新增的成份則可初步假設為產生之化合物。同時比對空氣採樣袋之分析結果及空白分析結果,確認反應前、後之差異。 燃燒分析實驗方面,燃燒試驗中,則選用熱重分析儀/熱天平 (Thermal Gravimetric Analysis,TGA) 進行:將化學品置於昇溫爐體之秤盤內,藉由昇溫過程中,可獲得物質質量變化之情況,在爐體後端,接續以傅立葉轉換紅外線光譜分析儀 (Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy,FTIR) 進行產生物種之量測。其中依據 TGA 爐體載氣之區分,可進行純氮及氮氧混合比例載氣之燃燒試驗,分別可代表無氧燃燒及有氧燃燒之條件。在已執行之列管及非列管物種中,多數物種所得圖譜,經判別後大多為原生物種,從物質本身物化特性判斷,在加熱過程中相轉換汽化成氣體,在未達可燃燒溫度條件下,已形成蒸氣,在載流氣體帶動下,IR能捕捉到之物種,僅止於原始分析物,而無法有效得知高溫燃燒下之衍生物。 總計針對毒化物部份,共計有35組完全/不完全燃燒TGA-IR試驗已全數完成,高溫裂解 VSP2試驗方面,扣除氣體與固體物種,實完成31種。部份物種衍生物具強烈腐蝕性造成採樣袋毀損,改以氣體採樣瓶進行試驗採樣。非毒化物14種(含環藥正百寧),皆已達合約要求以上。 風險評估工作方法首先針對 269 種化學品(含 259 種毒化物 及10 種非毒化物)進行簡易之風險評估評分計算,以物質相對危害風險等級評估方法,利用DOW 火災爆炸指數 (Fire & Explosion Index, F&EI) 中之物質因子,參考 NFPA 易燃性 (Nf)、反應性 (Nr) 及健康危害性 (Nh) 分類,另依化學品之閃火點/沸點評估物質參數,並考慮其反應特性進行分類及評分,最終結合各項參數因子進行加總,依評分結果進行危害風險等級進行分類。現有 259 種毒化物中,除28種物種分類判定無分類數據,尚無法進行風險度判定外,共計有40種屬高度危害等級、10種為中高度、45種中度、101種低度及35種無顯著危害等級。結合容量、溫度、壓力等參數,提供廠商進行風險等級判別,該判定方法及分類方式將提供廠商自行進行運作化學物質危害風險等級判定。結合物質及製程相對危害等級評估結果,結合風險評估矩陣概念,判斷其對應之相對危害風險,得知造成高危害風險之來源,可依物質本身或製程條件進行改善。透過相對矩陣,依其物質相對危害與製程相對危害,交叉對應判定廠區製程區域危害風險程度。判定主要造成重大或高度風險等結果之來源,進行相對應之防護作為。 五種物種風險評估模擬:結合洩漏源模式及後果分析結果,配合當地地理資訊(可能之人口分佈及點火源分佈之情況)與失誤頻率資料,評估廠區所存在對廠區內員工及鄰近週遭活動人口之個人風險及社會風險值,危害情境依洩漏條件可區分成最嚴重情境 (Worst Case Scenario, WCS) 與可能替代情境 (Alternative Case Scenario, ACS),擴散模擬參考參數,包含毒性效應、火災熱輻射及爆炸過壓值,依後果影響分析結果,配合地理資訊地圖、人口密度進行人員的風險計算,完成5種物質風險評估模擬工作項,選定以氯乙烯、氯氣、光氣、1,3 丁二烯及二硫化碳作為假定廠址模擬目標物,除上述五種毒化物,另針對國內常見易燃、易爆之化學品:液化石油氣 (LPG) 進行非毒化物假定場址模擬。 宣導及教育訓練工作方面,毒性化學物質燃燒衍生污染物資訊手冊之初稿已於98年10月完成,召開一次專家學者建議及意見徵詢、兩次審稿會議,另透過意見徵詢會議,取得各界對於手冊所需求之資訊,修正彙整相關資訊後,召開第二次專家學者建議及意見徵詢,徵詢單位包含政府、業界等,最終透過全省舉辦5場次之教育訓練,藉由宣導直接與業界及相關單位溝通,彙整各方資訊後,經最後調整及校稿後,始進行定稿複印,並提供網路平台下載。 辦理毒性化學物質燃燒衍生物質危害教育訓練方面:於99年01月05日至01月11日完成辦理5天、5場次(每場次半天)預估人次之教育訓練。原訂報名人數為300人,後續實際報名人數達507人,最後總計實際到場人數達595人。
中文關鍵字 毒性化學物質;燃燒;高溫裂解;相對危害風險等級評估方法


專案計畫編號 EPA-97-FA12-03-A230 經費年度 098 計畫經費 4000 千元
專案開始日期 2008/12/26 專案結束日期 2010/02/28 專案主持人 徐啟銘
主辦單位 環管處 承辦人 盧家惠 執行單位 國立雲林科技大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA-97-FA12-03-A230.7z 28MB

The potential risk study of chemical derivatived pollutants by explosion and combustion conditions (

英文摘要 This project aims to understand the 259 kinds of toxic chemical substances, listed by the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) and some potentially serious hazardous chemicals during the “operational acts” with the explosion or fire accidents, the fire spread, heat radiation and other high-temperature environment, the derivatives produced by the combustion or thermal decomposition may result in toxicity, environmental endangering and potential risks. The objectives and project content includes: (1) the research and analyze on the derivatives during combustion, (2) the hazardous risk assessment of the derivative material, (3) review, propaganda and training. The work of this project investigated and collected the references of 259 kinds of toxic chemical substances and potentially hazardous chemicals (non-toxic chemicals) about the combustion, explosion or thermal decomposition and other hazardous information. The derivatives of chemicals in the course of the explosion or fire accidents, combustion or thermal decomposition were estimated. According the established screening principles, about 40 chemicals (30 toxic and 10 non-toxic chemicals) were selected to the burning test. By using Vent Sizing Package 2 (VSP2) for the high temperature pyrolysis experiments, the reaction samples were collected and then the Gas Chromatography/Mass, GC/MS) was employed to determine the decomposition products, as to identify possible chemicals of the derivatives. Using the Thermal Gravimetric Analysis (TGA) for the combustion analysis, followed by the Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) to measure decomposed species. The carrier gas of TGA on behalf of the conditions of the anaerobic (purity nitrogen) and aerobic (nitrogen-oxygen mixture) combustion, respectively. For the IR spectrum, mostly chemicals showed the original species. From the physical and chemical properties of these chemicals, the phase transformation during heating process, mostly chemicals vaporized into gas below the combustion temperature conditions. IR can capture of the species, showing the original compounds that can not be effectively known the derivatives under the high temperature combustion. Risk assessment method for the 269 kinds of chemicals (including 259 kinds toxic and 10 kinds non-toxic chemicals) for summary of the risk assessment score calculated that, with the material’s relative hazard risk rating assessment methods. Referring to the DOW Fire and Explosion Index within a material factor and NFPA flammability (Nf), reactive (Nr) and health hazardous (Nh) classification, the parameters of factors combined to calculate the hazardous score, according to score the results of hazard risk rating classification. Others consider with capacity, temperature, pressure and other parameters, providing manufacturers to determine the process risk rating assessment. Material’s and process’s relative hazard level assessment results combined with the concept of the risk assessment were to determine the relative risk. Consider with the leakage source mode and the result to do the risk assessment, simulation for five chemicals (vinyl chloride, chlorine, phosgene, 1,3-butadiene, carbon disulfide and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG)). This study integrated the local geographic information (population distribution and ignition source distribution) and the fault frequency to assess the potentially personal risk and societal risk about the employees and neighboring population. The demands and opinions for toxic chemical factories were to manufacture the combustion derivatives of toxic chemical information handbook. We collected all information to do the final adjustment, finalize copy and provide network platform to download.
英文關鍵字 Toxic Chemical Substances;Combustion;High Temperature Paralysis;Relative Hazard Risk Rating Assessment Methods