

中文摘要 1本計畫內容主要包括:2007全國資源回收徵文比賽、101則優良回收案例採訪、電台專訪、報紙專題系列報導,及宣導手冊編輯製作。 2本計畫自96年7月19日至96年11月30日,執行成果摘要如下: 2.1建置「2007全國資源回收徵文比賽」活動網站(http://act.udn.com/recycle),內容包含活動內容、得獎名單及得獎作品。 2.2完成辦理「2007全國資源回收徵文比賽」,總計收到來自全省24縣市1,315件作品,經過初、決審後選出各組得獎作品共51名,並於9月4日舉行頒獎典禮,由署長陳重信親臨致詞、頒獎。 2.3「2007全國資源回收徵文比賽」各組特優作品分4次刊登於聯合報繽紛版,透過得獎作品的刊登與全國民眾分享資源回收的美好經驗。 2.4彙整各縣市環保局提報之各案例回收執行現況、特色及值得分享的經驗等資訊,由本報各縣市駐地記者進行現場專訪,主題為回收基金十年有成,共完成全國25縣市101則優良案例採訪作業。 2.5將101則優良案例分「社區」、「機關」、「學校」及「團體」主題,精選出代表案例20則,規劃成4次全版專題刊登於全國性版面,達到宣導資源回收、及成功推廣經驗的分享。 2.6完成5次電台專訪,專訪對象除了4則優良案例外,亦邀請環保署劉副執行秘書接受專訪,由主持人以生活化內容進行訪談,達到宣導資源回收的成效。 2.7完成「回收十年‧點廢成金」專書製作及印製作業。
中文關鍵字 回收基金,資源回收,徵文比賽


專案計畫編號 EPA-96-HA11-03-A203 經費年度 096 計畫經費 2800 千元
專案開始日期 2007/07/19 專案結束日期 2007/12/31 專案主持人 黃素娟
主辦單位 回收基管會 承辦人 王玫楓 執行單位 聯合報


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期末報告 期末報告.rar 36MB [期末報告]公開完整版

Recycling Management Fund 10th Anniversary Project - Group Accomplishments and Writng Contest -

英文摘要 1The main features of the project are: the 2007 Writing Contest for Taiwan's Resource Recycling Experience, 101 exemplary cases of resource recycling, radio interviews, newspaper special reports,publishing the promotional pamphlets. 2The project started on 07/19/07 and ended on 11/30/07. Here is a summary of the results. 2.1We created a website for the 2007 Writing Contest for Taiwan's Resource Recycling Experience(http://act.udn.com/recycle). The contest, prize list and prize winning articles are posted on the website. 2.2We organized and held the 2007 Writing Contest for Taiwan's Resource Recycling Experience. We received 1,315 articles from 24 cities and counties nationwide. 51 articles from different groups are awarded after the preliminary review and final review. The award ceremony was held on September 4, 2007. EPA Minister, Dr.Winston Dang attended the ceremony, making a speech and presenting the prizes. 2.3The prize winning articles from each group appeared on the supplementary page of the United Daily News for four days, sharing the wonderful experience of resource recycling with the nationwide readers. 2.4The local environmental protection bureaus reported the cases of resource recycling and remarkable experience. After collecting the related information, the local reporters of United Daily News in the cities and counties had the spot interviews along with the topic of the accomplishments of Recycling Management Fund 10th Anniversary. There were 101 exemplary cases from 25 cities and counties nationwide being reported. 2.5We selected 20 most representative cases from 101 cases categorized by "community", "institution", "school" and "group". The cases were published as special report on the United Daily news for four days. The promotion of resource recycling and experience sharing is carried out. 2.6Five radio interviews featuring four exemplary case are done. The deputy executive secretary Liu was invited for the interview, which was conducted in an easy and educational style. 2.7The book“Ten Years of Recycling, Turning Trash to Gold”is compiled and published.
英文關鍵字 Recycling Management Fund, Resources Recycling, Writing Contest