

中文摘要 由於生質柴油為一種再生能源,且具有環境保護的益處,因此越來越受重視,本計畫係探討試驗油品〈混合生質柴油〉之油品特性及其對柴油車輛、空氣品質之影響,執行成果如下: 1、 油品分析: 經油品的物、化性分析結果可知,本計畫探討之生質柴油(B20、B40),其優點為具有高十六烷值及極低的硫含量且有良好之潤滑性,而缺點為流動點高。 本計畫進行之廢食用油回收製造生質柴油其產率可達78%,油品品質委託中國石油股份有限公司煉製事業部高雄煉油廠檢驗,檢驗結果均符合歐美生質柴油標準規範,惟含硫量稍偏高探究原因疑似來源複雜。 2、 由93部垃圾車進行示範運行試驗,總行駛里程647,502公里,結果可知: 使用B20的生質柴油時,其污染排放量與使用生質柴油前的超級柴油試驗比較,其黑煙並無降低,HC無明顯降低,惟NO有上升趨勢。 使用B40的生質柴油時,其污染排放量與使用生質柴油前的超級柴油試驗比較,其黑煙並無降低,HC明顯降低, NO上升亦較使用B20有提高趨勢。 3、 問卷分析: 由司機(清潔隊員)問卷中顯示清潔隊員對馬力可接受度佔整體之三成七;對柴油車黑煙排放尚可接受為三成七;對柴油車引擎噪音尚可接受為四成三;對柴油車排放廢氣產生不良氣味尚可接受為三成九,;對生質柴油不瞭解者為五成二;不瞭解試運的目的者為五成二;贊成試用生質柴油者為七成八。 民眾對生質柴油的認知問卷顯示對於台南市的空氣品質感受中等者佔三成六;交通工具的排氣污染較嚴重以垃圾車、貨車佔五成;交通工具的排氣污染較嚴重原因以黑煙約佔三成六;植物油或家用廢油炸油均可提煉為生質柴油不知道者佔六成;植物油或家用廢油炸油提煉為生質柴油藉以改善柴油車空氣污染及臭味贊成者佔之七成五;台南市在執行垃圾車生質柴油試行補助工作計畫不知道佔六成八;台南市在執行垃圾車生質柴油試行後之車輛排氣污染及臭味是否改善,沒有佔五成九;使用生質柴油與超級柴油比較,引擎聲音一樣佔三成;使用生質柴油的獎勵補助配套措施 ,需要者佔四成五;使用生質柴油的滿意度,無所謂佔四成;推廣垃圾車及其他大型車輛使用生質柴油的措施 ,需要佔四成。


專案計畫編號 經費年度 093 計畫經費 2200 千元
專案開始日期 2005/02/05 專案結束日期 2006/02/04 專案主持人
主辦單位 臺南市政府環境保護局 承辦人 執行單位 國立高雄第一科技大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 台南市93年生質柴油-PDF.rar 1MB [期末報告]公開完整版
英文摘要 ABSTRACT Because getting quality diesel as a kind of renewable energy, and have the advantage of the environmental protection, so come to be more valued more, this project is to inquire in to experiment the oil article 〈 admixture to get the oil article characteristic of the quality diesel 〉 and it to the influence of the diesel vehicle, air quality, carry out the result as follows: 1、 The oil article is analytical: Through the thing of the oil article, turn the sex the analysis the result and can know, this project study it gets the quality diesel( B20, B40), in order to have high 16 alkane values and very low sulphurses to contain the quantity and is the good lubricity, its advantage and weakness is to flow to order high. This project carries on it discard the edible oil recovery manufacturing to get the quality diesel it to produce the rate and can amount to 78%, the oil article quality entrusts the Chinese petroleum incorporated company to refine department Kaohsiung oil refinery the examination, examination the result all matches the Europe and America to get the standard in quality diesel, containing the slightly higher investigation reason in sulphur quantity however is complicated like the source. 2、 Carry on the demonstration to circulate to experiment by 93 garbage trucks, the head office drives 647,502 kilometers of a distance, the result can know: When using the B20 get the quality diesel, its pollution exhausts to measure to get the super diesel in quality diesel with usage to experiment the comparison, its black smoke did not reduce, the HC has no to reduce obviously, however NO contain rising trend. When using the B40 get the quality diesel, its pollution exhausts to measure to get the super diesel in quality diesel with usage to experiment the comparison, its black smoke did not reduce, the HC reduces obviously, the NO rises to also compare to use B20 contain exaltation trend. 3、 The questionnaire is analytical: By driver( sweep the member of team) questionnaire the manifestation sweep the member of team and can accept the degree to have to the horsepower whole and 37%;Exhaust to the black smoke in diesel car to accept to 37% fair;Accept to 43% to the diesel car- powered noise fair;Exhaust the waste gas to produce the bad smell to the diesel car to accept to 39% fair,;Is 52% to the one who get quality diesel does not understand;Don't understand and try the purpose of the luck to 52%;The one who approve try out to get the quality diesel is 78%. The people have to the one who get the cognition questionnaire of the quality diesel manifestation for the air quality feeling of Tainan City etc.36%;The row spirit pollution of the vehicle compares to have with the garbage truck, truck seriously 50%;The more serious reason in row spirit pollution of the vehicle has about with the black smoke 36%;The plant oil or domestic expenses the one who discard fry in oil the oil and all can refine for get the quality diesel and does not knows have 60%;The plant oil or domestic expenses the one who discard fry in oil the oil to refine for get the quality diesel by toing improve diesel car air pollution and bad smells approves have it 75%;Tainan City is carrying out the garbage truck to get the quality diesel to try to make to subsidize the work project to does not know to have 68%;Tainan City is after carrying out the garbage truck to get the quality diesel to try to make its vehicle arranges whether spirit pollution and bad smells improve or not, did not have 59%;The usage gets the quality diesel and super diesel to compare, the engine voice is similar to have 30%;The usage the one who get the reward subsidy integration of the quality diesel, need has 45%;The usage gets the satisfaction of the quality diesel, the doesn't matter has 40%;Expanding garbage truck and other large vehicle usageses gets the measure of the quality diesel, needing to be had 40%.