

中文摘要 96年度資源回收率最低之3縣市分別為嘉義市、嘉義縣、雲林縣,本計畫分別於每季進行一次實地訪察作業,輔導訪談總計12次。輔導中可明確感受嘉義縣、嘉義市自我提升的積極程度,由表4.4-2可看出,在四次的輔導過程中嘉義縣,嘉義市資源回收率呈現明顯上升情況(96年度嘉義縣資源回收率為16.40%,至98年5月止,嘉義縣進步約5%達21.20%;96年度嘉義市為20.48%,至98年5月止,嘉義市進步約6%達26.34%)。 嘉義縣於垃圾收運時由清潔隊員親力親為宣導政策,有效提昇資源回收效果;但對於觀光地區如阿里山鄉資源回收率僅15.7%,應有更多改善作為,加強觀光景點的回收宣導工作。嘉義市部分積極收集個體業者與社區之回收量,使回收量有效提升,另辦理甚多宣導活動加強民眾配合意願及環保概念;但每人每日垃圾清運量0.72kg仍遠高於全國平均值(0.52kg),建議強化對機關、學校、社區執行強制分類時之稽查手段,以落實於數據績效上。雲林縣除人員異動甚為頻繁外,於歷次輔導過程中多反應環保局辦理資源回收人力不足,且地方清潔隊配合度不佳,造成環保局政策無法推動,另人口外移,垃圾量並不多亦降低資源回收量。 本計畫有鑒於97年度結合大甲媽祖繞境活動,具有相當良好的資源回收成效,故持續協助規劃98年度之「2009媽祖遶境、台灣乾 2 淨」活動,並以「有回收有保庇,環保擱福氣」作為活動口號,在98年3月22日至3月29日8天7夜繞境活動中,協助台中縣、彰化縣、雲林縣、嘉義縣共同辦理。此次活動共由27家民間企業捐贈購置約6,000個資源回收桶沿著遶境途中擺設,活動期間總計有回收52公噸資源回收物之效益,換算成600ml寶特瓶約有260萬支,相較去年提昇回收物約11公噸,成效卓著。
中文關鍵字 資源回收, 資源回收績效考核, 形象改造


專案計畫編號 EPA-97-HA14-03-A187 經費年度 097 計畫經費 3750 千元
專案開始日期 2008/07/01 專案結束日期 2009/06/30 專案主持人 蔡永興
主辦單位 回收基管會 承辦人 葉明昇 執行單位 晶淨科技股份有限公司


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Project for Assisting the Executive Agencies of this Country in Reinforcing Resource Recycling in 2008

英文摘要 The three counties (cities) with the lowest recycling rate in 2007 included Chiayi city, Chiayi County, and Yunlin County. The determination of Chiayi County and Chiayi City in self-upgrading is sensed during the consultation. The recycling rate of Chiayi County and Chiayi City is increased significantly after four consultations (the recycling rate of Chiayi County in 2007 was 16.40% and it was up by 5% to 21.20% in May 2009; the recycling rate of Chiayi City was 20.48% in 2007 and it was up by 6% to 26.34% in May 2009). City garbage men advocate recycling while driving garbage truck on the street in Chiayi County to help upgrade garbage recycling. Chiayi City has collected the recycling volume of individuals and community aggressively to improve recycling rate effectively. Propagandas were arranged to encourage the public to cooperate in recycling and to educate the public the sense of environmental protection. However, the garbage production per person per day in this city is 0.72kg that is beyond the national average of 0.52kg. The mandatory garbage sorting of institutes, schools, and communities must be inspected forcefully to improve the performance. Recruits are replaced frequently in Yunlin County. The problem of insufficient manpower for recycling task was reported during the consultation; moreover, local garbage squad does not cooperate fully; therefore, the policy of Environmental Protection Department has not been enforced successfully. Yunlin County is an emigrating county; therefore, garbage volume is minor and garbage recycling is inactive. The project was with a great success in 2008 by combing recycling effort with Taiwan Treasure MaZu activity. The “Taiwan Treasure MaZu for Environmental Protection” is arranged in 2009 and promoting the slogan of “MaZu blesses recycling for environmental protection. Twenty-seven private businesses had donated around 6,000 garbage cans located on the streets of the grand tour and with 52 tons of garbage collected equivalent to 2.6 million 600ml-bottle representing 11 tons more garbage collected comparing to the year before.
英文關鍵字 Recycling, Assess Efficiency, Image Improvement value