

中文摘要 此計畫與歐盟第七期空氣污染計畫連結,以使環境監測濃度與群眾暴露作更好之連結,共分為三部分。一、驗證歐空氣污染物(包含NOX,PM2.5等兩項)之室外微環境採樣方法本土化之可行性,並研擬標準方法草案:除確認歐盟之採樣方法外,並在台北及高雄都會區共四處地點採樣並與現有監測網路系統比較後,認為歐盟之空氣污染物採樣方法:Harvard Impactor採PM2.5及Ogawa Passive Sampler採NOX及NO2為可行,同時決定PM2.5之精確度標準為9%,而NOX及NO2精確度分為5%及3%,並透過原廠資訊及國內外相關資訊,研擬適用於我國微環境採樣標準方法草案。二、完成研擬地理資訊系統(GIS)推估空氣污染暴露評估狀況之規範,空氣品質監測站細部監測網路(包含NOX,PM等兩項)平台:以台北市為例,透過數個變項,如人口密度、交通流量及空氣污染物濃度空間變異度等,示範建立一個以暴露評估為基礎之微環境監測網路,並結合歐盟選擇戶外微環境監測地點之規範,研擬適用我國之建立PM2.5及NOX細部監測網路規範。三、評估及說明我國與歐盟之空氣擴散與土地利用回歸模式差異性,討論相關研究結果對於空氣品質管理政策之影響:完成回顧和比較我國與歐盟空氣擴散與土地利用回歸模式差異性,評估建立台灣的土地利用回歸模式所需資料之可行性,並分析暴露評估模式如何影響我國空氣品質管理政策。整體計畫進行流程由學術面研究進入政策面評估,最後對各分項工作在此計畫結案後之未來發展提出建議。
中文關鍵字 空氣污染物,暴露評估


專案計畫編號 EPA-96-FA11-03-A226 經費年度 096 計畫經費 1400 千元
專案開始日期 2007/11/26 專案結束日期 2008/07/31 專案主持人 詹長權
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 丁培修 執行單位 國立台灣大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 空氣污染物暴露評估規範先期規劃結案報告書.pdf 101MB [期末報告]公開完整版

Air Pollutant Exposure Assessment

英文摘要 This feasibility study is in collaboration with the European Union's project on air pollution. The main objective is to understand the relationship between environmental concentration and population exposure. (1) Our field experiments were based on the sampling methodology developed by EU. We compared the sampling results to the continuous monitoring data collected at the air monitoring network in Taipei and Kauoshung city. We then drafted a standard method for outdoor microenvironmental monitoring of PM2.5 and NOX. (2) Using Taipei city as an example, we demonstrated the feasibility of setting up a technical platform for exposure assessment. This platform is based on the GIS technology and integrated the information of population density, traffic flow data, and pollutant spatial distributions which were obtained from data collected from current air quality monitoring network. (3) Finally, we compared the differences between the air dispersion models and land use regression models in Taiwan to those in the EU. We further proposed how to incorporate the concept of exposure assessment into our national air quality management policy.
英文關鍵字 air,pollutant,exposure,assessment