

中文摘要 環保署為瞭解台灣本身的環境變遷問題及其與生態系之間的關係,積極推動二氧化碳通量之監測。棲蘭山二氧化碳通量觀測站於2005年4月開始觀測,觀測項目包括CO2、H2O濃度、三維風速及一些相關的氣象因子。CO2、可感熱、蒸發散通量均是以渦度相關法計算。因為開路式系統無法避免的雨霧干擾,天氣不佳時的資料缺失相當多,2007年7月開始改用一個三維風速計及開路式二氧化碳及水汽分析儀及閉路式二氧化碳及水汽分析儀合併的系統,以克服開路式系統在雨霧中無法觀測的困難。2007年7月後的資料顯示逐月的CO2通量在200~340 g CO2/m2/month之間,並沒有明顯的季節變異。其中CO2通量以2008/03最高,2008/02最低,次低的月分則是2007/11。以這16個月的CO2通量量測推估此一扁柏林分的年CO2吸存量約為32.5 ton/ha/year(8.9tonC/ha/year)。夜間CO2的通量主要源自呼吸作用,除了2007/11以外,大致上符合隨土壤溫度的昇高加而增加。棲蘭地區的土壤溫度季節性的變化不大,因此晚上CO2通量季節性的變動亦不大。至於2007/11的晚間CO2通量異常的低,可能與2007/10、2007/11連續兩個月降雨量均超過1000mm,土壤非常潮溼有關。GPP可由白天與夜間的CO2通量的差來估算。棲蘭試區的GPP隨散射的光合作用有效光量子而增加,顯示多雲霧地區光環境的改變,是控制此一扁柏林的淨生態系交換的季節格局的主要因子。台灣霧林帶的森林因為霧所造成的光環境,與其它地區的森林相較其生理生態相當不同,是相當有價值的一個研究課題。棲蘭山二氧化碳通量觀測站以台灣森林所分布的地形而言屬於緩坡(15°),但相較歐、美現有之通量測站而言,棲蘭山通量測站屬於陡坡的試區,渦度相關法中對平流項的通量如何處理亦仍屬於亟待研究的課題。
中文關鍵字 二氧化碳通量,渦度相關法,長期生態研究


專案計畫編號 EPA-96-FA11-03-2 經費年度 097 計畫經費 5400 千元
專案開始日期 2007/04/11 專案結束日期 2008/12/31 專案主持人 夏禹九
主辦單位 監資處 承辦人 吳權芳 執行單位 東華大學自然資源管理研究所


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 期末報告定稿EPA-96-FA11-03-A027-2.pdf 4MB [期末報告]公開完整版

Carbon Dioxide Flux Station Operation and Data Analysis

英文摘要 In order to understand the relationship between environmental change and terrestrial ecosystems, the Environmental Protection Administration is promoting a network of carbon dioxide flux monitoring station in Taiwan. The ChiLan flux monitoring station has operated since May, 2005. Fluxes of carbon dioxide, water vapor, and sensible heat fluxes over the forest canopy were measured by the eddy covariance method with a 3-D sonic anemometer and an open-path analyzer mounted on top of a 24-meter instrument tower over a natural regenerated stand consists mainly of the tree species of Taiwan cypress (Chamecyparis obtuse var. formosna). Due to the rain or fog water often block the window of open path gas analyzer, calculation of fluxes during foggy and rainy period has been difficult at the Chilan site. A system which combines open path and close path gas analyzers has been established since August, 2007. Synchronized analog signals from the both gas analyzers and the 3-D sonic anemometer were recorded with a sampling rate of 10 Hz by a data logger. Raw data as well as 30-minute statistics were then retrieved by a desktop computer and stored for later analysis. Located on a valley slope of 15°, the Chilan site is considered to be a difficult steep slope site for the eddy covariance technique. Considerable amount of fluxes due to local advection are difficult to measure and the uncertainty of flux estimations is an inherit problem of the horizontal homogeneity requirement of the eddy covariance technique. The Chilan flux tower site, therefore not only suited to be a long term forest carbon flux measurement site but also can contribute significant scientific findings for heat, water, and carbon fluxes measurement of mountainous forest area. Flux measurement indicated that there is no clear seasonal pattern of net ecosystem exchange at the Chilan site comparing with similar forest tree species stand of temperate climate region. Monthly CO2 fluxes range from 200 – 300 g CO2/m2/month and sum up to an annual total CO2 sequestration of 32.5 metric ton/ha/year or 8.9 metric ton C/ha/year. Nighttime mean CO2 fluxes generally varied with soil temperature except for 2007/11 when the forest soil was near its saturation as the monthly rainfall amounted over 1000 mm in two consecutive months. Mean GPP estimated by subtracting the nighttime CO2 fluxes from the daytime CO2 fluxes were related the amount of diffuse PPFD suggesting that fog is the main control factor of CO2 flux. The CLM site is located at a valley slope of 15o and is considered to be a difficult site in terms of the requirement of the application of eddy covariance measurement of fluxes. Further study is still needed to clarify the problems inherent from the advection flow at steep slope forest site.
英文關鍵字 carbon dioxide flux, eddy covariance, long term ecological research