

中文摘要 天然氣是公認最乾淨的替代燃料之一,由於原始型態即為液態,因此可直接作為車用燃料,並具有能源與經濟效益。行政院環境保護署為改善國內空氣品質,藉由本計畫建置車用液化天然氣污染測試平台,執行國內業者DDF車之污染驗證;並透過業者訪談、各國推廣策略及管制法令相關資料之蒐集,研擬實際可行之補助辦法草案,供環保署參考。另針對法規層面,本計畫亦已依各部會權責提出增修法令建議供參。 本計畫共計有1家業者參與DDF污染驗證測試,測試結果為PM、NOX均有程度不等之減量效益,惟車輛改裝後THC與CO分別呈現250倍與3倍之增量現象,並無全面性污染減量效益,此結果與美國DDF車示範運行計畫有相同趨勢。經濟效益部分,DDF改裝費用為115萬/輛,高於使用中車輛殘值,將影響車主使用意願。 依本計畫針對使用中車輛改裝為DDF車與購置LNG單燃料新車之經濟性與污染減量效益評比分析,結果顯示DDF改裝車輛之效益明顯低於單燃料LNG新車,且LNG單燃料車輛於國際上已屬成熟商品,不但可享有原廠完整之售後服務與耐久保固,其價格與同級柴油車亦日趨接近,因此建議可將單燃料LNG新車列為優先推動對象,並規劃相關配套推廣策略。
中文關鍵字 天然氣車輛;液化天然氣;污染減量效益


專案計畫編號 EPA-97-FA13-03-A215 經費年度 097 計畫經費 4300 千元
專案開始日期 2008/09/19 專案結束日期 2009/12/31 專案主持人 呂振宇
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 張和中 執行單位 財團法人車輛研究測試中心


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 97液化天然氣污染測試效益報告(完整版).pdf 23MB

The exclusive emission verification platform established to determine the engine which powered by Li

英文摘要 The natural gas is the cleanest fuels in the world. Because of its liquid phase, It meets the energy saving benefit on vehicles energy supply. In order to improve domestic emission, the Environmental Protection Department in Taiwan build the Liquefied Nature Gas emission verification platform to verify the emission on vehicles DDF conversion from the domestic industry apply. By interviewing industry、collecting global promote policy and relative regulation,the workable subsidize draft could be researched for Environmental Protection Department reference. Regarding to the regulation field,The project has proposed recommends for modifying regulation in the future. One company has applied this project to test diesel engine from conversing DDF. From the test result, it shows PM and NOX value decreased after conversing DDF, except 250 times THC value and 3 times CO value increase . It’s no significantly emission decrease overall. This result has the same trend with United State's DDF vehicles test. From economic evaluation, The cost to converse DDF is NTD1150000 per vehicle which is higher than salvage value. It affects the willing for the owners to converse the DDF. From the emission decrease performance comparison from in-use vehicles converse DDF and new vehicles with LNG,it shows lower performance of DDF converse to new vehicles with LNG. Since LNG vehicles are mature products globally with good customer service and quality guarantee,the price is closer to diesel vehicles,It is suggested that dedicated LNG vehicles can be first target and plan a long-term strategy to prompt.
英文關鍵字 Natural Gas Vehicle;Liquefied Nature Gas;Applying Benefit Assessment