

中文摘要 本研究目的,係建立河川水質淨化工程評鑑制度,並進行指定23處26個場址現勘操作維護管理試評作業,及擬定水質自然淨化人工濕地設計規劃操作管理參考手冊,以供顧問工程公司等民間單位參考使用,並進行關渡自然公園礫間接觸示範模場之水質淨化效益追蹤研究,及辦理2場教育講習會。其成果如下: (一)完成「水質自然淨化—人工溼地設計規劃操作管理參考手冊」,並依據規劃、監造、操作維護管理等階段分7個章節探討,本手冊將可提供地方環保機關及民間公司等相關單位,在建制與維護操作人工溼地技術作法上有所參考依據,使本署推廣以水質淨化為主之人工溼地,持續邁進。 (二)完成國內河川水質淨化工法維護管理查核制度表格並進行23處26個場址操作維護管理試評作業,試評結果整體維護管理表現在人工溼地部分為甲等(84.38分)、礫間接觸氧化工程部分為乙等(79.60分)、漫地流工程部分為甲等(84.90分)。 (三)經比較國內目前已營運中不同等級污水處理廠處理費用,顯示表面流人工溼地在單位處理量操作維護費用較初級處理便宜0.21元/CMD、二級處理14.41元/CMD及三級處理20.71元/CMD。 (四)礫間處理生物膜去除污染物質機制探討(以關渡礫間模場為例),附著在礫石之生物膜菌銖大多屬於河川水體中普遍存在的微生物,主要是Cyanobacteria、Chroococcidiopsis和高含氮量水體常見的菌種,有利去除水中有機質。 (五)為促進國內各界(產官學)對河川水質競化工法技術之提升與交流,分別於6月8日及10月31日於台北及高雄等地各舉辦乙場教育講習會,並邀集日本及國內專家學者與會分享其相關經驗,經統計與會人數共計218人。
中文關鍵字 現地處理,人工濕地規劃設計管理參考手冊,維護操作查核


專案計畫編號 EPA-96-U1G1-02-101 經費年度 096 計畫經費 4100 千元
專案開始日期 2007/02/01 專案結束日期 2007/12/31 專案主持人 張文亮
主辦單位 水保處 承辦人 陳啟仁 執行單位 台灣大學生態工程研究中心


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 期末報告.rar 39MB [期末報告]公開完整版

Establishing Engineering Guideline and Assessment of Purification Technology to Improve Stream Water Quality.

英文摘要 The main purposes of this research include establishing an assessment system of river water natural purification engineering, assessing the operation and maintenance status of 26 sites, drawing up a reference manual of designing and managing constructed wetlands for civil use, following up the natural purification effect of the pilot scale contact gravel bed at Guandu Nature Park, and holding two educational conferences. (1). Accomplish “Water Natural Purification – Designing and Managing Constructed Wetlands Reference Manual.” This manual consists seven chapters include design, operation, maintenance, and management, and is giving referential information of constructed wetlands for domestic environmental protect bureaus and other relevant civil agencies uses. (2).Assessing operation and managing status of 26 sites and establishing self-checking list. About the result of assessment, the category of free water surface constructed wetland gets 84.38 points, contact oxidize gravel bed gets 79.60, and overland flow gets 84.90. (3).Compare the economic effect with swage plant on wastewater treatment, free water surface constructed wetland is $0.21 NTD/CMD cheaper on primary treatment, $14.41 NTD/CMD on secondary treatment, and $20.71/CMD on tertiary treatment. (4). The research of gravel bio-film de-pollutant mechanism held on the pilot scale contact gravel bed at Guandu Nature Park reveals the most common bacteria genus founded within bio-film are Cyanobacteria and Chroococcidiopsis, which are common in high N-concentration water and do help degrading organic N. (5). To enhance the technique of river water natural purification engineering, and improve the communication between official and civil experts, two educational conferences were held at June 8th (Taipei) and October 31st (Kaohsiung). Through inviting scholars from Japan and Taiwan, about 218 people attended these conferences and shared relevant experiences.
英文關鍵字 on-site treatment,a handbook on managing and designing constructed wetlands,maintenance quality control