

中文摘要 本研究爲完成本計畫三大目標,從下列工作目標進行規劃與研究,其成果說明如下: 一、執行補助款申請案件之受理、審查、查核及撥款前置作業工作: 本年度執行97年1月至97年12月共12個月份「液化石油氣氣價補助及查核」補助款申請案之審查及撥款工作,目前共受理及審查計27站,每站每月提出申請案件,一共受理及審查273件申請案,共核發補助104,600,752.23公升(新台幣209,201,505元);並完成全台27家共117站次加氣站現場查核。藉由建立標準化作業程序,以達至有效管理補助款查核;並執行業者強化CCTV監視系統之錄存、行照查核電子化簡化作業、資料庫建置及加氣行為分析、異常事件處理等,以落實執行抽查工作,協助建立良性市場之運作。 二、蒐集、檢討及分析國內外液化石油氣及加氣站相關資訊: 1、國際油氣雙燃料車推動情形: 本計畫共計蒐集南韓、土耳其、日本(亞洲),波蘭、義大利、俄羅斯、荷蘭、保加利亞、立陶宛、捷克、法國(歐洲),美洲的墨西哥、美國,大洋洲的澳大利亞,以及位處非洲的阿爾及利亞等15國家。 有關國外油氣雙燃料車之推廣策略主要包括優惠燃料稅、改裝車輛補助、加氣站設置補助、設立油氣雙燃料車自由通行區等。其中實施優惠燃料稅之國家主要包括:南韓、日本、土耳其、義大利、俄羅斯、荷蘭、法國、墨西哥、澳大利亞、阿爾及利亞、瑞典等國。改裝車輛補助之國家主要包括:南韓、日本、義大利、美國、澳大利亞。加氣站設置補助之國家主要包括:日本、美國。設立油氣雙燃料車自由通行區之國家包括:南韓、義大利、法國、墨西哥。 另外,其它推動油氣雙燃料車發展的有利條件包括:油氣雙燃料車價格具有優勢、改裝成本低廉等因素。 2、國內油氣雙燃料車及加氣站巿場現況等數據資料: (1)根據96年12月底車籍資料顯示,使用中油氣雙燃料車約為1.2萬輛,97年度新增車輛數為8,255輛,至97年12月底,油氣雙燃料車總數達20,255輛。 (2)目前國內共有6家改裝廠,全台共計有36個服務聯絡點、12家改裝廠簽約經銷商,可改裝之三廂式及二廂式車型分別有75款及22款,7月份改裝數量最高產能約為1,686輛,後因油氣價差逐漸縮小,降低民眾使用液化石油氣意願,使得改裝數量大幅下滑。 (3)交通部辦理液化石油氣汽車改裝及檢驗人員訓練,至97年底,受訓合格取得證明者共有299人。 (4)液化石油氣加氣站全台共有27站,分別位於台北市(5站)、台北縣(7站)、宜蘭縣(1站)、基隆市(1站)、桃園縣(3站)、台中市(2站)、台南縣(3站)、台南市(1站)、高雄縣(1站)及高雄市(3站)十個縣市地區,而台灣島仍有12個縣市無加氣站。 (5)目前市面上由車廠銷售並負維修保固責任之油氣雙燃料車計有9款,分別為中華汽車之MITSUBISHI GRUNDER 2.4、FORTIS 1.8及2.0,裕隆通用之別克 EXCELLE 1.8,裕隆日產 TEANA 2.0、2.3、 3.5、 TIIDA 1.8及BLUE BIRD 2.0。另TOYOTA 亦與改裝廠洽談加入新車改裝行列,中華汽車公司並研議生產油氣雙燃料新車。 3、成本效益評估:油氣雙燃料車整體產業結構主要角色包括:使用者、改裝廠、加氣站與主管機關,因此,有關成本效益評估包括:使用者、加氣站與改裝廠。 (1)假設計程車使用95無鉛汽油(97年平均價格為30元/公升)平均燃油效率為每公升9.7公里、行駛成本為每公里3.1元,使用液化石油氣(97年平均價格為17.4元/公升)平均燃油效率為每公升8.9公里、行駛成本為每公里1.9元,每天行駛142公里,每個月行駛28天,則使用者使用液化石油氣每月可節省燃料費約4,771元。(資料來源:96年交通部統計處計程車營業狀況調查報告) (2)加氣站如未經補助,每日需有250輛車才可達損益平衡;若補助700萬元,則降為每日225輛;若補助1000萬元,則為218輛。 (3)在空氣污染減量成效方面,LPG相對汽油增減量,分別是CO減少0.35(g/km)、HC減少0.0028(g/km)、NOX增加0.15(g/km)及CO2減少31.4(g/km)。 (資料來源:95年財團法人車輛研究測試中心執行液化石油氣氣價補助及查核暨污染減量實車測試報告書) 三、加強教育訓練及業務聯繫部分: 本公司分別於民國97年9月24日舉辦「97年度加強推動使用油氣雙燃料車業務聯繫會」、98年2月13日舉辦「推廣使用油氣雙燃料(LPG)車示範觀摩會」及97年8月7日、97年12月8日及98年1月13日舉辦三場次之「加強推動使用油氣雙燃料車系列座談會」。 綜合以上推廣使用油氣雙燃料車相關會議,有關與會人士意見與建議彙整如下: 1、加氣站數雖有增加但仍不足夠,降低民眾改裝意願。 2、加氣站設置成本高及受限加氣站設置規定,降低增設加氣站意願。 3、油氣價差與改裝油氣雙燃料車之數量成正比。 4、加強宣導油氣雙燃料車之技術與品質。 5、合格改裝廠品質之管制。
中文關鍵字 液化石油氣, 空氣污染減量, 油氣雙燃料車


專案計畫編號 EPA-97-FA13-03-D057 經費年度 097 計畫經費 4395 千元
專案開始日期 2008/03/01 專案結束日期 2009/04/30 專案主持人 沈弘文
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 徐淑芷 執行單位 饒河管理顧問有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 期末報告.rar 103MB [期末報告]公開完整版

The Inspection Project of the LPG Price Subsidy Program

英文摘要 In order to fulfill three principal achievements of this research project, we have completed several planning and research processes listed as followed: 1. Execution of subsidies schemes including forehand operation on application, qualification and appropriation. From January to December of 2008, we have carried out “LPG subsidies schemes procedure” from application, qualification to appropriation. At this moment, there are 27 certificated stations with 273 monthly applications which have undergone qualification procedures. As the result, 104,600,752.23 liters filled LPG were qualified (i.e. 209,201,505 NT dollars were granted). On the other hand, we have completed 117 rounds of on-site inspection upon 27 LPG stations all around Taiwan. With standardized operational processes, we can effectively manage LPG subsides schemes. Furthermore, with the installation of CCTV monitoring system, nonscheduled inspection, and LPG consumption database establishment and analysis, as well as unusual incident handling procedures, we can provide sound and competitive environment for LPG industry. In order to reduce the paper use, we also introduce a computerization reform to simplify licenses verification. 2. Collection of international and domestic LPG relative information with advanced comparison and analysis i. International parts We have surveyed LPG industry practices among 15 countries, including 3 Asian countries (South Korea, Turkey, Japan), 8 European countries (Poland, Italy, Russia, Holland, Bulgaria, Lithuania, Czech Republic, France), 2 American countries (U.S.A., Mexico), 1 African country (Algeria) and Australia. To sum up international LPG promotion strategies, there are favorable excise duty, vehicle conversion pension, LPG station subvention, free-zone designed for LPG vehicles and so on. Those countries who take favorable excise duty into practice including South Korea, Japan, Turkey, Italy, Russia, Holland, France, Mexico, Australia, Algeria and Sweden. As for conversion pension, there are South Korea, Japan, Italy, U.S.A. and Australia on the list. Japan and U.S.A. implement LPG station subvention and we could find out free-zone designed for LPG vehicles in South Korea, Italy, France and Mexico. In addition to those promotional strategies, low fuel price and low conversion cost are incentives for LPG vehicle market penetration. ii. Domestic parts a. According to vehicle registration data, there were 12 thousand LPG vehicles by the end of 2007. Newly-registered number was 8,255 in 2008, which increased the total number to 20,255 by the end of 2008. b. There are six LPG vehicle conversion companies with 36 service bases in total. Furthermore, there are 12 contracted franchisees available to convert 75 sedan models and 22 hatchback ones. The most monthly converting capacity was 1,686 units occurred in July, 2008. Due to the diminution of price gap between LPG and gasoline since then, the motivation for conversion has decreased significantly so that the number of vehicle converted has dropped consequently. c. According to LPG conversion and inspection training program held by the Ministry of Transportation and Communication, there were 299 certificated trainees by the end of 2008. d. There are 27 LPG stations distributed among 10 administrative regions in Taiwan as followed: Taipei City (5 stations), Taipei County (7 stations), I-Lan County (1 station), Kee-Lung City (1 station), Tao-Yuan County (3 stations), Taichung City (2 stations), Tainan City (1 station), Tainan County (3 stations), Kaohsiung City (3 stations) and Kaohsiung County (1 station). There are still 12 administration sectors, therefore, without any LPG station. e. There are nine LPG vehicle models available in the market with granted repair and maintenance service provided by manufacturers at present. They are Mitsubishi Grunder 2.4, Fortis 1.8 and 2.0 (belonging to CMC Motor), Buick Excelle 1.8 (Yulon General Motors), Teana 2.0, 2.3, and 3.5, Tiida 1.8, Blue Bird 2.0 (Yulon-Nissan Motor). In addition, Toyota is now negotiating with Taiwan converters to join LPG industry as well as CMC Motor is now carrying on LPG manufacture projects. iii. Cost and benefit analysis: main players in LPG industry include end-users, converters, LPG stations and the authority. Consequently, when taking cost and benefit analysis into consideration, we should not ignore the opinions from the private sector. a. Supposing a Taxi filled with 95 unblended gasoline (average price in 2008 was 30 NTD/liter) whose CAFE was 9.7 km/liter, its average cost per km was 3.1 NT dollars. If the taxi converting to LPG (average price in 2008 was 17.4 NTD/liter) with CAFE as 8.9 km/liter, average cost per km would be 1.9 NT dollars. If the taxi runs 28 days per month, 142 kms everyday, it would economize 4,771 NT dollars in total. (Reference: “Survey on the operation condition of taxi carrier”, The Department of Statistics, Ministry Of Transportation & Communications R.O.C.,2007) b. Without subvention, a LPG station will reach breakeven point at 250 vehicles everyday. With seven million NT dollar subventions, breakeven point will decrease to 225 vehicles everyday. With 10 million NT dollar subventions, breakeven point will further decrease to 218 vehicles everyday. c. When discussing diminution of air pollution, compared with gasoline, LPG decreases 0.35 g/km CO, 0.0028 g/km HC, 31.4 g/km CO2 but increases 0.15 g/km NOx. (Reference: “The Subsidy to debase the price of LP-Gas”, Automotive Research Testing Center, 2006) 3. Enhancement of training, education and business practices We have held “2008 LPG industry promotion and business coordination conference” on September 24th, 2008, “LPG vehicle promotion and demonstration seminar” on February 13th, 2008, as well as a serial of “Promotion LPG vehicle conference” on August 7th, December 8th, 2008 and January 13th, 2009 respectively. During these conferences and seminars, we have summarized the opinions and suggestions from LPG industry players as followed: i. Even though LPG stations have increased gradually, the total number is still below average, which will diminish the motivation to convert LPG vehicles. ii. On the other hand, both enormous capital investment as well as complicated establishment regulation will diminish the motivation to set up a LPG station. iii. The price gap between gasoline and LPG is in proportion to the number of LPG vehicles conversion. iv. Reinforcing technique and quality improvement of LPG vehicle is necessary. v. Regulating LPG vehicle conversion companies in order to improve their quality is important.
英文關鍵字 Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG), Reduction on Air Pollution Emission, Hybrid-LPG Vehicle