

中文摘要 計畫執行單位:國立清華大學 計畫主持人:凌永健 計畫期程:97 年5 月6 日起至98 年5 月5 日止 計畫經費:新台幣壹仟零佰貳拾零萬零仟零佰零拾零元整 一、固定污染源戴奧辛空氣污染物管制作業 稽查檢測:完成宇鴻環保、鴻程科技(2 根次)、勁錸科技、永豐餘新屋廠、水美工程、光炫環保、中壢市立殯葬管理所、漢華鋼鐵、永源金屬、國晟工業桃園一廠、欣榮企業,共12 根次排放管道戴奧辛稽查採樣作業,36 點次戴奧辛檢測分析作業。稽查檢測有3 家廠商超過戴奧辛排放標準,分別為宇鴻環保、鴻程科技、勁錸科技,分別處以罰鍰新台幣90 萬元整、30 萬元整、30 萬元整。3 家廠商皆於限期前完成改善,改善後之檢測結果,符合法規標準。 法規符合度查核:共清查75 家/96 根次(113 件次),運轉中有56 家/72 根次,試車階段3 家/3 根次(泉福M05、科德、國晟桃園一廠),已停工但未完成停工申請有3 家/3 根次) (上和、名皓、鼎鑫),申請暫時停工者有2 家/2 根次(環檢所、和群),解除列管者有14 家(16 根次);已清查廠家運轉中焚化爐有18 家/23根次,電弧爐有3 家/3 根次,輔助燃料有22 家/26 根次,第八批次公告之固定污染源有20 家/26 根次;有2 家(遠東紡織、松華實業)採樣平台設置寬度不符合法規,此二廠家為97 年新增列管之廠家,清查不合格情形中以採樣平台設置不符合法規居多共 計13 件次,次之為逾期未定檢有5 件次。 資料審查:完成審查173 件次桃園縣境內列管之戴奧辛排放源(包含大、中、小型焚化爐、一般或事業廢棄物做為燃料或輔助燃料之固定污染源電弧爐、第八批次公告需檢測戴奧辛之固定污染源)所申報之戴奧辛檢測報告書、戴奧辛檢測計畫書及其他相關資料;執行61 份桃園縣境內列管之固定污染源源戴奧辛檢測報告書建檔工作於固定污染源管理資訊系統資料庫及台灣地區有毒污染物質資訊管理資料庫中;現場監督執行37 件列管戴奧辛排放源之檢測之現場監督工作,檢測過程皆符合法規規範。 戴奧辛年排放量估算:彙整運轉中18 座焚化爐、12 家銅二級冶煉、2 家鋁二級冶煉、2 家其他金屬二級冶煉、3 家煉鐵業電弧爐、4 家電力業汽電共生業燃煤鍋爐發電程序、及22 家以事業廢棄物為輔助燃料的戴奧辛檢測數據,建立排放資料庫;估算戴奧辛年排放量, 大型焚化爐年度排放量為0.059g-TEQ/year,中型焚化爐為0.090g-TEQ/year,小型焚化爐為0.391g-TEQ/year,輔助燃料為0.271g-TEQ/year,電弧爐為5.538g-TEQ/year,固定污染源為2.121g-TEQ/year,桃園縣境內戴奧辛排放源整年排放量為8.47 g-TEQ/year。 二、戴奧辛排放源之管制與減量 分別於97 年10 月20 日、98 年2 月26 日及98 年3 月7 日進行三場次實廠輔導作業,邀請數位輔導委員與會,提出改善建議,針對現勘當日所發現之問題與缺失進行資料整理與收集,完成易增股份有限公司廢棄物焚化爐戴奧辛污染改善建議書及東和鋼鐵企業股份有限公司電弧爐戴奧辛污染改善建議書,持續追蹤其改善措施,確定完成改善。 三、周界空氣戴奧辛現況調查 周界空氣中戴奧辛現況調查(採樣24 點次),戴奧辛毒性當量平均檢測結果分別:大園工業區0.220、0.070、0.200、0.231pg-TEQ/Nm3 ; 觀音工業區0.068 、0.472 、0.172 、0.069 pg-TEQ/Nm3;人口稠密區0.032、0.104 pg-TEQ/Nm3,北桃交界處0.013、0.067pg-TEQ/Nm3,背景區0.011、0.023 pg-TEQ/Nm3,其中第二季觀音國小測值超過日本周界空氣戴奧辛建議值(0.6pg-TEQ/Nm3),多變量分析結果顯示異常測點可能與廢棄物燃燒有關。 大園及觀音地區成年民眾來自周界空氣之戴奧辛暴露劑量介於0.011~0.286 pg-TEQ/kg b.w./day,人口稠密區成年民眾來自周界空氣之戴奧辛暴露劑量介於0.007~0.057 pg-TEQ/kg b.w./day,低於換算的戴奧辛之空氣容許攝入量(0.2 pg-TEQ/kgb.w./day),落於可接受範圍。 四、周界空氣重金屬現況調查 周界空氣中重金屬現況調查(24 點次TSP、12 點次PM10 及PM2.5),重金屬平均檢測濃度分別為:觀音地區TSP 為0.370g/Nm3、PM10 為0.0066g/Nm3、PM2.5 為0.0051g/Nm3;大園 地區TSP 為0.320g/Nm3、PM10 為0.0037g/Nm3、PM2.5 為0.0035g/Nm3;人口稠密區TSP 為0.261g/Nm3、PM10 為0.0017g/Nm3、PM2.5 為0.0012g/Nm3;北桃交界區TSP 為0.192g/Nm3;背景區TSP 為0.188g/Nm3、PM10 為0.0024g/Nm3、PM2.5 為0.0014g/Nm3,重金屬測值皆低於管制標準及建議值;微粒TSP、PM10、PM2.5 濃度從高至低,依序皆為潮音國小>樹林國小>桃園國小>義盛國小。人口稠密區東興國中,Cr6+濃度比較高,東興國中下半季Cr6+濃度較上半季數據明顯高出許多,二季之總Cr 濃度落差不大,可能是採樣時間不同故或污染來源之工廠製成或進料量(原物料)的改變,造成Cr6+濃度上升。北桃交界區光啟高中Cr6+濃度較低。背景區義盛國小Cr6+濃度最低。 五、室內空氣品質現況調查 完成室內空氣品質調查之12 處23 點次採樣與分析,室內非游離輻射12 處19 點次之檢測。均未超過環保署的環境建議值(6.25T),也未超過世界衛生組織(WHO)建議靠近電纜設施的標準(20T)。室內空氣品質調查中不符合項目次數最高者為臭氧,次為細菌、二氧化碳,室內空氣品質問題為:(1)室內人員密度過高、空調設備設置不當及送風量不足,導致室內二氧化碳濃度偏高;(2)台灣地處亞熱帶,屬於長年潮濕高溫的氣候型態,真菌及細菌尤其容易孳生,導致室內生物性污染物濃度偏高;(3)國人有過度裝修習慣,裝潢及建材會持續釋放微量甲醛達一年至數年之久,室內環境中短時間高濃度之甲醛暴露也與清潔行為有關,一般市售的強力去污劑大多數含有高濃度的甲醛;(4)室內 臭氧濃度都超過建議值,推測原因可能為室外環境之臭氧經對流導入室內環境中。選定桃園市敏盛醫院經國分院、大江購物中心、桃園國際機場為改善室內空氣品質對象,由改善後檢測結果可發現,經過場所對於室內環境改善,各場所之不合格項目都有明顯改善,不合格之項目都減少至只剩臭氧單一項目。 室內空氣品質自主管理標章徵選活動於97 年8 月份開跑,97 年9 月30 日截止投稿,藉由各媒體及網路等方式進行宣傳,收到參賽作品高達40 件之多;於97 年10 月16 日邀請美術及環保專家,共同評選出6 件入圍作品,於97 年10 月20 日~11 月30 日進行第二階段之民眾網路票選活動,共計3570 人參與本次票選活動。 97 年10 月28 日舉辦室內空氣品質管理人員訓練班,邀請到國立台灣大學園藝系葉德銘教授及國立台北科技大學環境工程與管理研究所曾昭衡助理教授兩位專家,培訓本縣所轄各公共場所相關物業管理人員,宣導有關室內空氣品質之重要性及如何進行自主維護管理。 六、支援環保案件調查 完成22 點次揮發性有機有害空氣污染物監測,97 年6 月27日桃園縣政府行政室室內環境揮發性有機物調查;97 年11 月4日台灣中油股份有限公司煉製事業部桃園廠及周界揮發性有機污染物調查;98 年1 月5 日桃園市交通要道之揮發性有機污染物調查;98 年3 月10 日利強纖維煙道、廠區暨樹林國小及其周界區域之揮發性有機污染物調查;98 年3 月10 日大園工業區、觀音工業區鄰近地區揮發性有機污染物調查。 完成14 點次緊急採樣,97 年3 月13~14 日大園工業區周界空氣中砷濃度緊急採樣調查,97 年5 月14~17 日宇鴻科技周圍環境中戴奧辛緊急採樣調查,97 年12 月12 日幸太砂石場場址內及周圍環境中戴奧辛緊急採樣調查,97 年12 月12 日幸太砂石場場址內及周圍環境中氫離子濃度指數緊急採樣調查。 七、成果發表 辦理桃園縣室內空氣品質成果發表會。計畫執行成果發表於2009 年環境分析化學研討會(5/7/2009)「各類場所之室內空氣品質現況之調查研究及改善實例」、「固定污染源暨以一般或事業廢棄物為燃料之戴奧辛污染源之排放係數研究」、「周界空氣 TSP、PM10、PM2.5 中重金屬之檢測及分布研究」。發表於第五屆環境荷爾蒙及持久性有機污染物研討會(6/9/2009)「多溴聯苯醚在室內環境中之分布及來源調查研究」,獲頒最佳論文獎。
中文關鍵字 戴奧辛,室內空氣品質


專案計畫編號 經費年度 097 計畫經費 10200 千元
專案開始日期 2008/05/06 專案結束日期 2009/05/05 專案主持人 凌永健
主辦單位 桃園市政府環境保護局 承辦人 執行單位 國立清華大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 97年度戴奧辛排放源輔導管理暨支援環保案件調查計畫.pdf 18MB [期末報告]公開完整版

This project is management and assistance of dioxin emission and supported the investigation of environmental pollution cases in 2008.

英文摘要 Project Execution Organization: National Tsing Hua University Principal Investigator: Yong-Chien Ling Project Period: 2008-5-6 ~ 2009-5-5 Project Funding: NT$ 10,200,000 1. Control of dioxin air pollutant from stationary pollution sources Inspection and testing: We have completed the inspection and testing of stack dioxin from 12 companies, including YuHong Technology Co., HongCheng Technology Co., (twice), Ener-Com Technology Co., YuenFoongYu Paper Mfg. Co.,Ltd. TaoYuan Mill, Super Mas Engineering Enterprise Co., Ltd., King Shine Co., Ltd,Funeral Affairs Administration of Jungli City Taoyuan County, Sino-Prosperity Iron &Steel Co., Ltd., Yung-Yuan Steel Co., Ltd., Guo-Cheng Industrial Co., Ltd. TaoYuan 1st Mill, Hsin-Yung Enterprise Co., Ltd. A total of 38 dioxin samplings and analyses were carried out. Three companies (YuHong Technology Co., HongCheng Technology Co., and Ener-ComTechnology Co.) violated the dioxin emission standard and was fined NT$ 900,000, NT$ 300,000, NT$ 300,000, respectively. They all have completed improvements on due time. The dioxin measured after improvements conformed to dioxin emission standard. Inspection of compliance: We have completed the compliance inspection of 75 companies/96 stacks (113 cases). Among these companies, 56/72 are in operations;3/3 (Chiuan-Fu Printing & Dyeing Co., Ltd., GODA Technology Co., Ltd,Guo-Cheng Industrial Co., Ltd. TaoYuan 1st Mill) are at testing stage; 3/3 (Shang-Ho Fiber Co., Ltd., Alpha Beta Enterprise Co., Ltd., Ting-Sin Tech. Industrial Co., Ltd.)shut down without advanced permit application; 2/2 (Environmental Analysis Laboratory of Taiwan’s EPA, Ho-Chiun Fiber Co., Ltd.) have applied temporarily shut down; 14/16 are removed from control list. The companies in operation include 18 incinerators/23 stacks, 3 electric arc furnaces/3 stacks, 22 auxiliary fuel/26 stacks, 20 stationary pollution source /26 stacks listed in the 8th announcement. The sampling platform at 2 companies (Far Eastern Textile Ltd. Kuanyin Textile Plant, Sunflower Co., Ltd. firstly regulated in year 2008) did not conform to regulation. Most of the non-conformed cases are non-conformed sampling platform (13 cases) followed by exceeding the periodic sampling and testing date (5 cases).Examination of documentation: We have completed documentation examinations of 173 cases, including dioxin testing reports and dioxin testing plans. 61 of them were keyed into the stationary pollution source information management system and Taiwan toxic substance pollutant information management system. We have carried out 37 on-site inspections of dioxin sampling at controlled dioxin source. All accorded to regulation.The estimation of annual dioxin emission: Dioxin testing data from 18 incinerators, 12 copper secondary smelting, 2 aluminum secondary smelting, 2 other metal secondary smelting, 3 iron smelting electric arc furnace, 4 steam-electricity co-generation electricity power plant using coal-fired boiler, and 22 plants with industrial waste as auxiliary fuel were collected. The estimated annual dioxin emission was 0.059 g-TEQ/year from large-sized incinerators, 0.090 g-TEQ/year from medium-sized incinerator, 0.391 g-TEQ/year from small-sized incinerator, 0.271 g-TEQ/year from plants using auxiliary-fuel, 5.538 g-TEQ/year from electric arc furnaces, and 2.121 g-TEQ/year from stationary polluting sources. The Taoyuan County annual dioxin emission is 8.47 g-TEQ/year 2. Control and reduction of dioxin emission source We have carried out on-site consultation at Yi-Tzeng Co., Ltd and TungHo Steel Enterprise Co., Ltd on 10/20/2008, 2/26/2009, and 3/7/2009, respectively. A report of recommending improvements based on the problems and deficiencies found on-site was provided to r Yi-Tzeng Co., Ltd and TungHo Steel Enterprise Co., Ltd.respectively, for reference. 3. Investigation of ambient air dioxin We have sampled 24 ambient air samples for dioxin testing. The average dioxin toxic equivalency (TEQ) in ambient air was 0.220, 0.070, 0.200, and 0.231pg-TEQ/Nm3 in DaYuan industrial park; 0.068, 0.472, 0.172, and 0.069 pg-TEQ/Nm3 in GuanYin industrial park; 0.032 and 0.104 pg-TEQ/Nm3 in dense inhabitant area;0.013 and 0.067 pg-TEQ/Nm3 in intersection area between Taipei County and Taiyuan County; 0.011 and 0.023 pg-TEQ/Nm3 in rural area. The 2nd seasonal measured value at GuanYin elementary school is higher than the Japan standard (0.6 pg-TEQ/Nm3) of ambient air dioxin. Multivariate statistical analysis reveals that the abnormal values might be related to waste burning.The dioxin exposure dosage from ambient air for adult residents living in DaYuan and GuanYin township is between 0.011~0.286 pg-TEQ/kg b.w./day; whereas those living in dense inhabitant area is between 0.007~0.057 pg-TEQ/kg b.w./day. These values are lower than the calculated tolerable dioxin intake value (0.2 pg-TEQ/kg b.w./day) and lie in the acceptable range. 4. Investigation of ambient air heavy metals We have sampled 24, 12, and 12 ambient air TSP, PM10 and PM2.5 samples, respectively, for heavy metals testing. The average heavy metals concentration in ambient air TSP, PM10 and PM2.5 was 0.370g/Nm3, 0.0066 g/Nm3, and 0.0051g/Nm3 respectively in GuanYin township; 0.320g/Nm3, 0.0037 g/Nm3, and0.0035g/Nm3 respectively in DaYuan township; 0.261g/Nm3, 0.0017 g/Nm3PM10, and 0.0012g/Nm3 in dense inhabitant area; 0.192g/Nm3 (TSP) in intersection area between Taipei County and Taoyuan County; 0.188 g/Nm3, 0.0024g/Nm3, and 0.0014g/Nm3 in rural area. These values are lower than control and recommended values. The order of concentration in TSP, PM10 and PM2.5 from high to low is ChaoInn elementary school, ShuLin elementary school, Taoyuan elementary school, and YiSheng elementary school.The highest Cr6+ concentration was found in DongSing junior high school locating at dense inhabitant area. Lowest Cr6+ concentration was found in YiSheng elementary school locating at rural area. 5. Investigation of indoor air quality(IAQ) We have completed the investigation of IAQ in 12 sites/23 samplings and the testing of non-ionized radiation in 12 sites/19 samplings. All measured values do not exceed the Taiwan EPA’s environmental recommended value (6.25 T) and WHO’s standard for nearing electric capable facility (20 T). The frequency of non-conformed IAQ items from high to low is ozone, bacteria, and carbon dioxide.Three sites (Min-Sheng Healthcare/Ching-Kuo campus, Metro Walk shopping center, and Taoyuan international airport) were designated as demonstrating sites for IAQ improvement. The testing results after the completion of improvement works indicated that each site showed significant improvement. Ozone remained the only non-conformed item. 6. Investigation for supporting environmental protection cases We have completed the sampling and testing of volatile hazardous organic compounds in 22 sites. An investigation to identify unknown volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the administrative department of Taoyuan County Government was carried out on 06/27/2008. An investigation to identify VOCs in ambient air of CPC Co., Refining Business Div., was carried out on 4/11/2008. An investigation to identify VOCs in traffic arteries of Taoyuan County was carried out on 01/05/2009.An investigation to identify VOCs in the stack and plant of Regiant Industrial Co.,Ltd., Shu-Lin elementary school, and surrounding ambient air was carried out on 3/10/2009. An investigation to identify VOCs in the neighboring area of DaYuan industrial park and GuanYin industrial park was carried out on 3/10/2009. In addition,we have completed the emergency sampling and testing of various pollutants in 14 sites. 7. Achievements announcement We have organized the Taoyuan County IAQ Achievements Conference. The project achievements, entitled “Investigation and improvement of current indoor air quality at different kinds of place”, “A study of emission factor from stationary pollution sources”, and “The detection and distribution of ambient air heavy metals in TSP, PM10 and PM2.5 “were presented at 2009 Environmental Analytical Chemistry Conference. It was also presented, entitled “The distribution and source investigation of PBDEs in indoor environment”, at the Fifth Environmental Hormones and Persistent Organic Pollutants Conference and was awarded the best research paper.
英文關鍵字 Dioxin,indoor air quality