

中文摘要 一、柴油車檢測作業 計畫期間自97年5月2日合約開始日起至97年12月31日止,截至97年12月31日,共計執行柴油車動力計檢測1104輛次,而路邊攔檢計畫期間共執行178輛次,場站檢測103輛次,合計執行1385輛次。當中動力計檢測不合格者計有127輛次,不合格率為11.5%;路邊攔檢不合格車輛計38輛,不合格率21.3%;場站檢測不合格者5輛次,不合格率4.9%。 另統計97年1月1日至97年12月31日執行路邊攔檢,共完成稽查46次,完成檢驗346輛次,不合格車輛63輛,不合格率18.2%。目標達成率115%。 二、非法油品稽查管制 計畫期間需配合環保署97年度油品檢驗計畫,統計時間為97年4月9日至97年12月31日,計有執行路邊攔車稽查油品採樣242輛次,動力計站內採樣47輛次以及配合地檢署執行採樣11輛次,共計完成路邊柴油車採樣300輛次。 另統計97年1月1日至97年12月31日執行油品採樣,計有路邊攔車採樣242輛次,動力計站內採樣47輛次以及配合地檢署執行採樣22輛次,共計完成採樣311輛次,目標達成率為103.6%。 三、民眾檢舉案件處理 97年1月1日統計至97年12月31日為止,共計受理民眾檢舉高污染柴油車件數493件,除去資料不全案件及不辦案件134件外,可通知檢測數359件,現已完成通知358件,1件行政作業中。其中檢測不合格者有23件,現已全部完成告發處分。尚有20件為行政作業處理中。所有案件中可回覆案件為422件,已回覆完成421件,回覆率99.76%。 四、添購檢測儀器 計畫執行期間需購置震動式轉速計1台,震動式轉速計感測頭2式,煙度計採樣槍(含軟管)2套,29吋液晶電視及框架(含安裝)1式,動力計控制機板MD-1000型KB board × 2、MD-1000型I/O board × 1。現階段貨品皆已送達動力站,並安裝測試完畢。
中文關鍵字 柴油車,油品


專案計畫編號 經費年度 097 計畫經費 4435 千元
專案開始日期 2008/05/02 專案結束日期 2008/12/31 專案主持人 薛進和
主辦單位 屏東縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 王雅鳳 執行單位 瑩諮科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 97屏東柴動期末報告.pdf 38MB

2008 Diesel Vehicle Emission Inspection Project

英文摘要 1. Diesel vehicle emission inspection: During the executing period to Dcecmber 31, 1104 diesel vehicles were inspected in the diesel vehicle emission inspection station, and 178 diesel vehicles were examined by roadside inspection, 103 diesel vehicles were examined by location inspection. Since 1,385 vehicles were inspected totally. The roadside test statistical during january 1 to December 31, 346 diesel vehicles were examined by roadside inspection, the main goal of this project was achieved.. 2. Illegal diesel fuel examination: The project was asked to coordinate with “Diesel Fuel Qualities Examining Plan. During January 1 to December 3, there were in roadside fuel sampling 242, in the diesel vehicle emission inspection station fuel sampling 47,and to cooperate district court prosecutors office fuel sampling 22, totally 311 samples sent to analysis. 3. The dealing of high-pollution vehicle report: 493 high pollutant diesel vehicles report were received, and 359 were accepted. All accepted cases were informed to inspect their diesel vehicle. The average case processing time was 29 days, meets the standard processing time-- 45 days. 4.To buy Instrumentation During the executing period need to buy Vibration type tachometer 1 single, vibration type tachometer feeling gauge head 2 types, smoke idea sampling gun (including hose) 2 sets, 29 inch liquid crystals and frame (including installment) 1 type, cybertron board MD-1000 KB board * 2, MD-1000 I/O board * 1. All of the Instrumentation have installed and test to finish.
英文關鍵字 Diesel vehicle,Illegal diesel