

中文摘要 本年度台東縣加油站油氣回收、揮發性有機物及餐飲業油煙管制計畫自95年3月3日開始執行,主要的工作包含台東縣轄內加油站VOCs污染源查核管制作業、加油站以外VOCs污染排放源查核管制作業、製程排放管道或周界臭(異)味檢測作業、其他相關宣導作業與餐飲業油煙污染查核管制作業等。 茲將成果摘要說明如下: 一、今年度計受理3站4件次加油站申請案件,分別為豐工加油站(完成第一階段)、東屏加油站(完成第二階段及第三階段)及金崙加油站(完成第二階段),均已審查通過。 二、本計畫執行加油站功能檢測及污染管制作業,係針對台東縣境內所有加油站進行加油槍氣油比檢測及氣漏檢測。今年度檢測站數計36站。氣漏及氣油比檢測結果,第一次檢測時,氣漏測試36站全數合格,氣油比測試亦均符合法規要求(油槍合格率達70%以上),然其中有12站油槍合格率未達100%,此12站經發文要求改善並執行完成改善後複檢結果,皆已合格,業者亦提報改善後檢測報告至環境局核備。 三、而台東縣轄內加油站於94年底前仍未完成設置油氣回收設施者,僅餘兩站,分別為太峰加油站及瑞豐加油站,經本計畫持續輔導追蹤後,已於95年3月1日完成設置,目前全縣油氣回收系統設置率已達100%。今年度清查之50站加油站95年全縣月平均銷售量約為7,829.13公秉/月。縣轄內加油站清查作業成果已更新於環保署「固定空氣污染源管理資訊系統」,該系統自動推算VOC排放量約為145噸/年。 四、為擴大宣傳效果在宣導作業方面,已完成執行的計有:印製加油站油氣回收設備操作維護暨法規宣導手冊50冊、海報80張、網站固定刊登1則與提供新聞稿刊登宣導5則、委請電台廣播(連續一周,每日三時段)及於台東火車站等地撥放加油站宣導短片與走馬燈。並完成舉辦管制法規及操作維護宣導說明會及加油站管制工作成果與檢討說明會。 五、為落實行政院環保署長期推動之「加油不加滿、不強迫加油」政策,本計畫今年更提出創新作法,以訂定「加油站油氣回收工作自律公約」,要求各加油站業者及所屬員工共同簽署,截止95年12月31日止,轄內47站需設置油氣回收設施之加油站已全數完成自律公約簽訂(100%),並提交環保局以示配合政策決心。 六、針對加油站以外其他VOCs排放源,今年查核管制目標量為30家。為了瞭解人口較密集地區之VOCs排放現況,因此今年度計執行乾洗業清查25家,汽車保養維修業7家,氣體燃料供應業2家,發電業1家(2座發電廠),合計共36家,此外為有效掌握台東縣之VOCs揮發性有機物之實際排放狀況,今年亦主動進行124件次之VOCs污染源公私場所(含加油站)巡查工作。 七、本計畫已於95年9月29日及11月22日完成3廠次檢測,採樣分析工作委由環保署認證通過之台宇環境科技股份有限公司(環署環檢字第054號)及上準環境科技股份有限公司(環署環檢字第018號)執行。檢測對象分別為鴻進汽車有限公司(周界臭味、甲苯、二甲苯)、逢欣實業有限公司(周界臭味),檢測結果鴻進汽車有限公司其臭味測值高達24(排放標準為10),超過排放標準,已將檢測報告提交台東縣環保局進行後續告發作業。 八、本計畫今年度針對台東縣50家大型餐飲業者進行污染排放現況調查與建立台東縣餐飲業基本資料,調查結果, 5家未裝設油水分離器且未裝設任何防制設備,而大部分業者所裝設之防制設備均為檔板或濾網。本計畫亦輔導協助2家有污染之虞的餐飲業者完成防制設備設置之改善工作,改善內容分別為歐香牛排館:包含增設檔板、水幕、油水分離器等;豪堂企業社:包含設置檔板與濕式洗滌塔。並針對餐飲業者辦理油煙防制技術及輔導改善成果示範觀摩會,另安排與會者參觀經輔導且設置防制設施之兩家完成改善的餐廳進行現場觀摩,會後並製作餐飲業相關管制法規及污染防制技術參考手冊及郵寄予餐飲業者參考。
中文關鍵字 加油站、污染管制、揮發性有機物、餐飲業油煙管制、管理辦法


專案計畫編號 經費年度 095 計畫經費 1520 千元
專案開始日期 2006/03/03 專案結束日期 2006/12/31 專案主持人 黃招斌
主辦單位 臺東縣環境保護局 承辦人 執行單位 元科科技股份有限公司


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期末報告 95加油站期末定稿.rar 28MB [期末報告]公開版

Taitung County oil gas recovery at the gasoline station, volatile organic compounds and restaurant industry’s oil fumes control plan

英文摘要 Taitung County oil gas recovery at the gasoline station, volatile organic compounds and restaurant industry’s oil fumes control plan was started from Mar 3, 2006. In the main works includes to check and gorvern gasoline station’s VOCs sources, outside station’s VOCs pollution sources, measurements of emission pipes in stationary pollution sources or foul and noxious odors of periphral boundary testing, orther related promulgation, and restaurant industry’s oil fumes’check. This is as follows the achievement abstract explanation: 1. This year, we accepted 3 gasoline stations’ applications, including Fong-Gong station ( Stage 1), Dong-Ping station ( Stage 2 and 3), and Jin-Lun station ( Stage 2), they all examined pass. 2. This plan governed gasoline stations’ function tests and pollution control, we administered the A/L test and Leakage test to all gaoline stations in Taitung County, which totals to 36 stations. When fist examination, 36 stations all passed in Leakage test and A/L test ( Qualified rate is bigger than 70% ), but 12 stations’ oil guns qualified rate have not reached 100%. After epb dispatched official documents to request they to improve, they all passed 2nd test, and dealers all submited the test report after their improvements. 3. Tai-Fong station and Ruei-Fong station still not completed the establishment of oil gas recovery equipements before 2006 year’s end, so we ciunseled with them and traced their progresses, finally, they completed the establishments in Mar 1, 2006. Taitung County’s oil gas recovery system establishment rate has reached 100%. 50 gasoline stations we checked thoroughly this year average sales volumes are 7,829.13 KL/month. The work achievement renewed to the epa’s air pollutant management information system, the system automatic computation VOCs emission is about 145 tons/year. 4. In order to expand the propaganda effect, in promulgation aspect we printed 50 copies of the gasoline station oil gas recovery system operarion and maintenance and regulations guidance handbooks, 80 sheets of placards, the website published 1 news and provided 5 piece of news releases, asked the broadcasting station continuously to broadcast a week, every day three time intervals, and in places such as Taitung train station broadcasted the gasoline station guidance short film and the galloping-horse lantern. We also conducted the control regulations and the operation maintenance guidance explanation conference and the gasoline station control work ahievement and the self-criticism conference. 5. In order to carry on the epa long-term policy to refuel does not add fully and does not force to refuel, we proposed subscribes decides the gasoline station oil gas recovery work autonomy joint pledge the innovation method, and requested various gasoline stations industry and the respective staff signs together. Stops up to December 31, 2006, all 47 gasoline stations which needs to establish oil gas recovery system all signed the pledge and submited the epb to show to coordinate the policy determination. 6. Outside gasoline station, our check scalar of other VOCs emission sources is 30. To understand the present VOCs emission situation at population more crowded area, we checked 25 dry cleaning industry, 7 car care service industry, 2 gasseous fuel supply industry and 1 electricity generation industry ( 2 plant ), euqaled 36. Besides, we carried on 124 times of VOCs source ( including gasoline station ) patrols on own initiative to effectively hold actual VOCs emission condition. 7. This plan has already completed 3 times of examinations at Sep 9 and Nov 22, 2006, the objects of examination are Hong-Jin motor corporation ( odors, benzene and toluene of periphral boundary testing ) and Fong-Sin industry Co. (odors of periphral boundary testing ). The result of examinations was Hong-Jin motor corporation’s odor concentration exceede emission standard, we submited the report to epb for carring on accuse with the punishment. 8. This plan investigated 50 restaurants’ emission inventory and established the basic documents. The result of investigation was 5 restaurants did not install oil-water separator or any air pollution control devices, and most restaurants only installed baffles or screens. We helped 2 restaurant which have the risk of pollution to complete improvement of pollution control devices installation. Their improvement contained the installation of baffles, water screens, and oil-water separators in Ou-Siang chophouse, and the installation of baffles and packed tower in Hao-Tang business Inc. We also held a oil fumes control technology and improvement result conference for restaurant dealers, and arranged 2 improved restaurants’ scene visit.After the conference, we made the reference manual of regulations and pollution control technology, and we mailed it to dealers.
英文關鍵字 gasoline station, pollution control, volatile organic compounds, restaurant industry’s oil fumes control, regulations