

中文摘要 本計畫主要工作包含 (一)加強機動車輛噪音管制,預計辦理新車型審驗800輛次及新車抽驗100輛次;(二)檢討我國現行機動車輛噪音管制及檢測制度;(三)我國機動車輛噪音管制制度研擬等三項。 一、統計至12月14日止,計核發757張車型組合格證明、新車抽驗177輛次及稽催廠商執行車輛噪音品管、印製97年機動車輛排放空氣污染物及噪音管制彙編,並定期維護網頁與車輛噪音合格證明清冊。 二、98年度輔導縣市環保局執行使用中車輛噪音檢測,共計配合輔導16次、執行137輛次;今年全國共有14縣市實際投入執行,完成檢測638輛次(機車佔373輛次),其中205輛次NG;已較往年提升,相信在配合本(98)年度實施「民眾檢舉通知到檢」,將促進使用中機動車輛噪音管制朝更普及化的方向發展。 三、蒐集並研析歐盟車輛噪音法規發展資訊,並藉由實車評估歐盟新版測試草案,以累積更多的測試數據及技術經驗,未來將有助於提升我國機動車輛噪音管制制度與世界潮流接軌,精進台灣汽車產業研發技術,並確保我國後續法規調和過程產、官、研各界皆能順利銜接。 其他具體成果與建議如下: (1)辦理2場「噪音新車型審驗合格證明申請作業說明會」,協助業者了解車輛噪音合格證申請流程及作業細節,以提高噪音審驗作業效率。 (2)建置「機動車輛噪音測試報告上傳系統」,有效提升使用中機動車輛噪音查詢資料庫之更新速度,並有利未來機動車輛噪音審驗作業朝電子化發展。 (3)舉辦「使用中機動車輛噪音檢測技術觀摩會」及「使用中機動車輛噪音管制業務檢討會」,以協助各縣市環保局建立檢測技術、執行經驗的分享與制度面問題檢討,以健全我國使用中機動車輛噪音管制制度,並落實執行成效。 (4)召開「機動車輛噪音指定實驗室技術交流會議」,定期透過此交流平台,針對執行法規檢測問題,討論後續統一作法,確保主管機關與檢測機構的把關標準一致;及分享歐盟新版草案之檢測技術,以提升機動車輛噪音檢測實驗室之技術及知識。 (5)針對ECE R41-04草案新增ASEP管制項目,以實車18輛機車,依據草案的測試方法,藉由本中心完整的測試跑道與實驗設施累積測試數據,評估ASEP之管制效益,以作為未來國內研商與歐盟法規調和是否增列ASEP管制項目之參考。
中文關鍵字 新車型噪音審驗;使用中車輛噪音管制;法規調和


專案計畫編號 EPA-98-F105-02-104 經費年度 098 計畫經費 3900 千元
專案開始日期 2009/01/01 專案結束日期 2009/12/31 專案主持人 潘國良
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 林慧華 執行單位 財團法人車輛研究測試中心


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA98F10502104.PDF.rar 41MB

Preforming the vehicle noise type approval ,conformity of product and vehicle noise control

英文摘要 This project includes three major tasks: (1) Granting 800 certifications, performing 100 sample tests of vehicle noise control. (2) Reviewing current vehicle noise control regulations and scheme. (3) Developing and proposing the draft of vehicle noise control scheme of R.O.C. (1) During 2009( from 1-Jan. to 14-Dec.), we granted 757 vehicle type approval certifications; performed 177 vehicle noise sample tests; and follow up the certification holders’ quality control. This project also published the database of vehicle certification which was issued in 2008 and continued to update the certification database in the website of Automotive Research & Testing Center (ARTC). (2) ARTC attended the road-side inspection for 16 times and assisted 137 inspections. 14 EPBs totally performed 638 inspections during 2009. These results indentified 205 incompliance vehicles. The efficiency of in-use vehicle inspection is increased than 2008. While co-operate with the scheme of citizen inform against vehicle noise, the efficiency of vehicle noise control will be improved in the future. (3) Surveying the status of vehicle noise control regulations homologation, “additional sound emission provisions” based on latest UN ECE regulations’ draft. This will help Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) to harmonize vehicle noise control regulations with international regulations. There are 5 achievements and suggestions which are listed below: (1) In order to improve the efficient of issuing the certification, we held a “vehicle type approval proceeding conference” to coach certification applicants be familiar with the vehicle type approval tasks. (2) We developed a program to transform and upload the certification documents to the vehicle approval database. Through which we may coordinate the task of E-stamping process and improve the efficiency of document processing in the future. (3) To coach Environmental Protection Bureau (EPB) of cities or counties in Taiwan in the task of in-use vehicle noise inspection, we held an “in-use vehicle noise test technique demonstration lecture” and an “in-use vehicle noise control task conference” for EPBs’ members. In these meetings, we shared the in-use vehicle noise inspection experiences and examined the noise control scheme with EPBs’ members. (4) To convene a technical interaction meeting between the two appointed vehicle noise test Labs. And these 2 Labs discussed the technique issue with government officers to identify the processing principle in the meeting. (5) This project followed latest UN ECE R041-04 draft to perform 18 motorcycles “Additional Sound Emission Provisions” (ASEP) in ARTC proving ground. These results will help EPA to decide to include ASEP in the vehicle noise control regulations of Taiwan or not.
英文關鍵字 Type approval of vehicle noise,In-use Vehicle Noise Control,Harmonization of Regulations