

中文摘要 本計畫辦理中區水污染防治許可換發審查計畫,負責包括審查中區新竹市、苗栗縣、台中縣、台中市、彰化縣、雲林縣以及金門縣等7個縣市及新竹科學園區、中部科學園區、彰濱工業區以及雲林科技園區 (工業區部分僅執行諮詢說明會事宜)等11個單位之水污染防治措施計畫或許可證(文件)之換發申請。 主要工作重點區分為二階段執行,第一階段為辦理「水污染防治許可證之換發諮詢說明會」,並配合政策調整,自7月下旬停止並取消所有有關養豬業之諮詢之工作,10月起協助辦理「新增事業水污染防治法規及許可、檢測申報作業諮詢說明會」。說明會之作業方式為採取一對三方式個別諮詢,讓換發對象瞭解新版申請表格內容及填寫方式,並協助解決換發對象相關表格填寫問題及法規方面的疑慮;協助新增事業確認應採取何種水污染防治措施或有無設置之困難,並瞭解應申請之水污染防治措施計畫核准文件或許可證(文件)種類。 第二階段為水污染防治措施計畫及許可證(文件)換發審查作業,包括書面審查、現場查核及工程改善審查等,並協助事業或污水下水道系統原領有核發機關核發之水措計畫核准文件或許可證(文件)者,應依照「水污染防治措施計畫及許可申請審查辦法」第41條之規定,於中央主管機關公告之期限內(96.05.01~98.08.31)辦理申請換發,並於98.12.31取得重新核准之相關許可證(文件)。並彙整許可表格填寫常見之錯誤、許可申請文件與現場之差異性以及符合新修訂法規困難點等,做為後續修正水污法相關法規修訂之參考。 本年度針對3,475家業者辦理完成149場諮詢說明會,參與業者共計3,140家(包含個別諮詢15家),整體諮詢率達到90.4 %,並完成720家業者審查作業,及263家現場勘察作業。為瞭解業者對於水污染防治措施管理及許可換發之感受程度,運用「水污染防治措施管理及許可換發問卷調查表」,調查結果發現許可換發服務部分,業者滿意度高達9成,主因為本次是採專人指導,服務到底的方式,足見本計畫在服務上的重視與用心受到民眾的肯定。
中文關鍵字 許可、換發、審查


專案計畫編號 EPA-96-G104-02-224B 經費年度 096 計畫經費 8200 千元
專案開始日期 2007/03/28 專案結束日期 2007/12/31 專案主持人 張淑惠
主辦單位 水保處 承辦人 簡吟純 執行單位 台灣曼寧工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 epa-換發期末報告96(全).pdf 15MB

The project of review and issuance of water pollution control permits(central area)

英文摘要 The project is to assist EPA in its replacement examination for the water pollution source preventing and controlling permission. Since May 28, 2007, this project has applied to 7 counties and cities for the permission replacement examination. According to the contact, there are 4,200 water pollution sources will be served to replace their permissions. Besides the replacement process preparation meeting focused these 7 counties and cities, there were 149 consulting meetings had achieved before December 31, 2007. At the same time, there are 3,140 water pollution sources had joined these consulting meetings and in consultation with our working group. Because of the livestock breeding consulting had been canceled in July, 2007, so that we have consulted additional water pollution sources since Oct. 2007. There were 14 additional consulting meeting had been achieved and there are 99 additional water pollution sources had obtained. In the permission replacement examination aspect, there were 736 water pollution sources to submit permission applications and there were 263 water pollution sources had accepted site inspections. This project had finished examination operations for the permission applications of 720 water pollution sources and had already conducted 263 site inspections. This project also conducts paper inspections and site inspections for general engineering projects and improvement projects. In addition, this project has provided three special lines to give the water pollution source. This project has answered questions from the water pollution source in license agents since Oct., 2007.
英文關鍵字 Permission、Replacement、Examination