

中文摘要 本計畫執行期間自民國97年5月起至97年12月止,總計畫經費350萬元整,針對環保署已建置之「環境友善奈米科技知識平台」進行平台網站功能強化及推廣工作。本計畫目標在協助環保署永續發展室掌握奈米科技在環境、安全、衛生議題之國際發展趨勢,引進國際第一手權威資訊予國內各利害相關人士,並提供國內各界互動與討論平台。期望透過知識平台互動機制的建置,論壇活動舉辦、社群討論及實務輔導活動,達成風險認知溝通、優良管理實務及法規政策架構研擬的實質效益。在97年度的計畫中,工作團隊以Web2.0為網站基礎架構建置「環境奈米科技知識平台」(http://sta.epa.gov.tw/portal_sgs/),提供國內產官學研各界作為討論之平台,並已於97年10月正式對外公開提供服務。知識庫目前收錄的文獻內容包括:環保署歷年來推動奈米科技相關計畫之計畫規格、計畫成果及自行研發成果,本計畫文章產出,國際間重要組織報告,專家推薦之重要期刊文獻資料。知識平台的主要知識源有21個,係由工作團隊擬定「國際間奈米科技環境、健康、安全(EHS)整合型議題資料庫建置現況」報告,透過3次研商會(知識源確認會議)篩選得之國際權威知識源,並已進行定期外部網頁知識擷取。透過知識平台的建置與知識源的確認,計畫工作團隊在本年度並提出三項環境奈米科技重要議題:「綠色奈米科技」、「環境奈米科技健康影響研究現況」、「奈米科技社會意涵-歐盟的觀點」,透過三場研商會舉辦,將相關議題推廣於相關權益人士。工作團隊並提出「認知風險研究」、「優良管理實務」、「法規政策架構」做為平台討論主軸議題。期望透過平台討論結果,提出對政府及產業界實質建議。工作團隊已舉辦「環境奈米科技論壇2008」,吸引國內產官學研各界超過110人次報名。本次論壇共有10篇論文發表。論壇場次議題規劃主要以奈米科技的環境風險與永續發展為主軸,並配合環保署在環境奈米科技相關計畫執行成果發表。期望透過論壇的舉辦,進行技術交流及計畫成果分享,提昇國內環境保護與奈米科技的研究水準。工作團隊並依據環保署2007年立場文件,進行更新研析,並提出「奈米科技環境議題對策報告2008」透過兩場研商會的舉辦,進行交流及推廣於社會各界。
中文關鍵字 環境, 奈米科技, 知識平台


專案計畫編號 EPA-97-U1U1-02-105 經費年度 097 計畫經費 3500 千元
專案開始日期 2008/05/16 專案結束日期 2008/12/31 專案主持人 廖宜賢
主辦單位 永續發展室(停用) 承辦人 吳婉怡 執行單位 台灣檢驗科技股份有限公司


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The Consolidation and Spread of Environmental Nanotechnology Platform

英文摘要 This project was started 2008/5 till 2008/12, and the budget was allocated at the total amount of 3500K NTD. The mission of this project supported by the Office of Sustainable Development, Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) Taiwan, is to gather current important international information regarding the broad environmental, health, and safety (EHS) issues on nanotechnology, thus to provide dialogue platform for various stakeholders. It was expected that through this dialogue mechanism to strengthen EPA policy quality. The project working group has constructed a Web 2.0 based knowledge platform website, named as Environmental Nanotechnology Knowledge Platform (ENKP). The address of the website was located at http://sta.epa.gov.tw/portal_sgs/, which started operating on 2008/10, includes more than 480 reference articles ranging from the related government reports, governmental (mainly EPA Taiwan) funded project reports, latest original journal articles or research news recommended from the experts, and output effort of this project. Currently there are 21 target information sources for ENKP, these information sources were proposed by the project working group in a written report “The Current Status of The Nanotechnology EHS Database Worldwide”. The information sources were further confirmed by the experts’ panel in three workshops and have been adopted in the ENKP web-spider. Based on the implement of ENKP and results from the information source confirmation workshop, the project working group has raised three important issues for stakeholders to discuss in three workshops including: green nanotechnology, the current research status of USEPA on the environmental nanotechnology of health effect, the societal implication of nanotechnology-european perspective. The project working group also raised three issues in the ENKP for general stakeholder to discuss, these issues are: perception risk study, good practice management, law and policy management. It was expected that the output of the discussion result may serve as policy recommendation for government. The project working group also assembled a one-day “Environmental Nanotechnology Forum 2008” with more than 110 registered island wide and 10 lectures articles in a collected publication. The themes of the forum centered on nanotechnology of environmental risks and towards sustainable development. Some lectures in the forum came from the 2008 EPA Taiwan funded nanotechnology related projects. It was expected that through the forum the general stakeholder on Taiwan can share and exchange the research result, thus to promote the science and technology research. The project working group also proposed “The EPA Taiwan Strategy Towards Responsible Nanotechnology (2009~2014)” on the basis of the position paper of EPA Taiwan 2007, and organized two workshops to expend the governmental position to international society.
英文關鍵字 Environment, Nanotechnology, Knowledge Platform