

中文摘要 本計畫完成北港溪沿岸 50 處支排水現勘工作,其包括河岸面垃圾、水質異常 與河岸土地利用等項目,在污染量大地點進行溯源現勘,完成污染源拍照、記錄及標示於地圖等工作,完成 45 處次遭受污染之支排水水質、水量之檢驗,以確認各排水對北港溪水質之污染貢獻量,其工作成果如下: 1. 完成 50 處支排水水色等調查,結果顯示,遭受污染以致水色出現異常者有湖山寮排水等 14 處,其中湖山寮排水及楓樹湖南溪兩處為工業廢水污染,虎尾排水則純屬大量生活污水所致,其他各排水則則因畜牧廢水污染以致水質惡臭(詳見 3.1.1 章節)。 2. 完成支排水河岸面垃圾棄置現勘,結果發現梅林橋等 32 處有垃圾棄置,其中以梅林橋、斗山橋出現次數最多,隔月再現勘時發現 14 處已清除(詳見 3.1.1章節)。 3. 各支排水溯源現勘工作,結果顯示有雲林縣 8 個鄉鎮與嘉義縣 3 個鄉鎮之部份村里生活污水排入(詳見 3.1.2 章節)。 4. 污染源現勘結果 116 戶事業單位藉由各支排水排入北港溪,其包括畜牧業 73戶(63%)、工業類 43 戶(37%),遭受畜牧業影響有楠子排水等多處(詳見 3.1.2章節)。 5. 各支排水有土地可供利用地點有楠子排水等 7 處(詳見 3.1.3章節)。 6. 建置北港溪流域相關鄉鎮環保署、水利署河川水質監測點、各支線與排水與農業委員會列管事業單位之圖資(詳見3.2 章節)。 7. 完成北港溪 45 處次主支流或排水之11 項水質、水量檢測」檢驗結果,BOD濃度以楠子排水等 7 處較高(詳見 3.3 章節)。 8. 各支流水質NH3-N 濃度則以養豬場排水等 7 處較高(詳見 3.3章節)。 9. 各支流之水量以三疊溪排水、斗六東溪排水與石牛溪排水等較大(詳見 3.3 章節)。 10. 選定北港四號水門等 5 處,完成排水污染水質進行生態工法規劃,所考量工法包括人工溼地表面流、人工溼地水生植物系統、礫間處理、人工溼地表面流與礫間聯合處理、土壤處理系統及草溝工法等六項(詳見 3.4 章節)。 11. 北港四號水門規劃結果,以人工溼地表面流與礫間聯合處理法佔各項綜合評估項目得分最高,礫間處理法次之(詳見 3.4 章節)。 12. 埤麻排水與楠子排水規劃結果,均以礫間處理和聯合運用此二項工法得到最高積分,而各細部規劃數值結果,因場址佔地面積不同而有所變動(詳見3.4 章節)。
中文關鍵字 畜牧業, 氨氮, 生化需氧量


專案計畫編號 EPA-97-U1G1-02-104 經費年度 097 計畫經費 1300 千元
專案開始日期 2008/05/19 專案結束日期 2008/12/31 專案主持人 張大偉
主辦單位 水保處 承辦人 李衍寬 執行單位 財團法人農業工程研究中心


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA-97-U1G1-02-104.zip 195MB [期末報告]公開完整版

Application of Ecological Engineering for Surveying and Renovating of River – A Case Study of the Pei-Kang River

英文摘要 In this project, 50 branches of Pei-Kang River have been surveyed which includes dumped sites of solid waste and, in addition, land utility and pollution source along the river also be recorded and marked. Meanwhile, water quantity and quality of 45 sites have also been examined to evaluate pollution contribution for Pei-Kang River. The main results of this project as follows: (1) There are 14 branches appear unusual water color in 50 branches. The Hu-Shan-Liao drainage and the Fong-Shu-Hu-Nan creek may be polluted by industry waste water, the Hu-Wei drainage may be polluted by industry waste water, and water quality of other branches may be affected by livestock industry, respectively. (2) There are 32 sites at which solid waste were dumped. The most frequency sites are the Mei-Ling bridge and the Do-Shan bridge. There are 14 sites among those have been clear up at next month. (3) According to the results of pollution source tracing, sanitary sewage drains into the Pei-Kang River from 8 and 3 townships at Yunlin and Chiayi counties, respectively. (4) There are 116 plants which scatter along the Pei-Kang River and drain waste water into the river. Among those plants, there are 73 livestock plants (63%) and 43 industry plants (37%), respectively. The water quality of the Nan-Tz drainage is affected by livestock industry. (5) According to the results of land utility survey, including the Nan-Tz drainage, seven sites are suitable for utilizing to scheme out on-site treatment work. (6) The figure, picture, photograph, illustration, or sketch of the Pei-Kang basin have been established, which include water quality monitoring points, branches, drainages, and plants of EPA, WRA, and/or COA. (7) There are 45 water samples around the Pei-Kang River basin have been analyzed for 11 items of water quality and quantity. The water samples taken from 7 sites with high BOD concentration are the Nan-Tz drainage and etc. (8) The water samples taken from 7 sites content high ammonia concentration are the Yang-Zhu-Chang drainage and etc. (9) The San-Die-Xi drainage, the Dou-Liu-Dong-Xi drainage, and Shi-Liu-Dong-Xi drainage have greater water quantity. (10) Including the site at the Pei-Kang No.4 Gate, there are 5 sites have been selected to scheme out on-site treatment work in which includes six processes of Free Water Surface, Vegetated Submerged Bed, Gravel-Packed Treatment, Free Water Surface combined with Gravel-Packed Treatment, Soil Treatment System, and Grassed Waterway. (11) According to the evaluation of on-site treatment scheming at the Pei-Kang No.4 Gate site, the Free Water Surface combined with Gravel-Packed Treatment process is the best choice and the Gravel-Packed Treatment process is the second choice. (12) According to the evaluation of on-site treatment scheming at the Pi-Ma drainage site and Nan-Tz drainage, the Free Water Surface combined with Gravel-Packed Treatment process is the best choice for these two sites. However, variation of the data in detailed scheming is resulted from site area.
英文關鍵字 Livestock industry, Ammonia nitrogen, Biochemical oxygen demand