

中文摘要 本計畫主要分為三部分:(一)調查國內外回收體系執行成效與國際進行比較,發現我國廢輪胎處理後續再利用管道侷限於能源回收,造成輪胎處理業者僅能靠補貼費用維持,後續應先增加能源利用的管道,鼓勵使用燃煤業者利用廢輪胎膠片進行替代,再考慮增加膠粉再生料市場之運用途徑,擴大橡膠產品之運用;廢鉛蓄電池蒐集結果發現,國外主要採逆向回收押金制度而國內採業者繳費制之差異,且我國公佈之回收率是低於各國採逆向回收方式之回收率,但若將未申請認證補貼資格之業者處理量合併記入,我國之回收率亦與國外相去不遠;廢潤滑油之國外回收率比較方式不同,造成我國回收率與國外回收成效差異頗大,且廢潤滑油自公告以來,因市場已有其交易機制,造成85%以上之廢潤滑油無法掌握其再利用情形,故本計畫亦針對廢潤滑油材質進行後續停止列管與持續列管方案之研究,提出8項可能停止列管與持續列管方案,分析各方案中角色職責及優缺點並提出最適方案,除此之外亦針對回歸業者自主回收制度之相關措施研擬,擬訂責任業者自辦回收運作原則,作為環保署未來執行之參考。(二) 調查廢輪胎、廢鉛蓄電池及廢潤滑油回收處理市場各層面營運成本,研提其徵收之費率及檢討現行補貼水準,並依廢棄物減量原則擬具徵收回收清除處理費用及補貼機制之改善方案,本計畫完成修正廢特種胎前處理補貼費率與廢潤滑油、廢輪胎及廢鉛蓄電池之徵收費率與補貼費用之草案研提。(三) 本計畫利用業者問卷計算三材質之產值及再利用效益,現行廢鉛蓄電池以及廢潤滑油處理後之再生料去化管道暢通,但廢輪胎補貼收入佔其總營收將近80%,由此得知處理廠主要依靠補貼費維生,應加強對於該材質之技術提昇以及再生料銷售規劃,但再生料的市場通暢較提昇處理技術更為重要,因此獎勵使用膠粉擴大橡膠產品市場將是首要策略,比較國內外廢鉛蓄電池、廢輪胎以及廢潤滑油之處理技術相差無幾,目前僅廢特種胎之處理有可提昇之空間,建議引進廢特種胎前處理設備並且藉由調高前處理補貼費,提供業者提昇技術之誘因。
中文關鍵字 回收清除處理補貼費率,廢輪胎,廢鉛蓄電池,廢潤滑油


專案計畫編號 EPA-97-HA14-03-A027 經費年度 097 計畫經費 3850 千元
專案開始日期 2008/03/11 專案結束日期 2009/02/28 專案主持人 王家祥
主辦單位 回收基管會 承辦人 廖保雲 執行單位 毅泰管理顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA97HA1403A027-limited.pdf 5MB [期末報告]公開版

A Study of recycle system investigation and recycle performance evaluation for waste tires, waste lead-acid battery and waste lubricants

英文摘要 There are three aspects of concern in this project: First, we have investigated present recycle systems in Taiwan and in various countries for waste tires, waste lead-acid battery, and waste lubricants. Our study indicates that the recovered waste tires in Taiwan have not been effectively recycled, therefore, we propose developing systems in reusing and reprocessing the material to enhance the rate of recycling. For the waste lead-acid battery, the actual rate of recycling in Taiwan is comparable to that in other countries although the strategies of deposit regulation are distinct. For waste lubricants, the calculating method of recycling rate varies from country to country, which might be the major reason for the significant gap of recycling rate between Taiwan and other countries. Besides, the existing market for trading waste lubricants also makes recovering reimbursement less favored, and therefore, more than 85% recyclable waste oil is obscure. Here we have discussed eight scenarios to evaluate whether waste lubricants countermand of due recycle waste or not. Furthermore, for responsible enterprise that might establish private recycling schemes, strategies and feasible policy are discussed for further evolution of the recycling systems in Taiwan to the Environmental Projection Administration. Secondly, we have reviewed the cost of recycling and clearance, disposal rate fees, and the current subsidies for recycling and disposal enterprises in waste tires, waste lead-acid batteries and waste lubricants. Having obtained the unit cost of collecting and recycling these wastes and taken account of EPA’s rating formula, we have calculated the fee rates and the current subsidies. We also propose the fee rates and the subsidies in accord with the principles of waste reduction. The third, we found that the existing reprocessing system of waste lead-acid battery and waste lubricants are established, while that of waste tires needs to be improved. We suggest that developing the needs for reprocessed waste OTR(off-the-road) tires might be of the first priority, and that introducing advanced techniques and adjust the subsidy on processing the waste material is also required.
英文關鍵字 recycling and clearance, disposal rate fees, waste tires, waste lead-acid battery, waste lubricants