

中文摘要 台灣地區廢棄物產量逐年增加,不僅由於人口成長,亦由於工商業進步,人民生活水準提高,每人日常生活中所製造的廢棄物量增加。多年的經濟與發展,除民生垃圾大量增加外,由於興盛的工廠生產,造成事業廢棄物遽增,而由於環保意識抬頭,使得各地掩埋場設置困難。 廢棄物在量大且處理困難下,一些不肖業者以及不法清潔公司,將廢棄物非法棄置,造成環境重大衝擊。 即時的解決問題的最佳工具即是利用遙測技術,其主要特性為其資料所涵蓋面積廣泛且具有即時之特性。對事業廢棄物的監測與認定需要在已有的監測活動上,再進行多元化分析加值資料,或另行建立監測的技術,為了對遭非法棄置點進一步掌握,於原有之分析系統加入土地利用、分類等空間分析因子,以研擬一套具前導性監測機制。 未來逐步將環境評估、廢水偷排、污染管制建立客觀法治的監測能力,擴大監測成效落實業管能量。為提升與補強全面性環保單位的環境監測的能力,規劃建置多元的遙測技術監測體系,來快速增強環境偵測的能力與涵蓋面,實為當務之急。 計畫目標:一、利用衛星影像資料定期監控及分析目標六縣市易遭棄置廢棄物潛在風險區;二、篩選之疑似棄置廢棄物區域,經現場瞭解非棄置廢棄物區域者,應彙整分析原因,並修正判定原則;三、利用遙測科技定期監控及分析目標六縣市轄內掩埋場掩埋容量變化情形。 運用技術:一、是使用衛星影像配合空間分析及遙測分析進行非法事業廢棄物潛在棄置區之判釋;二、是選定十處業務單位轄內之掩埋場,利用地面光達,定期監測場區之容積變化情形。 工作內容:區分為兩方面技術及成果 [衛星遙測方面]1.所有棄置點是資料蒐集分析作業2. 空間分析處理作業3.定期(每兩個月)遙測影像分析處理作業4. 通知環保署承辦以及派員現場空拍影像處理作業 [掩埋場測量]5.航空測量與空載光達量測6.五月份起每隔兩個月前往各場區進行地面光達掃描,獲得各期的DSM 7.進行差異分析得到容積(DSM差異數值)的變化8.各項工作檢討與建議。 本計畫成果如下: 1.空間資料分析,運用資料探勘技術找出規則,運用在潛在棄置垃圾地點找尋。 2.依資料探勘歸納出之判釋規則進行影像分析,初步篩選出較高風險棄置區域。 3.進一步加入光譜分析、NDVI植生指數分析、變遷分析及輔助資料…等找出疑似非法棄置場址。 4.由業務單位派員現場稽查以驗證分析成果及做為判釋規則修正之參考依據。 5.配合所發現疑似棄置廢棄物區域,利用航空器或UAV赴現場獲得詳細資料歷年遙測影像分析。 6.資料彙整成電子檔,並予以建檔,以利後續查詢。 7.航空測量與空載光達量測目標掩埋場的DSM。 8.地面光達掃描目標掩埋場DSM及差值,並完成各時期目標區現場照片,提供比對環境之了解。
中文關鍵字 衛星影像,潛在風險區,棄置廢棄物,容積變化


專案計畫編號 EPA-96-H102-02-171 經費年度 096 計畫經費 4320 千元
專案開始日期 2007/03/09 專案結束日期 2007/12/31 專案主持人 劉英毓
主辦單位 廢管處 承辦人 鄧丕信 執行單位 國立台灣大學空間資訊研究中心


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期末報告 EPA-96-H102-02-171.pdf 164MB [期末報告]公開完整版

Industrial Waste Monitoring and Management by Remote Sensing Technology

英文摘要 The Taiwan area waste output increases year by year, not only because the population grows, because the industry and commerce is also progressive, the lives of the people produce more waste. Many year economies and the development, besides the livelihood of the people trash massive increase, as a result of the prosperous plant production, create the enterprise waste to increase suddenly, but because environmental protection consciousness gains ground, causes each place to establish the bury sites difficultly. Waste in quantity big also under processing difficulty, some unfilial entrepreneurs as well as the illegal clean company, illegal abandon the waste, create the environment significant impact. Immediate solves the question best tool uses the Remote sensing techniques.Its main characteristic covers the area for its material widespread also has the immediate characteristic.To the enterprise waste monitor with recognized needs in already in monitor which has, again carries on the multiplex analysis to add the value material, or establish monitor technology. In order to control illegally abandons further grasps, joins spatial analysis factors such as land utilization, classification in the original analysis system and so on, draws up a set of guiding monitor mechanism. In the near future gradually the environment appraised, the waste water, pollution control governed by law monitor ability can be expanded monitor capacity. In order to promote and to make up the strong integrating environmental protection monitoring ability, the establishment of multi-dimensional remotw sensing monitor system, with the fast enhancement environment detection ability and the coverage is the actually urgent matter. The Purposes:(1)Use satellite imagery regular monitoring and analysis on six counties to identify the potential waste risk areas;(2)Screening the doubtful waste region, after investigating the scene,should analyze the entire reasons, and revises the determination principle;(3)Regularly monitor and analyze the bury fields within six counties to know the field bury capacity change situation The techniques:(1)ses the satellite imagery to assist the waster site classification via space analysis and remote sensing;(2)In the designated ten service units govern the bury field, reaches using the ground LIDAR to measure the volume change situation through regularly monitoring of the fields The scope of work for the project consists of: [Satellite Remote sensing Aspect](1) The historical waste fields related data collection(2)Spatial analysis and processes(3)regular (every 2 monthes) RS imagery analysis processes(4)inform the EPA about the potential waste sites and go field investigation with UAV image collecting process work [Bury Field](5)Photogrammetry and LIDAR survey,(6)From May, the Terrestrial LIDAR survey every two monthes for 10 sites to obtain the DSM,(7) calculate the difference of each DSM to have the variation The achievement of the project consists of: (1)Through the spatial data analysis, to discover the rules using the material exploration technology, to utilize in potential dumping waste sites searching . (2)According to the data exploration,the interpretation rules carry on the image analysis, screens the high risk waste fields region initially. (3)Further joins the spectral analysis, NDVI analysis, the change analysis and the auxiliary material…And so on. To discover doubtful illegal waste field sites (4)Dispatches an official as the scene examiner by confirming the achievement and as a reference to do the rules revision. (5)Goes to the scene to obtain the detailed field check images through using the aircraft or UAV for the further evidence analysis (6)The collected material becomes the electronic files, and constructs the files, in order to help following inquiry (7)Photogrammetry and LIDAR DSM of the bury fields (8) To count the difference among various times for those bury field DSM of the ground LIDAR, and to interpret the photographs to understand the environment.
英文關鍵字 Satellite imagery, potential risk area, dumping waste, volume change