

中文摘要 環境污染所造成的環境問題越來越複雜而難以既有的機制處理。在環境基本法的要求下,未來建制的環境責任法應當能適當的回應現代環境問題及損害的多樣性,並應具備前瞻性的視野及早思考氣候變遷的問題。 本研究透過資料的整理分析、比較法以及學說之研析,一方面掌握台灣污染狀況及機制運作狀況和問題,另方面掌握環境議題的演變及責任機制的發展趨勢。在這樣基礎之上,規劃我國的環境責任制度。 草案規劃的架構下,主要以公告事業或設施的方式特定責任主體。經公告的事業或設施,就其污染行為所致之人身、財產及自然資源損害負嚴格責任,也被強制投保補償保險,或應主管機關要求應投保環境責任保險或提供相對應的財務擔保機制。污染行為的被害人就其不同損害,可以循體制內各種機制確保其利益。透過損害賠償、補償保險、強制責任保險、補償基金以及回復基金之設置,環境責任及相關爭議應可獲得較為合理妥善的解決。 本研究亦規範跨境責任、氣候變遷之因應以及環境爭議事件之處理,提供內國或跨境環境責任爭議事件的法制基礎。未來跨境責任爭議有法律基礎可循,而國內的環境責任爭議事件,在損害賠償訴訟外,更可以透過仲裁、緊急小組及環境保護協議書等相關機制予以處理。而政府則為最終責任承擔者,不僅必須確保上述機制能有效運行,也必須全面承擔最終環境責任。相信這一套環境責任機制將可以更全面而有效的回應台灣未來的環境責任問題。
中文關鍵字 公害糾紛,環境責任,損害賠償,基金,保險,氣候變遷,跨境污染


專案計畫編號 EPA-98-K105-02-209 經費年度 098 計畫經費 2700 千元
專案開始日期 2009/01/01 專案結束日期 2009/12/31 專案主持人 葉俊榮
主辦單位 管考處 承辦人 林彥銘 執行單位 財團法人台大法學基金會


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 98公害糾紛處理與環境損害責任之運作機制探討及法制研修推廣(第2年).pdf 3MB

A Study on Operation and Law of Environmental Dispute Resolution and Environmental Liability (The Second Year Report)

英文摘要 The current legal system is insufficient in dealing with the more and more complicated problems derived from environmental pollutions. According to the Basic Environmental Act, a future environmental liability legal system shall be able to respond properly to both the diversified environmental problems in the modern day and climate change challenges. By empirical analysis, comparative law study and theoretical inquires , this research first tried to understand the current pollutions situations and the problems environmental liability system practiced in Taiwan on the one hand, and the change of environmental issues and the trend of environmental liability law on the other. Based on the above understandings and analysis, this research proposes a future environmental liability law for Taiwan. The primary regulated bodies in the proposed Environmental Liability Law (hereinafter “proposed Law”) are enterprises and facilities specified by the competent authority which shall be subject to strict liability for personal injuries, property damage and natural resource damage caused by their pollutions. Moreover, enterprises and facilities specified by the competent authority are required to take out compulsory compensation insurance or environmental liability insurance upon the request of the competent authority, or to provided alternative financial guarantee mechanisms. Victims suffering from pollutions are entitled to utilize various mechanisms within the legal system to obtain compensation for various injuries and damage. The design of compensation, compensation insurance, compulsory liability insurance, compensation fund and restoration fund are expected to solve environmental liability problems and related issues more properly. Transboundary environmental liability and response to climate change are included in the research and the proposed Law as well. The proposed Law provides the legal foundation for transboundary environmental disputes in the future. Local environmental disputes, in addition to litigations, can be settled by institutions such arbitration, emergent panels and environment protection agreements. The government, as the final responsibility taker, shall not only insure the operation of the above institutions but also take the final responsibility for the environment. Such a environmental liability mechanism is expected to solve environmental liability problems Taiwan will encounter more effectively and comprehensively.
英文關鍵字 environmental liability, environmental dispute resolution, compensation, funds, insurance, climate change, transboundary pollution