

中文摘要 本計畫97年度主要執行項目,本計畫共分三項子計畫,第一項子計畫為「引進國外垃圾處理方法,研發本土化相關技術」;第二項子計畫為「評析掩埋場資源再生利(使)用效益」,包括蒐集並分析舊垃圾篩分後之腐植土應用於一般廢棄物(生垃圾或底渣)掩埋場再生使用之可行性;第三項子計畫為「提昇掩埋場環保設施改善工程之施作技術與品質及營運管理成效」,工程技術審查作業與營運中區域性掩埋場管理品質體檢工作計30場。 第一項子計劃執行成果,生物反應器模型廠9個月採樣數據分析得知好氧槽(滲出水添加H2O2後再返送)對有機物的削減速度略高於未添加H2O2返送之厭氧槽,H2O2添加範圍200 ~ 500 mg/L TOC;初步篩選本土化適用且較經濟也易操作之模式: 將掩埋場滲出水經曝氣後隨即均勻返送(但初期不宜返送),即可促進掩埋廢棄物的降解。 第二項子計劃執行成果,分析腐植土中有機物含量足以提供一般植物生長所需,故在掩埋場作為覆土之應用成本較經濟,且現地覆土無須運輸成本、現有掩埋場之設施配合度高、設備儀器之操作及維護費用較為便宜;新設尚未使用掩埋場以現有舖設不透水布阻水層屬於單層而言,並不符合未來擬用於灰渣掩埋場雙層之阻水設計,故可新增設一層皂土布、一層不透水布以及污水收集管等工程,以增加阻絕功能;已掩埋廢棄物尚有容量之既有掩埋場增鋪雙層不透水布之施工方式則可考慮地工格網加勁層、地工織物分隔層、次要阻水層等地工織物及土壤所構築之平台法以克服沈陷既有廢棄物分解造成沈陷問題。 第三項子計劃執行成果,28場體檢評分結果為灰渣掩埋場之營運管理普遍優於一般垃圾掩埋場,其管理單位多為環保局或委外經營,體檢時進場管制、地下水水質定期檢測、滲出水處理、安全管理計畫和演練等成效較佳。目前掩埋場多數為環保局委託鄉鎮市公所營運操作,建議需透由環保局定期督導掩埋場落實營運紀錄和地下水定期檢測來提高營運管理成效。
中文關鍵字 生物反應器掩埋場, 掩埋場體檢, 不透水布(地工防水膜)


專案計畫編號 EPA-97-Z102-02-202 經費年度 097 計畫經費 5900 千元
專案開始日期 2008/05/09 專案結束日期 2009/05/08 專案主持人 張名毅
主辦單位 環境督察總隊 承辦人 鄭介眉 執行單位 尚竑工程顧問有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA-97-Z102-02-202.pdf 15MB [期末報告]公開完整版

The Construction Quality Project for improving the Environmental Protection Facilities of Waste Reuse.

英文摘要 This project includes three subprojects. The first subproject is pilot-scale landfill bioreactor experiment, after nine month experimental period, the reactor which leachate added with H2O2 before recirculating could accelerate the reduction of BOC or TOC during middle of experimental period, but the overall result suggested the easier and more economical operation to accelerate the biodegradation of the landfill is aerating leachate and recirculating evenly on the site. The second subproject is assessed technical equivalency assessment of GCL to other hydraulic barrier materials. The analytic results showed that the organic content of humus is enough for the development of plants; therefore, the most economical mode for the application of humus is to be the cover soil. The double-composite barrier type, which include geosynthetic clay liner, geomenbrane liner and leachate collection system, as hydraulic barrier could effectively decrease the liquid permeation for new set landfills. For the using landfills could comprise two geomembranes, each provided with geotextile separate layer and second hydraulic barrier to solve the settlement problem. The third subproject is public landfill sites inspection. The grade of the inspected 28 public landfills showed that the management of ash-landfills, which managed by local environmental protection bureau or outsourcing, had performed better than waste-landfills on access control, regularly groundwater quality monitoring, leachate treatment and safety plan. To enhance landfill management performance, local environmental protection bureau should regularly supervise the implementation of landfill operation.
英文關鍵字 landfill bioreactor ,compost,HDPE