

中文摘要 國內民眾由於習慣以燃燒紙錢的方式來表達對祖先的追思或神明的崇拜,因此國內廟宇林立、每年紙錢的總需求量亦相當大。紙錢的燃燒多在金爐或露天等(半)開放式的環境中進行,由於難以將燃燒條件控制於合適的範圍內,因此每年由廟宇等地的紙錢燃燒行為所產生的空氣污染物不僅種類繁多,排放特性亦隨燃燒條件不同而趨勢迥異。因此,本計劃之內容包含:(1)建置南投縣境內廟宇之基本資料;(2)針對縣內之廟宇及民眾,透過問卷調查與說明會等宣導活動,推廣紙錢減量燃燒的觀念,並協助規劃鄰近廟宇之紙錢聯合或共同處理體系;以及(3)針對廟宇周界之空氣及土壤進行採樣,以瞭解紙錢燃燒所排放的污染物對於廟宇周界環境之影響。 執行結果顯示,南投縣境內多數民眾已具有紙錢燃燒屬污染行為之觀念,唯對該污染所可能衍生何種環境危害、及對健康產生之何種影響等觀念則較為薄弱。故在此情況下,對於推動相關紙錢燃燒污染防制措施,雖多數民眾表示贊同,但多數廟方代表則認為尊重與遵行傳統宗教信仰儀式亦相當重要。 由此次監(或量)測數據可知,紙錢燃燒行為會明顯影響廟宇周界之空氣品質,其中以NOx、SO2、CO及PAHs等污染物的貢獻較為顯著,平均而言,約為背景值的1.4~5.5倍。因此,對於紙錢燃燒所產生之空氣污染物,其對於周界空氣品質之影響,及附近居民身體健康之影響應加以防制。
中文關鍵字 南投縣,廟宇,紙錢燃燒,空氣污染


專案計畫編號 經費年度 096 計畫經費 1470 千元
專案開始日期 2007/03/01 專案結束日期 2008/02/29 專案主持人 林明德
主辦單位 南投縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 執行單位 國立中興大學環境工程學系


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 96年度紙錢燃燒空氣污染防制宣導管制計畫_期末報告定稿.pdf 7MB [期末報告]公開完整版

Year 2007 Project of Nantou County for Propagandizing and Control of Air Pollutions from Joss Paper Burning

英文摘要 The burning of joss paper is a sacred ritual practice for deity worshipping in Taiwan. During important festivals, joss papers are usually burned openly or in temple furnaces, as well as in the home. However, investigations increasingly reveal that joss paper burning is a significant source of particulate matter (PM), metal elements and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in ambient air. Therefore, the major tasks of this project includes: (1) Build up the database of the temples in Nantou County; (2) Educate the public and the temple workers, via questionnaire and symposium, to reduce the amount of joss paper burned, and evaluate the feasibility of constructing an united joss paper treatment system; (3) Analyze the air and soil samples of the temples neighborhood to investigate the impacts of joss paper burning to ambient environments. The investigation results of this project indicate that most of the public in Nantou County understand that joss paper burning will result in pollution, but don’t clearly realize the levels of the impacts of the pollution. On the other hand, although most of the public approve the reduce-joss-paper policy, most of the temple workers think that obeying traditional religious worshipping is also very important. The analysis results of the air samples reveal that joss paper burning significantly affected the ambient air quality of the temples. The concentrations of NOx、SO2、CO and PAHs nearby the temples are averagely 1.4 ~ 5.5 times higher than the background values. Therefore, some restrictions of joss paper burning are necessary to protect the health of the public.
英文關鍵字 Nantou County, temple, joss paper burning, air pollution