

中文摘要 臺中縣隨著經濟的快速成長,國民生活品質的提高,環保問題已 成了現今縣民所關心的重大議題之一,舉凡水污染、空氣污染、廢棄 物污染、動物保護……等問題,都時常在報章媒體上出現。而自民國 85 年臺中縣綜合發展計畫研擬後,縣政府也逐步擴展關於環境保育 與公害防治之各項管制重點,同時推動多項具關鍵性環保設施與計 畫,期許在建設開發之餘,仍能確實做好環境保育與公害防治之工 作,以達資源與環境的永續發展。 有鑑於此,臺中縣環境保護局於 95 年起積極推動河川流域揚塵 稽查管制及改善計畫,藉由改善河川枯水期因河床裸露所造成的空氣 品質問題,創造臺中縣飛塵不染之清淨家園。 一、本計畫於97 年5 月完成管制點30 處之建置,並於每月進行管 制點現勘作業,分別於三大流域各設置10 處管制點,共計30 處;另本計畫於11 月增加2 處管制點,大甲溪南岸J18 管制 點,為本年度大甲溪裸露地揚塵防制設施施作地,大安溪北岸 T7 管制點,為本年度大安溪裸露地揚塵防制設施施作地,共計 建置32 處管制點。 二、本計畫已完成 517 場次稽巡查管制作業,提報17 件揚塵污染 行為至局,已開單告發,並請相關管理單位於98 年2 月28 日 前改善完成。。 三、配合環保局露天燃燒通報作業,於7 月第一期稻作收割期間通 報12 次,於11 月第二期稻作收割期間通報2 次,共計通報 14 次。 四、針對95 及96 河川計畫施作地進行維護,每月進行後續維護工 作2~3 次,截至8/31 止,共計執行10 次,合計灑水量150,000 公升,維護面積23.5 公頃,使歷年河川裸露地綠覆施作地點之 植生,得以發揮其抑制揚塵之功效,但因9 月之辛樂克颱風來 襲,施作地皆遭沖毀。 五、利用衛星影像、遙控飛機空拍照片與現地照片等,做成污染地 圖,目前約掌握1,490 公頃之河川裸露地,推估其排放量約139 公噸/季。 六、分別於 7 月、8 月及10 月執行10 次空中稽查任務。 七、本年度計畫召開2 場次政令宣導暨有效防制措施說明會,第一 場次邀請中興大學水保系林昭遠教授,第二場次邀請朝陽科技 大學環管系陳鶴文教授作專題演講。 八、選取具揚塵之虞之河川裸露地,大安溪2 處,大甲溪1 處,施 作面積約36.2 公頃,於施作前完成現地測量及施作申請許可程 序,預計施作方式有覆蓋稻草蓆、水覆蓋及河床護甲化(石覆 蓋),於97 年11 月已完工,並每月進行後續維護作業共計7 次。 九、輔導台中港務局規劃相關揚塵改善計畫,於97 年12 月底在台 中港北飄砂整治區完成設置護沙竹梢圍籬,並鋪設稻草蓆及植 生,共計36.67 公頃,推估稻草蓆及植生覆蓋施作後TSP 削減 量為1.5898 公噸/月,護沙竹梢圍籬預估可攔下137,129.4-m3 砂塵。 十、另第三河川局亦已規劃河床裸露地揚塵改善計畫,據與該局承 辦人員聯絡,該計畫已獲水利署同意編列300 萬元經費,目前 尚在規劃階段,預計於河床鋪設稻草蓆。
中文關鍵字 裸露地揚塵防制設施施,稽巡查管制,空中稽查任務,覆蓋稻草蓆,水覆蓋,河床護甲化,護沙竹梢圍籬


專案計畫編號 經費年度 097 計畫經費 9000 千元
專案開始日期 2008/05/01 專案結束日期 2009/02/28 專案主持人 李元智
主辦單位 臺中市政府環境保護局 承辦人 執行單位 弘強工程顧問企業有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 97年臺中縣河川計畫期末報告定稿電子檔.rar 17MB [期末報告]公開完整版

Taichung County has extensively promoted audit control and improvement plan of river fly dust plan

英文摘要 1. Thirty control points were established in May, 2008. In addition, the control points were checked every month. Ten control points each were established for the three river basins and totally 30 places. Additional two control points were established in November, 2008. The J18 and T7 control points were thus the conducted places for the prevention of fly dust derived from exposed lands from Tachia and Taan Rivers, respectively, this year. Totally 32 places of control points. 2. Five hundred and seventeen time-places of audit-patrol control work and 17 pieces of pollution case have been reported to the Environmental Protection Bureau. The fined notifications have been sent to management organization and related improvements were requested to be finished before February 28, 2009. 3. To cooperate with the notification system of outdoor burning of Environmental Bureau, 12 and two times have been notified during the harvesting of 1st (July) and 2nd (November) crops, respectively. Totally, 14 times have been notified. 4. To conduct the subsequent maintenance work of exposed lands conducted in 2006 and 2007, two to three times of maintenance work per month in 2008. Up to August 31, 2008 ten times of maintenance work have been conducted. The accumulated amount of sprinkled water was 150,000 L and the maintained area was 23.5-hectares. This do make that the vegetation of conducted sites reclaimed with green-cover of previously exposed lands of river basins effectively inhibit fly dust. Unfortunately, all conducted sites have been destroyed by the storm of Sinlaku typhoon. 5. The pollution maps have been made by means of the imagines of satellites, photos taken by monitored airplane, and photos taken in-site. For the present time, around 1,490 hectares of exposed lands of river basins can be controlled and their totally corresponding amount of emission was 3139 tons per season. 6. Ten times of sky audit mission have been finished during July, August, and October, 2008. 7. Two time-places of governmental policy declaration and explanation of effective prevention step have been held in 2008. Professor C.Y. Lin from National Chung Hsing University and Professor H.W. Chen from Chaoyang University were invited as the speakers in the 1st and 2nd time-place seminar, respectively. 8. Two sites in Taan River and one site in Tachia River of 36.2-hectares of exposed lands in river basins with potentially occurring of fly dust have been selected for carrying out the prevention engineering. Prior to engineering steps, site-level survey and application for approval from authorized organization were carried out and then three types of engineering steps namely straw mattress coverage, water coverage, and river bed with stone-crust (stone coverage) have been finished in November, 2008. Thereafter, subsequent maintenance has been executed seven time-months. 9. Guide Taichung Harbor Bureau to plan improvement proposal for prevention of fly dust. At the end of December, 2008, bamboo-twig fences for sand barrier have been installed at north drift-sand remediation zone. In addition, straw mattresses have been paved and then grass seeds sawed for 36.67 hectares. It is estimated that this straw mattress coverage with vegetation can reduce the amount of TSP of 1.5898 tons per month while bamboo-twig fences can barricade around 137,129.4-m3 of sand dust. 10. The 3rd River Bureau has planned the proposal regarding the improvement of fly dust from exposed lands of river bed. It was noted that it has been approved by the Water Resource Administration to grant NT $ 3 million dollars. The details were still designed and the pavement of straw mattress will be involved in the improvement engineering.
英文關鍵字 conducted places for the prevention of fly,audit-patrol control work,sky audit mission,namely straw mattress coverage, water coverage, river bed with stone-crust,bamboo-twig fences for sand barrier