

中文摘要 本計畫延續上年度「固定空氣污染源許可稽查管制及空污費催補 繳計畫」,配合環保局及審查委員的指示,在局內長官及空氣污染防 制工作查核督導計畫的督導下,除了努力達成量化目標,並在實質的 管制效益上精進,以期能達成預期目標。 一、固定污染源許可管制 配合各公私場所許可申請案件全數審查,目前執行117 件次並 核發許可證78 件次。審查時間平均為14 天,皆符合法令規定之 審查期限天數;固定源操作許可證現場查核之合約工作量為200 件次,計畫結束時共查核全市列管操作許可證公私場所148 家202 張證,並加強不符項目之追蹤,輔導工廠完成改善;宣導說明會合 約工作量為4 場次,計畫結束完成5 場次說明會;針對屬公告應定 檢對象,完成現場監督檢測、檢測報告審查及建檔共計33 件次, 均達成目標數。 二、資料庫維護更新及擴充調查 臺南市列管公私場所更新擴充及建檔工作計畫目標數為500 件次,計畫結束時共計巡查502 家次,超過合約工作量,經本年度 資料庫之更新作業後,目前列管固定污染源之公私場所計778 家, 污染總排放量多集中於安南區及南區;目前臺南市工廠應申報排放 量之根次更新為24 根次,95 年第1 季其中19 家公私場所已排放 量完成申報及審查,目前尚有申報資料補件1 家次,申報中1 家次,95 年第2 季其中20 家公私場所已排放量完成申報及審查,目前尚 有申報資料補件1 家次,申報中1 家次,95 年第3 季其中22 家公 私場所已排放量完成申報及審查,目前尚有申報資料補件1 家次, 尚未申報1 家次,95 年第4 季其中22 家公私場所已排放量完成申 報及審查,目前尚有申報資料補件1 家次,尚未申報1 家次,另排 放量申報現場查核作業年度合約量為19 根次查核,計畫執行期間 已完成合約工作量,現場查核皆符合網路申報內容,加強後續追 蹤,輔導廠商完成申報。 未列管公私場所擴充及建檔項目合約工作量為30 家次,計畫 執行期間已完成合約工作量,工廠新增列管之原因為使用重油、柴 油或工業區之工廠(如總頭寮、安平工業區、和順工業區),並將工 廠之基本資料、查核之原物料使用量及設備細項資料彙整,鍵入固 定污染源資料庫以利 貴局排放量之控管。 三、固定污染源稽巡查作業 計畫期間共計執行臺南市公私廠場巡查作業1376 家次;露天 燃燒巡查共計123 件次,均達成合約工作量;計畫執行間之稽查資 料建檔作業累計建檔2022 件,包含列管稽查187 件及非列管稽查 1835 件,已全數建檔;告發處分資料建檔分析共完成34 件處分文 書歸檔及電腦建檔作業。 四、配合第二階段空污費徵收作業 95 年度臺南市應申報固定源空氣污染費之廠家計有88 廠家, 計畫期間共執行35 場次工廠空污費現場查核作業,並新增列管23 家需申繳空污費之廠家,均已超過合約工作量;目前臺南市領有工 廠登記證之公私廠場進行非空污費列管工廠排除作業已全數查核 (2362 家),共計完成2481 家次,其中包括無工廠記證之工廠及洗 衣店,本工作項目已超過合約規定的750 件次之工作量。 五、辦理工廠煙道稽查檢測 本項目年度工作量為協助執行煙道檢測9 根次、油品含硫量抽 測20 件次、戴奧辛稽查檢測2 根次及惡臭官能測定20 點次,至 96 年03 月31 日為止,各項檢測工作為9 根次工廠煙道稽查檢測、 20 件次液體燃料含硫量檢測、20 件次惡臭污染源官能測定及2 根 次戴奧辛稽查檢測,均達成合約工作量,而檢測結果,液體燃料含 硫量檢測有3 件次不符標準及惡臭污染源官能測定有4 件次不符標 準,均已處分告發,其餘檢測案件皆符合排放標準。 六、工廠減量協談輔導 為有效減少本市公私場所污染情形,及輔導協助污染改善作 業,本計畫針對台南市VOCs 排放量較大之公私廠場為主要減量目 標,另配合本年度現場查核資料及民眾陳情案件,邀請專家學者完 成16 家次公私廠場之現場輔導,並由委員提出相關查核改善重點 做為廠家污染防制方針,本計畫亦於後續持續追蹤各公私場所改善 情形;並於查核後舉辨「重大污染源減量協商會議」,由中山大學 周明顯教授「空氣污染物減量及防制技術」及環保局各廠依據專家 提供之改善方式提出自廠改善狀況及評估情形、問題討論,並利用 空污費、防制設備輔助辨法做為減量誘因。。 七、配合執行環保署空氣品質改善及污染源減量之專案計畫 計畫執行期間完成砂石場清查列管工作,並進行14 家次之巡 查作業;空品惡化通報巡查作業目前共執行36 天147 家次空品不 良日巡查,通知業者目前空氣品質惡化,加強防制設備操作維護工 作;媒體宣導新聞共提供 貴局14 件次之新聞稿,見報共計8 件 次。 八、加強連續自動監測系統之查核工作 本計畫於95 年第二季至第四季各進行一次現場連續自動監測 系統查核臺南市焚化廠P001 及P002 煙道,平行比對結果之相關係數方面除P001 之SOx 主機房及中控室端之濃度比對訊號異 常,其偏移率達21.6%為中控室主機當機以致顯示異常,已要求廠 方進行確認並立即進行維護,其餘項目濃度偏移比對結果無異常情 形;針對分析儀器與現場設備進行訊號濃度比對,其中P001 煙道 之HCl 項目數據偏移率及P002 煙道之CO 項目數據偏移率較高, 尚在可接受範圍值內,經亂碼比對現場及中控室接收數據後顯示, P001 及P002 煙道各項目比對數據結果良好,針對即時反應數據 偏移率較高之情形,已要求廠方落實維護保養工作;另於相對準確 度測試查核方面,P001 煙道之RATA 之稽查檢測,檢測結果除氮 氧化物評等為C 級外(RA 值落於8~15%之間),其餘項目皆為B 級 以上,排放流率及氯化氫評等則為A 級,查核當時除要求廠方需依 規範進行定時維護保養外,廠方於96 年初以提送進行CEMS 設備 汰換,以提升監測設施效率,96 年第一季查核已於96 年3 月2 日 進行,查核當時未發現明顯不符情事。


專案計畫編號 經費年度 095 計畫經費 3870 千元
專案開始日期 2006/04/01 專案結束日期 2007/03/31 專案主持人 陳欣茹
主辦單位 臺南市政府環境保護局 承辦人 執行單位 上境科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 95年南市固污定稿.rar 52MB [期末報告]公開完整版
英文摘要 Abstract The tern of the project administration: April, 2006~March, 2007 An expense of the project: 3370 thousand NT. The personnel of the project administration: hsin ju, Ch’en、ta ch’eng,Liu、chia ling,Li、wen lung,Huang、yi hsia,Hhung, yi t’ing ,Huang. This project extended the last project at 2005 ’’the stable pollution project include permit and inspection system and to press and repay the air pollution fee”,to cooperate the indication with the investigators and the employees at the bureau. Not only to reach the goal which the project of the work load, we improved the efficiency at the air pollution control, we expect to reach the anticipant goal. 1. The stationary air pollution source of permit control To audit all of the permit from industry applying. Till now, 117 permits of application were audited, and 78 permits were issue of certificate. The average of the inspect times were 14 days, and these agreed the law dictating.200 permit had been inspected in the locality in target loading. Till now, there were 203 permits had been audited. And kept fol lowing un-degree items by audit the industry’s permit, guided the industry improving. This project need 4 public awareness conference, and we done five; the numbers of Monitoring the industrial regular testing、inspecting the report and data keyin were 33 units. All of these were already done. 2. To maintain、renew and amplify the database While carrying out this project till March 31, 2007, 502 factories were inventoried, and these were over the target loading. While carrying out this project till March, 31, 2007,778 industries had been controlled, the most emission distributed on An Nan zone and Nan zone; Till now, the number of the flue reporting were 24.19 industries were already reported the emission and had been audit in the first and second quarter at 2006, and finished the target loading. There still one unit need audit and one unit wasn’t report.30 non-controlled industries had amplified to the database and we have already reached the target number. The reason for controlling were use the heavy oil、diesel or the industry located in industrial park, we inventoried the industrial inside, and updated the database. 3. The stationary air pollution source of audit and inspection The number reached during the project carrying out, we did 1376 times industrial audit and inspection; 123 audits of Burning in open air; 2022 data updated to the database include 187 controlled data and 1835 non-controlled data; 34 accusation had updated to the database and filed the documents. 4. To urging and reminding the industry need Air Pollution Fee Reporting There were 88 industries need reporting in Tainan city at 2006, 35 industries had inspected for the fee reporting till March 31, 2007, and we added 23 industries that need to report; all the factory had inspected that had industrial registration(2362 industries), the number we did were 2481 times, include they hadn’t industrial registration and laundry, 5. Inspecting and auditing for proceeding the industrial testing The project target need 9 flue tests、20 samples for the sulfur content testing、2 dioxin testing、20 sampling for Ambient air pollutants testing. Till March 31,2007, all the testing had done, the result of testing, 3 samples of the sulfur content testing standard and 4 samples of Ambient air pollutants testing were failure, all the failure case had accused. 6. To negotiate the pollution source reducing For the reducing industrial pollution, we invited expert to inspect 16 factories, and provided the air pollution improvement, the guidance of these industries were followed the degree of improvement; and we set one conference for reducing the pollute by tech, the invited expert name was Ming Hsien Chou, all the industries we invited accepted the improvement and provided their assessment, and made them reduce the pollute by fee reporting. 7. Proceeding the air pollution improving and the pollution source reducing We finished the inventory of cement, and we did the 14 times of inspection; we did 36 days and 147 times when the PSI over the standard. And we provided 14 numbers of news and 8 numbers of news appearing from newspaper. 8. CEMS system inspection The flues of P001 and P002 had CEMS inspected at second quarter and fourth quarter. The inspection result shown abnormality including the SOx pollute from P001 caused excursion rate of 21.6%, the reason was the PC dumb. The excursion rate of the HCl from P001 and the CO for P002 were higher, but still within the range.The RATA from P001, the testing result, beside the evaluation of NOx was Cgrade,others were B grade. The emission of flow rate and HCL test were C grad. The industry had already applied to change the CEMS system to improve the efficiency.