

中文摘要 如何提高資訊服務利用率、強化資料分析以協助決策依據是本計畫(「全國環境水質監測資訊分析應用系統建置」計畫)的兩大主要目標,簡述如下: (一)在提高資訊服務利用率方面: 1.將水體水質年報的設定、計算、呈現、控管等相關工作,由以往紙本及單機作業,全面進化為線上電子化。總計今年完成了4大水體中71張表格及175張圖表的線上產製及呈現,充分達成提高年報編製效率、強化為民服務、節省年報印製耗費紙張的目標。 2.蒐集約41篇國內外有關環境水質監測數據分析應用研究報告,包括統計分析、水質評估指標、水質模式等三方面進行摘要及解析,提供各界參考,以達國際接軌及增強國際觀。 3.依據前項文獻研究,瞭解國際上在環境水質監測數據表現的差異性後,在考量監測項目及方法不一的問題,本計畫依據加拿大水質指標CCME的原則,轉換我國水質監測結果,以利水質比較並提供環保署決策參考。 (二)在強化資料分析以協助決策依據方面: 1.突破以往報表產製方式及結果的僵化不靈活等窘境,創新導入SAS 9.0導入Web OLAP Viewer、Web Report Studio、Office Add-In3種互動式線上功能,提供線上向下鑽取(Drill Down)、向上彙集(Drill Up)及多維度(角度)轉換分析的線上互動式圖表、報表功能,以利決策者或使用者分析研究所需。 2.分別利用「環境水質監測資料電子交換作業規範 (Water Quality Exchange Standard ,WQX)及Web-service技術,完成我國24縣市約28.7萬筆河川水質資料及經濟部水利署河川流量整合工作。 3.同時提供合Google Map及ESRI ArcIMS等多樣方式,呈現我國測站分佈及水質結果。
中文關鍵字 水質整合,水質年報,互動式報表


專案計畫編號 EPA-97-L101-03-001 經費年度 097 計畫經費 7120 千元
專案開始日期 2008/01/11 專案結束日期 2008/12/31 專案主持人 李若寰
主辦單位 監資處 承辦人 陳惠媚 執行單位 振興發科技有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 3_行政院環境保護署計畫成果中英文摘要_簡要版_.pdf 0MB [期末報告]公開版

The Deployment Project of the Environmental Water Quality Monitoring Information Exploration System

英文摘要 The National Water Quality Monitoring System plan was set to achieve two goals: 1) to raise the public’s rate of use of water information services, and 2) to enhance data analysis in order to better guide water related policy decisions in accordance with this plan. Outcomes from this plan are specified below: 1. In order to raise the public’s rate of use of water information services, there were three aspects: (1) A conversion of the water quality annual report from a paper version to a web based electronic version has been completed. This electronic version features 71 table listings plus 175 diagrams of water quality data from four categories of water bodies: rivers and streams, reservoirs, groundwater, and recreational coast areas. Through a series of efforts in scope setting, programming, web design, and well-managed time control, this electronic version raises not only the efficiency of editing the water quality annual report, it also enlarges the potential audience and reduces the use of printing paper. (2) Studies were conducted through analyzing reports from 41 international and domestic research papers on water quality monitoring data. A summary was compiled with respect to statistical analysis, water quality indicators, and water quality analysis models. This summary, which covers various techniques, can broaden our vision and serve as a useful reference to the public. (3) Incorporate Canada’s CCME principles of water quality monitoring for TEPA’s future reference. 2. In order to enhance the public sector’s water related policy decisions, data analysis was emphasized together with more tools incorporated into the system. This can be described in three categories: (1) We use SAS 9.0 and added tools like Web OLAP Viewer, Web Report Studio, Office Add-In 3 to produce interactive reports. These tools offer Drill Down, Drill Up analysis and multiple angle transformation analysis. These functions enhance the ability to interpret data hence can contribute to better decision making. (2) Compile and maintain the Water Quality Exchange Standard (WQX) and its web-service interface. Integrate water quality data from 25 outside sources, including 24 EPB and Water Resources Agency, Ministry of Economic Affairs. (3) Add Google Maps and ESRI ArcIMS into the system. The geographic presentation of water monitoring spots and water quality data allows users to view a comprehensive spatial depiction of analysis results. It helps to communicate the essential environmental significance of quantitative water quality data.
英文關鍵字 Water Quality Integrated, Water Quality Annual Report, Multidimensional Report