

中文摘要 國內隨著經濟發展與國民所得之提高,一般民眾對於生活環境品質之要求也日漸高漲,對於工廠排放廢氣或加油站逸散油氣中所含物質對健康之危害性逐漸重視,尤其近年來民眾在呼吸道之疾病方面,特別是兒童氣喘、上呼吸道過敏比例有明顯增加之趨勢,進而造成民眾對生活週遭環境的空氣污染提出抗議,甚至不惜採取激烈的圍廠抗爭手段。其中揮發性有機物的排放不僅是造成地表臭氧濃度增加的原兇,更是許多呼吸道、循環系統疾病、腫瘤的成因。 本計畫透過對50廠次特定行業固定污染源周界揮發性有機物排放特性之調查,並彙整去年相關計畫執行之成果,進而研擬修訂25種特定揮發性有機物之周界濃度標準。此外,協助辦理固定污染源揮發性有機物空氣污染管制及排放標準相關法規之研訂,其中包括半導體製造業法規之修正及一般行業與機車表面塗裝業管制標準草案之研訂。其次,依固定污染源揮發性有機物排放量、原物料種類及使用量規模研擬第三批應進行定檢之對象。 另外,配合揮發性有機物相關管制工作之需求,進行六輕工業區三廠次工廠總體檢,並完成8條FTIR測線監測作業、支援重大空氣污染事故現場空氣品質調查、5廠次石化業紅外線成像儀揮發性有機物洩漏檢測,以及150點次設備元件洩漏率之圍封檢測工作。同時配合固定污染源揮發性有機物排放查核,提出減量規劃與改善意見,達成減量300噸/年之目標,並持續推動加油站油氣回收政策,輔導150站加油站油氣回收設備操作維護之工作與建立本土化廚房油煙防制設備效能驗證制度。 本計畫執行之成果,在25種VOCs周界濃度標準研擬方面,藉由周界濃度實測值調整修正後之周界濃度標準建議值介於1.4~4,578.4 ppb之間。針對半導體管制標準研修方向與管道標準研擬內容,將維持原先之管制門檻規定,訂定單一管道VOCs排放標準,並同步完成相關監測規定項目修訂;機車表面塗裝業管制標準方面,以「原物料使用量-含VOCs用量」為計量基準,其兼具代表性佳,並可避免單位機車投影面積計算不易與計量困難度增加之問題。在優先納管80%排放量之原則下,研擬將19類製程納入未來第三批定檢管制對象內。 三廠次工廠總體檢結果顯示,OL-1與OL-2廠其製程設備元件洩漏濃度超過10,000 ppm之規定者分別有7點與6點,在設備元件抽測推估洩漏量方面,95年度OL-1廠設備元件全年排放量與申報量有43.635噸之差異,而OL-2廠的差距約為43.831公噸,AN廠的差距約為3.195公噸。96年FTIR受測工廠中,共測得5家工廠逸散超過周界排放標準及逸散情況達遙測篩選標準,異常污染物包括:乙烯、丙烯、丙烯腈、醋酸乙烯酯及氯乙烯。紅外線成像儀篩檢結果顯示,由影像可明確看出共有37點設備元件發生明顯的洩漏,且其洩漏濃度都超過10,000 ppm以上,洩漏比例0.29%超出美國相關調查洩漏比例0.13%達2倍以上。揮發性有機物減量方面,藉由輔導改善加油站油氣回收快速接頭設計之異常及石化業製程區周界上、下風紅外線洩漏源篩檢、減量協談督導結果,總計揮發性有機物減量達457噸/年以上。 加油站油氣回收設備操作維護輔導工作結果顯示,氣漏初檢測不合格率約20.4%(31/152),扣除經現場故障排除後不合格率為9.9%(15/152);在氣油比檢測方面,初檢測不合格率約15.9%(484/3,044),扣除現場故障排除後不合格率約9.3 %(283/3,044),此外,為了協助加油站業者建立自我診斷及維修能力,共完成六項維修保養作業的標準作業準則撰寫。在廚房油煙防制設備效能驗證制度建置方面,若要能同時採集到油煙粒狀物與油煙中總碳氫化合物濃度,建議應採用香港方法產生油煙蒸氣,煮油溫度建議控制在350 ℃左右。油煙樣本前處理分析若採用超音波萃取方法,則油煙濃度平均減少14.55%;而採用索式萃取方法則平均減少約16.08%,結果顯示超音波萃取方法可以取代傳統索式萃取方法。
中文關鍵字 揮發性有機物、周界標準、油氣回收


專案計畫編號 EPA-96-FA12-03-A162 經費年度 096 計畫經費 19481 千元
專案開始日期 2007/05/04 專案結束日期 2008/05/03 專案主持人 張寶額
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 郭瓊梅 執行單位 工業技術研究院 能源與環境研究所


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期末報告 摘要詳細版.pdf 0MB [期末報告]公開完整版

Establishing of emissions standards for volatile organic compounds from stationary pollution sources, and guidance to the operation of vapor recovery system in gasoline stations

英文摘要 A new fenceline standards of 25 VOCs were suggested to EPA based on the results of field study. The concentrations of these 25 VOCs were measured to be ranging from 1.4~4,578.4 ppb. Per Air Pollution Control Act for Semiconductor Industry, no major change was recommended regarding the emission standards and the abatement efficiency of air pollution control systems, except a minor change on source testing and pollutants to be monitored. However, we also recommend adding VOC emission limit for single stack. Per Emission Standards for Surface Coating for Motorcycle Body, by adapting reporting annual raw material usage and its VOC content will help solving problems of calculating the projected area motorcycle body and measuring the uncontrolled quantity of paint. Regarding to the principles of achieving 80 % emission reduction, 19 different processes were selected to inspect and control in future. Three petrochemical factories were selected and inspected for the leakage rate on equipment units. The results showed that totally 7 sites and 6 sites of equipment units were found to exceed 10,000 ppm in OL-1 and OL-2, respectively. According to the results of leakage rate calculation, significant discrepancies were identified for the amount reported by the factories and the amount inspected by the EPA. The discrepancies of emission quantity were identified as 43.635 tons for OL-1, 43.831 tons for OL-2, and 3.195 tons for AN, respectively. According to the results of FTIR fenceline measurement, the concentration of 5 factories was identified to exceed fenceline standards. The results of infrared camera showed that 37 obvious leakage sites were found. The leakage rate was 0.29 %, which was 2 times more than the leakage rate in USA. By guiding and improving the petroleum stations and petrochemical factories to fix with there leakage problems, a total of 457 ton /year of VOC emission were reduced in 2006. The testing of oil leakage rate showed that 20.4% was deemed “disqualifies”. Upon assisting petroleum stations to enhance there operation and maintenance skills for the oil recovery system, the disqualified rate was declined to 9.9%. The initial testing of oil/gas ratio showed that the disqualify rate was 15.9%, and upon repair of mechanical faults, the disqualified rate was declined to 9.3%. In order to assist the owner of petroleum stations to establish self-diagnosis and repair skills, we composed 6 items of standard operating procedure (S.O.P.) as maintenance guidelines. In aspect of initiating verification system for kitchen soot abatement system, we suggested adopting the method of Hong Kong, which recommended that the oil temperature should be controlled at 350℃. The kitchen soot was analyzed by using the ultrasonic extraction and Soxhlet extraction methods, the soot concentrations were significantly reduced by 14.55% and 16.08% in average, respectively. The analyzing results indicated that the Soxhlet extraction method should be replaced by the ultrasonic extraction method.
英文關鍵字 Volatile Organic Compounds、Peripheral Boundary Standard、Vapor Recovery System