

中文摘要 現行環保署廢棄物管理處、環境督察總隊以及各縣市的環保局之廢棄物的定點、定期或不定期的管理監測網,管理監測資訊皆定期送達環保署廢棄物管制中心集中保存。目前是零星的透過不同的計畫性工作進行不定期的資料調查(水質水量保護區流域土地利用調查),尚未形成例常性的業務與有系統的資料收集、處理、分析的體系。 在本研究案中初步針對非法棄置事件,分析出空間關聯性,了解傾置廢棄物與河流、道路、建物的依存性,對於判斷監測重點、減省監測成本及增強查報工作效率,已有相當成效。為了周全化原有署內的環境監測網,應將點源與非點源的環境監測均納入制度中,以建立一全面性的環境監測網。 對廢棄物的監測與認定則需要在已有的監測活動上,再進行多元化分析加值資料,或另行建立監測的技術,如動態性監測廢棄物非法棄置,配合現行環保單位內自有的監測能力與設備;加上環保單位已有監測網發現之公害糾紛、問題告發等,可以利用遙測技術(衛星與航空遙測)加強依法需定期、長期監測之異常區,或是環境污染高風險區,以快速收集全區的最新資料;需要隨時監測的地區則需設置滯臨空的飛行器(如無人載具)進行機動監測,取得的資訊經過濾、判釋後便可以較精準的進行地面的通報、量測與查報(配合PDA與GPS)。
中文關鍵字 遙測技術、衛星、航空遙測


專案計畫編號 EPA-97-H102-02-163 經費年度 097 計畫經費 4000 千元
專案開始日期 2008/11/06 專案結束日期 2009/11/05 專案主持人 劉英毓
主辦單位 廢管處 承辦人 吳進盛 執行單位 財團法人空間及環境科技文教基金會


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 5詳細版摘要.pdf 0MB

The Project of Detecting the Illegal Waste Dumping Fields and Monitering the Landfills with the Appliance of Satellite Telemetering Remote Sensing Technology

英文摘要 Current monitoring network of general waste information built by the EPA, EPB can gather information about disposal waste sites in specific sites in certain time period. Such information is sent to EPA to store through different projects or works not in a steady frequency. The stable data gathering, processing and analyzing system not yet build. In this project, illegal dumping events are analyzed to build the preliminary spatial rules which expose relationship between and environmental factors, such as river, road and building. Therefore the monitoring priority, cost reduction and efficiency might be discussed and improved gradually. In order to build a comprehensive environment monitor network, the fixed places and fortuitous waste events should be watched consistently. Beside the normal waste monitoring activities, analyzing other related data or techniques can be built according to the current monitoring capability and equipments in EPA. The remote sensing (inc. satellite and aerial images) can enhance monitoring of abnormal sites and public nuisance in a fixed and long term period for assisting the routine EPA monitor activities. Especially the high risk areas or overall potential waste sites should be gathered information in a surveillance way. The unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) can also collect aerial photos for the suspicious and difficult reachable waste sites. All RS related information can be collected into the information center to analysis, interpret to get more specific and accurate waste sites, in order to inform EPB to investigate scenes through scientific equipment such as GPS and PDA.
英文關鍵字 The remote sensing、Satellite、Aerial Images