

中文摘要 96年至97年3月31日計畫目標成立中部環境毒災應變隊,並完成中部應變隊場址建置、應變隊員24名招募與教育訓練,並提供中部地區各縣市到場緊急應變、救災諮詢、監測採樣及災後除污等協助,以降低及減少毒性化學物質災害與影響為設立目標。 完成本年度工作包括: 1.本計畫自96年1月1日起完成全部24名應變隊員招聘並正式上線執勤,全時維持3人值班、3人備勤之緊急應變人力。台中隊至97年3月底已完成137小時複訓;雲林應變隊完成毒災現場應變人員通識級、操作級、技術級共計128小時內部教育訓練課程,並於持續針對緊急應變相關作為進行教育訓練。 2.完成中部應變隊於中部科學園區內及斗六工業區內之建置,並新增購買偵測器來增進應變能力。本年度中部應變隊到場緊急出勤36次,包含人員車輛出勤及VOC與FTIR環境監測等,一小時內到場率達70%以上。 3.在毒化物災害預防方面,共計完成毒性化學物質運作管理與應變輔導66場次、無預警測試31場次,毒災演練10場次,相關輔導、測試紀錄及缺失均送交環保局及廠商進行後續追蹤輔導及改善。 4.本年度扶持強本運輸公司成立毒災聯防應援團隊,簽訂相互支援協定,並辦理教育訓練,及參加環保署第二梯次第一階段整訓教育訓練,使其應援團隊具備有投入救災之能力,以協助投入毒災緊急應變之支援任務。
中文關鍵字 毒化物管理,緊急應變,教育訓練


專案計畫編號 EPA-96-J104-02-202 經費年度 096 計畫經費 27300 千元
專案開始日期 2007/01/01 專案結束日期 2008/03/31 專案主持人 郭昭吟
主辦單位 環管處 承辦人 朱冠綸 執行單位 國立雲林科技大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 強化毒化物安全管理及災害應變計畫-中部環境災害應變隊建置計畫(公開版).pdf 0MB [期末報告]公開版

Promotion of the Management for Toxic Chemical Substances and Toxic Chemical Incident - Establishment the Central Region Emergency Response Team for Enviromental Toxic Chemical Incident

英文摘要 The Central Region Emergency Response Team for Environmental Toxic Chemical Incident located at Central Taiwan Science Park and Douliou Industrial Park is designated by the Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration (TEPA) to mitigate incidents caused by toxic chemicals since 2007. The Central Region Emergency Response Team served the counties and manufacturers in the center region of Taiwan on the items including consultation and advising on prevention and mitigation, training and promotion, assistance and monitoring (sampling) during emergency response, decontamination in order to reduce the effects of these incidents. The achievements of this year’s works include the follows. 1.The plan Established 24 personnel for The Central Region Emergency Response Team for environmental toxic chemical incident since January 1th 2007. The plan established 24-hour on-duty of three personnel for environmental toxic chemical incident and three stand-by personnel since January 1th 2007. During the plan, the Taichung team finished the 137 hours and the Yunlin team finished the 128 hours train courses including awareness, operation, technical, and specialist level before March 31th 2008. In addition, the content of train and education finished and provided for other emergency response teams. 2.The Central Region Emergency Response Team for Environmental Toxic Chemical Incident located designated by the Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration (TEPA) at Central Taiwan Science Park and Douliu Idustry Park were established. The new purchase for detection equipments in order to increase our response capacity. There were 36 on-site emergency services. The emergency services included personnel, vehicles, and occasions of VOC or FTIR detection. The average arrival time was more than 70% arrival in one hour after the reporting. 3.In order to strengthen operating toxic chemicals factories, there were 66 toxic chemicals factories guidance, 31 toxic chemicals factories test without a notice before, and 10 toxic chemicals factories exercise for environmental toxic chemical. Dependence on the results of guidance, test, and exercise, the suggestion was finished to operating toxic chemicals factories and strengthen the safety concept. 4.The plan established two support teams for environmental toxic chemical incident: one is the Formosa Petrochemical Company at Yulin County and the other is Chiang-Pen Company at Chia-Yi County. The training classes were held on July with 24 attendants. After finished the training course, the support teams are willing to help occasions of environmental toxic chemical incident.
英文關鍵字 Toxic Chemical Management, Emergency Response, Education and Training