

中文摘要 新興污染物(emerging contaminants, ECs)之共同特質為“法規尚未規範或規範不全”,“傳統都市污水處理廠無法處理”,“對人體健康與生態之潛在危害性既深且遠”。由於傳統生物處理程序無法有效分解去除『新興污染物』,是故其會穿透都市污水處理廠這道污水處理防線而輕易進入水環境體系,再經由生物累積擴大效應而至整體之生態圈。由於檢驗分析困難,目前已有許多國家(如歐美)著手進行調查分析,美國地質調查所(U. S. Geological Survey, USGS)就139條河川中發現近80%之比例檢測出一種或一種以上之ECs,歐盟先進國家也在二級或三級污水處理廠放流水中檢出ECs。目前台灣環境中新興污染物藥物類之抗生素和止痛藥環境流佈調查分析極度缺乏,本計畫為進行特定廢污水排放源之抗生素和止痛藥之濃度檢測分析,了解其污染特性,就文獻回顧探究放流水中抗生素和止痛藥之生命週期演變特性及濃度變化機制資料。水資源回收再利用已越來越具重要性,新興污染物藥物類於環境分佈之相關資料將可用來評估水資源回收再利用風險,並為生態風險評估重要的參考。 調查統計國內藥物和個人保健用品(pharmaceuticals and personal care products, PPCPs)之進口數量及使用量,包括經濟部國貿局對於藥物之進口量,衛生署國內抗生素使用量之統計資料,健保局給付用藥使用量統計資料。蒐集彙整新興污染物(抗生素及止痛藥)在水體環境中之流佈情形、生物毒性、及其可能對環境造成之衝擊等文獻資料,以及傳統生物處理法與高級處理方法對於新興污染物處理效能之相關文獻。另調查醫療院所、製藥廠、污水處理廠、區域排水、畜牧業及養殖業等特定污染源之排放水檢測,檢測頻率為較高有ibuprofen (IBU)、acetaminophen (ACE)、sulfamethoxazole (SMX)、erythromycin (ERM)、及tetracycline (TC)等化合物,檢測之濃度為數十µg/L級數,如ACE之98.5 µg/L。檢測頻率最低的為sulfinpyrazone (SFZ),所有採集樣品中均無檢測出濃度。有多種目標污染物例如ERM、SMX、TC、oxytetracycline (OTC)等在醫療院所、製藥廠及畜牧養殖廢水中的風險數(risk quotient, RQ)值大於100。不過,由於目前所檢測之樣品數仍較不足,且廢水排入河川後之稀釋作用,因此目前仍無法確定是否會對環境造成立即性之影響。 先進國家之新興污染物研究規定及管制現況趨勢,參考美國、加拿大、瑞典、日本、澳大利亞與德國等國家做為研究對象,大都有策略而法規則待發展。綜合評析先進國家對於藥物排放之因應對策、專家研商或諮詢會議之意見建議國內先行減少藥物或其他新興化學物品之用量,安全處置藥物,開發環境友善性化學物質,發展選擇性、理想的傳遞機制,教育製藥廠商與民眾使其了解藥品對環境的影響,並減少不需要之藥品的使用,減少藥品的錯誤使用及過度使用,加強一般污水處理單元對藥物之去除效能等做為控制與降低PPCPs環境風險之策略。
中文關鍵字 新興污染物,特定污染源,藥物和個人保健用品,抗生素,消炎止痛藥,液相層析串聯式質譜儀


專案計畫編號 EPA-96-G106-02-237 經費年度 096 計畫經費 1910 千元
專案開始日期 2007/11/09 專案結束日期 2008/09/30 專案主持人 林正芳
主辦單位 水保處 承辦人 江育德 執行單位 國立臺灣大學嚴慶齡工業發展基金會合設工業研究中心


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期末報告 定稿本.pdf 7MB [期末報告]公開完整版

Regulatory instruction of emerging contaminants at specific contamination sources

英文摘要 “Emerging” means “newly formed or just coming into prominence.” Emerging contaminants is a collective term for a group of newly recognized, not regulated contaminants. There are no defined regulatory concentration limits for these chemicals and analytical procedures were also not yet standardized. Emerging contaminants comprise diverse classes of contaminants including pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs), endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs), and other organic wastewater-related compounds (OWCs). U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) reported the existence of these compounds in American streams. One or more pharmaceuticals, hormones and other organic wastewater contaminants were detected in 80 percent of the 139 streams that were sampled. Thus, there is an increasing body of evidence that common drugs and components of consumer products are present at detectable concentrations in society-impacted waters worldwide; thus far there is no firm evidence of direct causal associations between very low-level exposures to emerging contaminants, such as pharmaceutically active compounds, and adverse human health outcomes. This final report has compiled the following specific information on PPCPs: (1) drug usage (including amount imported and used), (2) environmental occurrence and fate, (3) environmental risk assessment, (4) regulatory instruction from developed countries. In addition, this report includes our analytical results on sixteen selected PPCPs, including antibiotics and NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatories) at specific contamination sources. The target analytes are sulfadimethoxin (SDM), sulfamethazine (SMT), sulfamethoxazole (SMX), sulfamonomethoxine (SMM), sulfinpyrazone (SFZ) , tylosin (TYL) and erythromycin (ERM), tetracycline (TC), oxytetracycline (OTC), chlortetracycline (CTC), ampicillin (AMP), penicillin G (PENG), ibuprofen (IBU), ketoprofen (KET), Naproxen (NAP), and Acetaminophen (ACE). IBU, ACE, SMX, ERM, and TC were detected most frequently, and the highest concentration ups to 98.5 µg/L. The max detected frequency for ACE is 92%, and the frequency of detection of SFZ is zero. Based on regulatory instruments what have been studied from developed countries, such as US, Canada, Sweden, Japan, Australia, and Germany, we recommend the following regulatory instrument for decreasing risk: reduce use and consumption, disposed safety, develop environmental friendliness, develop alternative and optimal delivery mechanisms, educate pharmacy community and common people, minimize misuse and overuse, and increase removal efficiency in wastewater treatment units.
英文關鍵字 Emerging contaminants, Contamination source, Parmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs), antibiotics, NSAIDs, LC/MS/MS