

中文摘要 本計畫包含三大主軸工作:總量法制及其配套辦法研擬、檢討總量管制試行推動、其他研析及績效分析面;六大工作目標:法規命令層面、減量行動層面、管理制度層面、環境標準層面、社會經濟層面、國際交流層面。 1.我國自1999年開始陸續進行各種先期總量制度作業,包含容許增量限值、空氣品質模式模擬規範、防制區管理等多項作業,但受限於空污法總量管制8~12條規範狹隘與授權不足,使得推動受限。據此,本計畫提出空污法修正建議(擴大管制對象、放寬自願減量對象)、並檢討現有規範及配套辦法(如:「固定污染源空氣污染物削減量差額認可、保留抵換及交易管理辦法」草案)。 2.依據空污法第八條第一項地形、氣象條件及地方空品、污染特性等,建議台灣西部以火炎山為界線,劃分為總量管制北區及總量管制南區二區。以中部、雲嘉南及高高屏地區為區域管理範疇,研擬總量管制計畫,並協助地方環保局建置排放量管理的能力。 3.參考CDM及美國新設污染源審議制度(New Source Review,NSR),建置國內「環境影響評估空氣污染物增量抵換審議原則(草案)」、及「空氣污染物削減量差額管理資訊平台」。完成辦理廠商輔導試行說明會三場次,對90家廠商進行問卷調查,並篩選輔導三家廠商,進行削減量差額試行作業及追蹤討論。 4.細懸浮微粒成果,彙整解析國內外PM2.5相關文獻與研究結果,規劃我國上位計畫(Master Plan)分年分工推動。有害空氣污染物部分,目前僅日本1999年訂定戴奧辛大氣環境標準0.6pg-TEQ/m3,歐盟與英國訂定重金屬及苯環類環境標準。國際間管制經驗不多的情況,本計畫建議環保署目前不宜訂定戴奧辛、重金屬(砷、鎘、鎳)及有機性有害性空氣污染物等空氣品質標準。 5.與北科大曾昭衡教授合作,運用「空氣資源整合效益模型(ARCoB Model)」,選用空污費支出與空品變化趨勢,計算國內PM10及O3控制技術及成本。結果顯示86~96年PM10總削減年平均濃度約0.49μg/m3,約可減少4,027萬元醫療支出金額;O3每年平均增加0.94μg/m3,醫療支出約增加998萬元/年。 6.蒐集彙整國際間最近資訊,完成60篇以上國外文獻回顧。完成辦理至少20場次專家諮詢/研商/說明會議。另安排國外參訪二人次,藉由國外經驗交流,提升本計畫執行完整性。
中文關鍵字 總量管制計畫, 削減量差額, 空氣品質標準, 細懸浮微粒, 成本效益分析


專案計畫編號 EPA-97-FA11-03-A170 經費年度 097 計畫經費 9000 千元
專案開始日期 2008/05/22 專案結束日期 2009/03/31 專案主持人 余志達
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 黃偉鳴 執行單位 環科工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA-97-FA11-03-A170推動總量管制計畫及空氣品質標準研修期末定稿.rar 30MB [期末報告]公開完整版

Implementation of total quantity control plans and assessment of national air quality standard project

英文摘要 The project aims to 1) draft total-quantity-control plans and its subsidiary legislation, 2) evaluate the implementation of total-quantity-control plans, and 3) conduct cost-benefit analysis for total-quantity-control plans. In order to achieve the objectives, the project has completed the regulation amendments, implementing air quality improvement actions and pilot program, air quality standard recommendations for PM2.5 and HAPs, socio-economic assessment, as well as international information research. The details of the works are listed as below: Amendment proposal and subsidiary legislation: Under the Air Pollution Control Act, the country has implemented several prior total-quantity-control regulations and programs, such as Prevention of Significant Deterioration(PSD), air quality modeling, and non-attainment area management. However, constrained by the provision of article 8~12 of Air Pollution Control Act, the implementation of total quantity control plans is restricted. As such, the project proposes an amendment to overcome the barrier in implementing total control plans. Acting on Total-quantity-control plan: It is suggested in the project to divide the western Taiwan by Mt. Huoyan into two zones: the north and the south, where includes Yun-Chian-Nan, Kao-Ping air quality zones. Offset Mechanism Design and Capacity Building: We referred to CDM and New Sources Review of USEPA, and proposed a set of principles for offsetting air pollutants for EIA. We held workshops and conducted a survey to evaluate effectiveness of the emission-reduction pilot program to the stationary sources. We also recommend create a platform for disseminating Emission Reduction Credits information. Suggestions of PM2.5 and HAPs standard-setting: A national Master plan of PM2.5 was created based on the literature research. In addition, the project suggests not to set any Hazardous Air Pollutants air quality standard in short-term, such as Dioxin、Organic HAPs、heavy metals. Cost-benefit Analysis: Dr. Tseng used ARCoB Model to perform cost-benefit analysis for PM10 and Ozone control program with the data of funding for control measures, air quality monitoring and local medical costs statistic from 1997 to 2007. The result shows that an annual PM10 reduction by 0.49μg/m3 results in a saving of NT$4,027,000/yr on medical expenditure. In contrast, an annual increase of 0.94μg/m3 of O3 concentration leads to an increase of NT$998,000/yr on medical expenditure. As mentioned above, we also compiled latest international information and conducted literature review to implement the works more efficiently.
英文關鍵字 Total quantity control plans, Emission Reduction Credits(ERC), Air Quality Standard, Fine Particulate Matter(PM2.5), Cost Benefit Analysis