

中文摘要 二仁溪長期以來承受流域內生活、事業及畜牧污染,水質情況不佳。為有效整合並同步檢討各相關單位整治計畫,環保署於94年特結合二仁溪流域內相關單位,擬定『二仁溪水環境再生願景』,並建立二仁溪整治目標,以強化及追蹤二仁溪相關單位執行成效。 爰此,本計畫延續95年「二仁溪整治績效後續工程評析計畫」執行,藉由辦理三爺溪直接截流處理之可行性評估、水質水文資料建置、整治工程效益評估、污染整治後續改善及因應措施檢討、底泥清除影響及可行性評估、再生願景管理系統維護及功能擴充,以及協助辦理水質改善設施輔導查核和污染整治相關計畫推動等工作,以協助二仁溪整治工作推動。 經由本計畫之執行協助及各相關單位之努力配合下,相關計畫已依序推動或展開,本(96)年度二仁溪水質嚴重污染長度已由95年度47.4%改善至96年度之35.3%,顯見二仁溪統籌整治已初見成效。未來期藉由二仁溪整治後續延續計畫之推動,持續進行水質改善政策及措施推動,希望早日改善二仁溪水質,並改善河岸景觀及親水環境,達成二仁溪水環境再生願景目標。
中文關鍵字 二仁溪,水質改善,河川整治


專案計畫編號 EPA-96-G103-02-227 經費年度 096 計畫經費 5420 千元
專案開始日期 2007/03/22 專案結束日期 2008/03/31 專案主持人 劉惠民
主辦單位 水保處 承辦人 黃文傑 執行單位 水工組


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期末報告 期末報告.pdf 7MB [期末報告]公開完整版

Analysis and Evaluation of Water Quality Improvement Engineering in Er-Jen River

英文摘要 Er-Jen River has been polluted for a long time by industrial, livestock and domestic waste water, the water in the river is severely polluted. In order to effectively collate related projects conducted by various agencies, a project entitled “Restoration Vision of Water Environment for Er-Jen River” was formed by Environmental protection Administration ( EPA ) in association with related agencies in the river basin is 2005. The project has set improvement goals of Er-Jen River to enhance and evaluate implementation results of various agencies. This project is the continuation of the project “Analysis and Evaluation of Improvement Results of Continuous Works in Er-Jen River “formed in 2006. In order to assist promotion of improvements works in Er-Jen River, provide guidance and review of implemental water quality improvement facilities and promotion of related pollution improvement project, a feasibility evaluation of treatment of direct interception, establishment of water quality and hydrological data, evaluation of improvement word benefits, maintenance and function expension of restoration vision management were conducted for Shan-ye-Crock. Various related projects have been implemented in sequence through the implementation of this project and efforts by related agencies. The length of polluted river reach is 35.3% in 2007 in comparison with 47.4% in 2006. It can easily been seen that the improvements have yielded satisfied results. In the future, the promotion of continuous improvement works, implementation water quality improvement statios and facilities can improve water quality of Er-Jen River hopely in an early data. It is hoped that river and --- environment would also improved to achieve the goals of restoration vision for Er-Jen River.
英文關鍵字 Er-Jen River,Water Quality Improvement,River Restoration And Improvement