

中文摘要   後京都氣候協議正如火如荼展開,京都機制發展是氣候會議的重要討論議題之一,攸關各國溫室氣體減排的成本有效性。台灣為回應國際溫室氣體減排努力,積極規劃排放交易制度與碳稅等政策工具。如何擴大國際參與,促進台灣邁向低碳經濟與社會,已成為台灣當前的重要施政主軸。基於此,本研究主要目的如下:(1)嘗試掌握與分析國際氣候會議與京都機制最新發展趨勢,提供未來制度設計之參考;(2)利用總體經濟模型評估排放交易與碳稅制度之經濟衝擊效果,並比較上開兩種政策工具的優劣勢;(3)評估國際社會對台灣GHGs減量要求;(4)建立國際可行聯繫管道,開創台灣未來參與國際的機會。 基於此,本研究利用GTAP-E一般可計算均衡多國模型,評估台灣參與國際排放交易制度之經濟衝擊評估;同時,利用TaiSEND一般可計算均衡模型,評估在不同政策措施搭配(包括開徵碳稅)下,對台灣「國家適當減緩行動」的經濟衝擊評估,提供政府施政之參考。 本研究期間拜會兩個太平洋友邦國家(馬紹爾與帛琉共合國),討論未來建立CDM計畫的可能性;另一方面,本研究嘗試與UNFCCC下的重要NGO,如「國際碳行動夥伴」(ICAP)與German Watch等機構取得聯繫,並邀請負責人訪台,均獲得正面回應;同時,與國際著名智庫取得聯繫,如美國RFF與Pew Center on Global Climate Change,奠立未來台灣參與國際的基礎。 本研究為分享研究成果,在計畫期間舉行四場國際與國內研討會與座談會,分別為「後京都台灣因應氣候變遷、綠色成長與低碳經濟策略規劃研討會」、「邁向低碳社會契機-推動再生能源及碳金融發展國際研討會」、「碳交易與碳金融發展策略」座談會、「企業碳權經營機會與挑戰」座談會等,總參與的人數約超過500人,充分達到交流與資訊擴散之目的。
中文關鍵字 京都機制、碳交易衝擊評估、碳稅衝擊評估、國家適當減緩行動、氣候協議


專案計畫編號 EPA-98-FA11-03-A197 經費年度 098 計畫經費 4200 千元
專案開始日期 2009/07/30 專案結束日期 2010/07/29 專案主持人 黃宗煌
主辦單位 溫減管理室(停用) 承辦人 王俊勝 執行單位 國立清華大學


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期末報告 期末報告彙整.pdf 9MB

The development at post-Kyoto period and Taiwan’s participate policy of national negotiation mechanism

英文摘要 The Climate Change Talks and Negotiations are been deployed urgently around the world. How to develop the Kyoto mechanism as to become one of the key issues, having a highly relevant with cost effectiveness of GHGs abatement by countries. In order to achieve the target and respond to the Copenhagen accord, there are various economic instruments, such as a carbon tax and an emissions trading scheme, that will be launched in the future. How to joint international society to reduce abatement cost and pursue a low carbon economy is a priority policy and measure in Taiwan. Therefore, the major purposes of this study are as follows: (1) Collecting and Analysis of the status and trend of the Kyoto mechanism in the post-Kyoto age; (2) Using Macroeconomics model to assess the impact. For instance, GHG mitigation, price level, unemployment etc, and comparing their the advantages and disadvantages; (3) Discussing the potential GHGs mitigation requirements for Taiwan by the international society; (4) Establishing a feasible international communication methods to create international cooperation opportunities, in the future. To achieve the above missions, this research uses GTAP-E model to assess the economic impacts on Taiwan’s joint international carbon market. Furthermore, adopted TaiSEND model to evaluate the economic impacts under various policies and measures (include carbon tax) scenarios by the NAMAs in Taiwan. Besides, this study visited lots of official organizations, such as The republic of Marshall, Palau, Metropolitan of Tokyo, and EPA of Japan. As well as the most famous think tanks and NGOs, including, International Carbon Action Partnership (ICAP); German Watch; Resource for the Future (RFF); and Pew Center on Global Climate Change in the world. This will create a good chance to promote communication between Taiwan with international society, in the coming future.In order to share with public outcomes of this study, there were four conferences held during the past year. These included, “ The Green Growth and Low Carbon Economy Strategy Planning”, “ The Promoting Renewable Energy International Conference”, “ The Carbon Trading and Carbon Finance Development Strategies”, and Opportunity and Challenge of Industrial Carbon Management”. These conferences attracted more than 500 people, increase public energy conservation awareness.
英文關鍵字 Kyoto Mechanism, Carbon Trading Impact, Carbon Tax Impact, NAMAs, Climate Agreement