

中文摘要 本計畫執行內容包括以非政府組織參與蒙特婁議定書國際活動、規劃我國蒙特婁議定書因應策略、規劃地方主管機關對列管化學物質之管理架構及技術工具、檢討我國含蒙特婁議定書列管化學物質之既存設備現況並研提管理措施、協助辦理列管化學物質查緝走私相關業務、及加強推廣臭氧層保護相關資訊傳播及教育宣導工作等6大類。 國際相關活動推展方面,本計畫為掌握國際管制動態並向國際友人展現我國積極參與國際環保事務的決心,分別於7月參加蒙特婁議定書第29次不限成員工作小組會議(OEWG),且於11月協助行政院環保署組團參加蒙特婁議定書第21次締約國大會。 本年度完成修正「氟氯烴消費量管理辦法」,重要修正包括於99年1月1日起,停用低溫隔熱硬質發泡,以及7.1kw(含)以下之窗型(含分離式)空調用途。而為配合新修正的法規,也協助公告廠商進口窗型(含分離式)空調用途之相關稅則號列時應配合實施事項,並與國貿局協調增列貨品輸出入規定。此外也協助預擬「溴化甲烷管理辦法修正草案」,初稿中明定燻蒸業者/作業之資格,避免溴化甲烷用於非QPS用途,以及核配改為一年一次核配,以減化作業流程。 有關提報我國消費量數據給臭氧秘書處,我國2008年之消費量為377.3 ODP公噸,佔我國基準量638.156 ODP公噸的59.1%,較2007年380.38 ODP公噸略為降低。 在ODS的核配作業方面,本年度持續協助行政院環保署完成國內98與99年上半年之氟氯烴(HCFC)核配作業以及統計97年核配廠商之使用量數據。此外,也完成溴化甲烷於98與99年上半年之檢疫與裝運前處理用途之核配作業。 在規劃地方主管機關對列管化學物質之管理架構及技術工具方面,有鑑於相關業務仍以主管機關為主,今年針對地方主管機關仍僅以宣導最新管制法規為主,並研擬兩份宣導指引與綱要,供地方主管機關參考。 在查緝走私訓練與協助處理流程作業方面,本年度持續至海關與海巡單位辦理2場訓練講習會議,並完成製作訓練光碟片和寄送給各海關與海巡單位。此外,也協助政府研擬銷毀緝獲走私ODS貨品之業者遴選辦法。 在研擬銷毀緝私ODS管道方面,今年研擬一份遴選走私沒入蒙特婁議定書列管化學物質替代處理設施審查作業要點(草案),並完成專家學者審議,獲得寶貴建議。 在臭氧層保護宣導部份,寄發兩期之「臭氧層保護在台灣」中英文電子報,製作What Taiwan is Doing和Methyl Bromide Management in Taiwan等兩份英文文宣品,於參加國際會議時分送國外友人,以及編印冷凍與海龍回收作業標準作業程序,並定期更新「臭氧層保護在台灣資訊網站」。
中文關鍵字 蒙特婁議定書, 破壞臭氧層物質, 氟氯烴


專案計畫編號 EPA-98-FA11-03-D070 經費年度 098 計畫經費 9000 千元
專案開始日期 2009/01/01 專案結束日期 2009/12/31 專案主持人 王壬
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 謝議輝 執行單位 財團法人工業技術研究院


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 總彙整_990201_無廠商名者.pdf 2MB

Ozone Depleting Substances Reduction Management Project

英文摘要 There are six major categories of implement measures in this project, including: participating in international events under Montreal protocol as a NGO member, planning strategy approaches under Montreal protocol in Taiwan, promoting ODS management to local government agencies, reviewing existing equipments with ODS contained and proposing management strategies, assisting government agencies in education training for seizing ODS, and promoting ozone layer protection in propagation as well as education aspects. This project kept pace with up-to-date international regulations; meanwhile, confidence was demonstrated in participation of multilateral environmental protection to international friendlies. This year, ITRI representatives participated in Montreal Protocol OEWG-29 in July; EPA representatives with ITRI representatives’ assistance participated in MOP-21 in November. This annual project conducted the revision of the ‘HCFC Consumption Management Act’. Highlight in this draft, the permissive use of rigid PU foams in low temperature insulation and window-type air conditioners (including split-type) that operate within power less than 7.1kw will both be suspended from 1st of Jan 2010. The first draft of ‘Methyl Bromide Management Act’ was also accomplished in this project. In this draft, qualified purposes of phytosanitary or fumigation as well as operators were clearly limited, in order to avoid the un-identified use of Methyl Bromide other than QPS. The consumption of ODS in 2008 was reported to Ozone Secretariat, UNEP. The HCFC annual consumption was 377.3 ODP tonnes in 2008, which equals to 59.1% of 638.156 ODP tonnes baseline in our country. It is lower than the amounts of 380.38 ODP tonnes in 2007. About the ODS allocation, the allocated processes were conducted for qualified operators in year-round of 2009 and the first half year of 2010; the annual use amounts of HCFC consumption in 2008 were analyzed. For methyl bromide allocation, the allocated amounts of methyl bromide in QPS purposes were conducted in year-round of 2009 and the first half year of 2010. In order to seize the illegal smuggling of the restrained ODS and assist anti-smuggling personnel who need advanced handling skills, this year, two training courses were held for the customs and Coast Guard Administration with an assisting DVD as a part of training materials. In addition, assisting government agencies with approaches of destruction smuggling ODS operator selection was conducted. For the public awareness of the ozone layer protection, two issues of e-papers (both in English and Traditional Chinese versions) were published. This project also spread two sets of propaganda: “What Taiwan is Doing” as well as “Methyl Bromide Management in Taiwan” in English version during the international events participation. The website ‘Ozone Layer Protection in Taiwan’ (http://www.saveoursky.org.tw/) is updated regularly for the latest actions and news.
英文關鍵字 Montreal Protocol, Ozone Depleting Substances, HCFC