

中文摘要 本計畫為三年期之施政計畫,計畫目標包括:1.檢討並研修事業廢水稽查裁罰制度、2.研訂事業廢水分業分級管理法制作業、3.配合空水廢毒整合推動許可與定檢制度、4.強化資料庫預警、自動通知、連線及即時傳輸系統與功能運用。 為達上述目標,已蒐集國外相關法規、政策及稽查裁罰工具等,規劃稽查分級程序、設計現場初步功能性稽查表與深入性功能稽查表、研析平均限值之管制方式與分樣採樣作業適用時機之建議;並提出裁處程序之修正建議,如納入微罪記點、罰鍰計算調整因子、不法利得、協談機制、專家學者參審等相關法規草案。在事業廢水分業分級管理部份,則已完成分業分級管理架構之研析規劃,並先提出加嚴管理對象與砂石產業兩類對象之各項管制措施建議,包括許可管理規定、水措管理規定及稽查管理規定等。 配合空水廢毒整合作業,本計畫已完成資訊管理系統之功能提升,並開辦定期檢測預申報系統;另藉由水質水量自動監測連線傳輸作業與現場稽查輔助平台之示範,強化事業廢水管制之成效;並督導環保署許可換發計畫之執行進度與品質,落實許可制度之管理;最後並辦理水污染考核與各項宣導說明會議,編製事業廢水管理電子季刊與回覆民眾電子郵件等各項行政作業之推動。
中文關鍵字 事業廢水,許可管理,資料庫管理


專案計畫編號 EPA-98-G104-02-216 經費年度 098 計畫經費 9800 千元
專案開始日期 2009/03/06 專案結束日期 2009/12/31 專案主持人 周林森
主辦單位 水保處 承辦人 林秀珠 執行單位 環科工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 期末報告.pdf 26MB

The Industrial Wastewater Management and Database Maintenance Project(The First Year)

英文摘要 This three years project includes four major goals:1. Amend the wastewater enforcement procedures and regulations. 2. Complete industrial wastewater classified framework and related rules. 3. Assist to advance the permit and DMR management system for EPA’s air, water, waste, and toxic substances universal code system. 4. Renew and maintain the wastewater management system, and upgrade the quality of the database by analyzing the data error, auto alarms, on-line communication. In order to achieve the above goals, for the first part, the project collected the wastewater enforcement laws, regulations, checklists and fine calculating methods from USA, Japan, Germany, Singapore and Korea to design the inspection report form and to develop two steps procedure of inspection, weekly average limits and separately sampling conditions. By integrating the comments from experts of Laws, Economics and Environment, the illegal punishment will add minor violations, economic benefit, the degree of culpability, the violator’s ability to pay, settlement meeting and experts investigation. For the second part, the project established the industrial wastewater classified framework, including strictly controlling businesses and sandstone industry. In these two businesses, we drafted the rules of permitting, wastewater measuring and pollution controlling. The related documents and regulations will be set in next year, and following to renew other two businesses: service and pasturage. In applying wastewater information database systems, the project has successfully developed a integrated the air, water, wastes and toxics management in one system that combines the function of alarm system through internet transfer, routine check and punishment information delivering platform. Therefore, the database quality can be improved through the system error analysis mechanism and the annual performance evaluation. Finally, the project helps EPA to publicize water pollution control policy and regulations.
英文關鍵字 Industry Wastewater,Permit Management,Database Management