

中文摘要 本計畫之執行期程自96/03/23至97/03/22止,共計12個月。本報告中各項作業進度及成果分析之統計期間,係自96/03/23至97/03/22止,各單項作業皆依預定執行進度執行,達成本計之工作目標。 於許可審查核發,本計畫自 96/3/23~97/03/22 共計受理各類許可申請文件1367個製程,核發924個製程,平均審查期程為16天。許可查核方面,查核結果,不符合許可內容者有219個製程,佔總查核數665件的32.93%。查核製程數以鍋爐蒸氣產生程序(含熱媒加熱)最多,查核256製程,其中有51個不符合不合格率19.92%;其次為紡織品製造、印染整理程序,查核88製程中有41個不符合,不合格率46.59%,再次為電子零件製造程序,66製程中39件不符合不合格率59.09%。 因新增揮發性有機物空污費,96年桃園縣空污費徵收金額為19,339.82萬元(統計至97/03/22),較95年成長約1.5倍。另完成352件次工廠空污費現場查核作業,申報資料錯誤並影響繳費金額有39家,並新增列管103家。空污費催補繳,針對1000元以上共計催繳310筆,催繳金額9,070,890元;未達100元部份221筆,催繳金額160,958元。 固定污染源資料庫維護管理工作,主要執行重點為工廠資料更新清查作業,計更新353家,擴充列管51家工廠。有12家工廠應提出許可變更或異動申請。稽查處份資料(稽查3,556、處份189件)建檔、各項管制規範對象之維護,並配合環保署每月資料檢核作業,進行資料庫關鍵欄位之修正補強工作。 後續桃園縣固定污染源管制作業重點,應著重於加強許可審查及管理效能,以提升許可審查效能與文件品質;掌握與查核重點污染源之排放量與空污費申報量,以提升空污費與排放量之正確性;加強屢遭陳情對象的專案管制,以降低民眾陳情;強化易致空氣污染物質查核管制,有效掌握廠商之實際使用量;加強空氣污染專責人員之查核管理、教育訓練,以便落實污染防制專責之定位。持續辦理污染減量獎勵作業,提供業者獎勵誘因與動力。
中文關鍵字 固定污染源,許可,空污費


專案計畫編號 經費年度 096 計畫經費 18580 千元
專案開始日期 2007/03/23 專案結束日期 2008/03/22 專案主持人 苗宛陶
主辦單位 桃園市政府環境保護局 承辦人 執行單位 台灣曼寧工程顧問股份有限公司


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期末報告 96H-f-中文摘要.pdf 0MB [期末報告]公開完整版
英文摘要 The project execution period started from March 23, 2007 until March 22, 2008; the following statistics for operation progresses and result analysis was from March 23, 2007 until March 22, 2008; all operations had been executed according to project schedule and targets. For permit reviews and issuances, total of 1367 applications were accepted and 924 processes permits were issued; average application review duration was 16 days. For permits inspections, there were 219 processes failed to comply with the content of permit, which took up 32.93% of the total 665 inspections. The majority of the inspections were broiler steam processes (include heat-medium heating) with a total of 256 processes; there were 51 incompliance, which took up 19.92%; the textile manufacturing and printing/dying processes were next with a total of 88 processes inspected and 41 incompliance at 46.59%; and the third was the electronic component production processes with a total of 66 processes inspected; the incompliancerate was 59.09% at 39 cases. The addition of volatile organics air pollution charges had brought the collection of air pollution charges in Taoyuan County to NTD 193,398,200 (up until March 22, 2008); the growth was about 150% compared to 2006. In addition, 352 on site plant air pollution inspections were completed; there were 39 application errors that subsequently affected the amount of charges; a total of 103 plants were added to the control list. The collection of overdue air pollution charges: 310 cases for amounts over NTD 1,000, totaling NTD 9,070,890 and 221 cases for amounts under NTD 100, totaling NTD 160,958. The fixed pollution source data base management was mainly to perform thorough check up for plants’ data renew, totaling 353 plants renews, 51 expanded control plants, and 12 plants should file permit change or change application. The operation also include auditing disciplinary actions filing (3556 audits, 189 disciplinary actions), maintenance of various controlled subjects, and perform corrective actions for key data base fields in conjunction with monthly EPA data inspection operations. Subsequently, the focus of fixed pollution sources inspections in Taoyuan County should be permit review and efficacies in permit managements for increasing efficiencies in permit review and documentation qualities, control and inspect the filing of emission volume and air pollution charges at key fixed pollution sources to enhance the accuracy, enhanced control for the most complained plants to decrease the number of civil complaints, strengthen inspection and control for the commonly seen air pollution pollutants for effective control on plants’ actual application volumes, strengthen air pollution auditing personnel’s audit, ,management, and training to ascertain the position of dedicated air pollution control unit, and continuing the reward operation as incentives and motivations for plants’ pollution reduction efforts.
英文關鍵字 fixed pollution sources,permit reviews and issuances,air pollution charges