中文摘要 | 本研究計畫係二年計畫,第一年工作計畫已於94年度執行完畢,本次計畫則屬延續第一年計畫之第二年計畫,工作內容分別為: (一)在第一年所蒐集並彙整之歷年國內民眾抗爭背景及實例訪談資料及本年度持續蒐集彙整所得資料之基礎上,分析整理我國歷年民眾公害抗爭問題之特色(包含問題性質、類型及其變遷態樣),以及對於各該公害民眾抗爭問題所提供之各種環保抗爭處理方式,以及各種相關之環保措施與政策。 (二)配合第一期工作計畫關於公害民眾抗爭問題之性質、類型與變遷之分析成果上,進一步形塑、具體化所國公害民眾抗爭問題之特質。 (三)延續第一期工作計畫內容關於現行公害糾紛處理體系之任務劃分與功能界限(包含行政處理機制之界限及其與司法救濟體系之分工問題),進一步整理、分析現行司法救濟體系(包含民事訴訟與行政訴訟)之功能界限,回饋檢討既有公害糾紛之行政處理機制之制度目的、任務劃分與制度設計之妥當性,並嘗試重新架構適合解決我國公害民眾抗爭問題之公害糾紛處理體系(包含行政處理機制與司法救濟體系二者間,於任務劃分與制度功能上之整合調整問題)。 (四)在前述(三)關於公害糾紛之行政處理機制與司法救濟體系二者之體系定位基礎上,檢討健全我國當前司法救濟體系之相關內容、議題及建議。 (五)整理、介紹英國、美國等海洋法系公害糾紛處理體系之制度設計與結構關聯,試圖說明其公害民眾抗爭問題之可能性質與類型,並與我國既有公害糾紛處理體系之分析成果(包含第一期工作計畫成果與前述三部分之成果)連結,進一步比較分析我國公害糾紛處理體系之特色、侷限與可能修正建議。 (六)於前述(一)~(五)之分析基礎及第一期工作計畫研究成果上,並持續配合既有環保措施與政策之可能影響,以及我國公害民眾抗爭問題之性質、類型與變遷,進一步回饋檢討我國既存公害糾紛處理體系之功能結構,能否契合或配合當前公害民眾抗爭問題之解決需求。並再次審視第一期工作計畫工作目標中,有關「嘗試建構我國之公害糾紛處理體系,包含各種具體處理機制之任務功能劃分、體系分工整合以及相關修法或政策建議」之成果建議之妥適性及其相關建議。 (七)邀集學者專家組成「環境保護協定簽訂輔導服務團」,輔導事業與當地居民或地方政府簽訂環境保護協定,且對簽定協定等相關問題進行分析;並配合委託單位需求,派員前往各地協助相關宣導活動事宜。 (八)邀請法官、檢察官與司法單位合辦環保糾紛司法偵審實務研究班(含研討會)(計二梯次,每梯次期程5天4夜)以促進交流,提升環境執法之共識,消弭雙方對環保法令認知之差距,建立辦理公糾案件之聯繫管道。 (九)邀集中央及各地方環保單位代表,舉辦環保人員公害糾紛處理檢討會,共同討論環保相關議題,促進公害糾紛處理實務之經驗交流,俾助於國內環境保護工作之推展。 | ||
中文關鍵字 | 環境公害,民眾抗爭,公害糾紛處理制度 |
專案計畫編號 | EPA-95-K105-02-206 | 經費年度 | 095 | 計畫經費 | 2230 千元 |
專案開始日期 | 2006/02/08 | 專案結束日期 | 2006/12/31 | 專案主持人 | 劉宗德 |
主辦單位 | 管考處 | 承辦人 | 謝明邦 | 執行單位 | 國立政治大學公共行政及企業管理教育中心 |
類型 | 檔名 | 檔案大小 | 說明 |
期末報告 | KM-99977745-1.pdf | 1MB | [期末報告]公開完整版 |
Analysis of Public Nuisance Disputes and Dispute Resolution System with Comparative Legal Researches
英文摘要 | Thus Project is intended to be completed in 2 years. Implementation of the 1st-year plan was done in 2005. The content and target of the 2nd-year (i.e., 2006) plan are as follows: (1)Analysis of the protestors’ background and the cause of nuisance disputes arising in the past years based on the information collected from the interview with relevant protestors (2)to follow-up the interview completed during the 1st-year plan to make the field data more comprehensive and sufficient, and propose relevant comments and suggestions on the resolution measures in respect of nuisance disputes and/or on other relevant environmental measures and laws/regulations based on such field data. (3)Research on the limitation of judicial remedies (including civil suits and administrative suits): except for the provisions regarding civil suits, which has been introduced, documented and analyzed during the 1st-year plan, the plan for the current year will examine on (i) whether administrative suits can be used as a proper resolution measure for nuisance disputes, and (ii) whether there is any insufficiency or improperness on the current regulatory scheme or other relevant system(s) of Taiwan. (4)Research on the resolution system(s) of nuisance disputes adopted by certain common law jurisdictions (such as the United States and the United Kingdom): the relevant provisions regarding civil law jurisdictions (Germany and Japan) have been done in the 1st-year plan. The current year’s plan will focus on the resolution system(s) of nuisance disputes adopted common law jurisdictions, so as to propose refinement measures on the resolution system of Taiwan. (5)Research on the refinement measures on the system of judicial remedies: based on the analysis and research on the aforementioned legal system(s) of foreign jurisdictions and the civil/administrative system of Taiwan, the project will try to integrate the roles played by the modern system of judicial remedies, and propose recommendations thereon. (6)To organize the consultancy service group(s) for execution of environmental agreements, so as to assist the local industries enter into environmental agreements with local people or local government, and help on the propaganda thereof. (7)To hold at least 2 workshops (including panel discussions) on judicial investigation and review of environmental disputes. (8)To hold the seminars for environmental officials on dispute resolutions of nuisance matters. (9) To hold the seminars for judges and prosecutors to facilitate the appreciation and applications of environmental law and too promote the public consensus, so that improve the communications between administrative sectors and judicial organizations and eliminate the gap between the law-making and the law-applying sectors. | ||
英文關鍵字 | public nuisance,protestors,environmental dispute resolution system |