

中文摘要   歐、美、日等各國環境管理發展趨勢,乃採「生產人責任」制,以「污染者負責」及「減少有害物質」為原則,並採同業組成「共同組織」進行回收再利用。透過「研提優先材質之廢容器」專家學者座談會評估各項指標項目,最適優先回歸市場機制之材質廢容器為廢鋁容器及廢鐵容器。但大部分責任業者認為目前回收體系屬完整,且運作良好,政府無須再推行廢容器回歸市場自主管理。政府於公告「解除列管」後可將大部分業務移交該材質之責任業者自主管理平台辦理,並就各項法令、辦法及措施執行作業輔導,意即政府仍需負起監督及協助責任。   廢玻璃容器再生利用技術乃是將廢玻璃容器,經檢查後其主體結構未受毀損碎裂者,予以洗淨並進行切割、熱熔塑型及冷卻,即成極具觀賞價值與使用用途之玻璃容器。廢玻璃容器製成高附加價值藝品技術要點在於將已碎裂而不具原容器型體之廢棄玻璃予以破碎、粉碎後,予以熱熔、塑型後冷卻,即成各式各樣玻璃藝品。   民眾可透過清潔隊、回收商與設有回收設施之商店進行廢藥品容器回收,交由容器處理廠處理,而剩餘藥品或處方用藥則併同垃圾以焚化處理。為評估未來廢藥品容器回收清除處理績效,擬定3項評估績效指標,包括回收量、回收清除處理費與環境中指標物濃度。而在成藥及指示用藥所使用之一次性包裝,為藥品容器責任物,但如使用袋、膜、布、箔包裝或非現行公告以鐵、鋁、玻璃、紙、塑膠等材質製成之容器,則不屬於藥品容器責任物。此外,成藥及指示用藥所使用之二次性包裝則暫不納入藥品容器責任物。
中文關鍵字 自主管理、廢玻璃容器、廢藥品容器


專案計畫編號 EPA-98-HA14-03-A148 經費年度 098 計畫經費 2860 千元
專案開始日期 2009/04/27 專案結束日期 2009/12/31 專案主持人 張添晉
主辦單位 回收基管會 承辦人 賴昱瑄 執行單位 國立臺北科技大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA98HA1403A148.pdf 32MB 期末報告定稿

A Primary Guiding Plan for Establishment of Private Waste Container Recycling Schemes and the Study

英文摘要 Currently the waste management in Europe, the U.S., Japan and other countries is more emphasized on the systems of producer responsibility that are based on the principles of “polluter pays” and hazardous substance minimization. In addition, the producers themselves should be in charge of recycling schemes to perform recycling works. Based on the conclusion of an expert meeting in this project, we proposed the product producers using aluminous and ferrous containers are more appropriate to be released from the due-recycled list. However, the majority of producers consider the current national recycling system works smoothly and promoting private recycling schemes is not necessary. From the administrative perspective, with the assistance and regulations from the government, de-listing the due-recycled items can let producers take the physical recycling responsibility and simplify the responsibility of government to only supervision and monitoring. The recycling technology of waste glass containers is mainly composed of the steps of inspection, washing, crushing, heat melting, molding and cooling. Through these steps, waste glass is then transformed into high-valued products, such as various types of glass art works. For drug containers, the general public can return used containers to sanitary squads, private collectors and designated retailers for the further recycling process while the remained drugs can be collected and then incinerated with other solid wastes. We also proposed three indices for the evaluation of drug container recycling in the future: collection amounts, recycling fees and drug concentrations in the ambient environment. We suggested the producers of drugs to be the responsible party if the drug containers are one-time-use types. However, if drugs are held in drug bags, films, cloth, foils, or, non-due-recycled ferrous, aluminous, glass, paper and plastic containers, drug producers should be exempted from the recycling responsibility. Besides, the reusable containers for both prescriptive and non-prescriptive pharmaceutical materials should not be regulated at this point.
英文關鍵字 Private Recycling、Waste Glass Containers、Waste Drug Containers