

中文摘要 行政院環境保護署於86年起針對揮發性有機污染物陸續公告相關法規,揮發性有機污染物之污染管制方向更加明確。本年度計畫以固定污染源、加油站及餐飲業為3大管制對象,透過稽巡查管制、輔導改善及加強宣導等方式來達成揮發性有機污染物減量之工作。 計畫自97年6月24日簽約執行,至97年11月30日止,完成214家次固定污染源之揮發性有機污染物清查作業,另對石化製程設備元件以FID檢測儀器設備進行12家次共1506點次之洩漏檢測,對於固定污染源揮發性有機污染物之排放,則完成30點次之非甲烷碳氫化合物(NMHC)煙道檢測作業;另配合96年揮發性有機污染物空氣污染防制費現場查核。 對於加油站之管制方面,計畫完成217站加油站清查與60站加油站油槍氣油比初測作業,持續執行新設加油站審查及列管加油站之油氣回收管理辦法之法規符合度查核,同時完成113座加油站油氣回收標章認證作業,加油站宣導作業方面,於8月29日舉辦油氣回收設備維護保養訓練、法規及油氣回收標章認證制度說明會。餐飲業管制部分,完成131家餐飲業之清查及建檔作業,同時規劃輔導業者裝設防制設備,目前選定縣境內以飲食為最具代表性之中壢夜市作為示範對象輔導其油煙污染減量工作,日前於10月15日辦理餐飲業油煙舉辦示範觀摩會宣導活動,冀望藉由實地觀摩污染防制設備的操作,使與會夜市餐飲攤販能夠見賢思齊,更能使各攤販業者污染防制經驗能廣泛交流,提昇中壢夜市之消費水準,並且鼓勵攤販業者加強各項污染防制措施之執行,確實負起餐飲業各項環境維護管理之責,減低餐飲業各項污染對環境之衝擊。


專案計畫編號 經費年度 097 計畫經費 16000 千元
專案開始日期 2008/06/24 專案結束日期 2009/06/23 專案主持人 曾厚元
主辦單位 桃園市政府環境保護局 承辦人 執行單位 新系環境技術有限公司


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97-voc Abstract

英文摘要 As of 1997, the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) of the Executive Yuan has published regulations concerning volatile organic compounds (VOCs), thus making clear the administration’s intentions to control VOCs. In this year’s project, fixed pollutants, petrol stations and the catering sector are the 3 major targets; the reduction of VOCs is achieved via increased inspections, regulations, assistance and promotion from the government. The project contract was signed and executed on June 24, 2008 and terminated on May 30, 2009; in total, the VOCs from 406 fixed pollutants were checked, in which 127 failed to conform to regulations, with a failure to pass rate of 31.4%, in particular the main faults include improper operation of prevention equipments, and allowable discrepancies which accounted for 53.8%. Petroleum processing equipments were inspected with FID instruments, totaling 5199 spot tests in 53 occasions. In particular, 12 production processes were inspected in CPC’s Taoyuan oil refinery; significant differences were discovered between actual test data and the data reported by the Taoyuan oil refinery. Overall, 0.23% of the inspected cases revealed a statistic of C (Leakage concentration) >10000ppm. In addition, canister sampling inspections were carried out in factories in industrial zones for pollution, as per complaints and requests filed by the public; in total, 55 spot tests were conducted in 14 locations. In general, test results were within the legal emission limit. However, a majority of the pollution samples gathered were associated with stack emissions, and the volumes were highly significant, indicating that local people’s complaints were influenced by stack emissions. With regards to the emission of VOCs in fixed pollutants, 55 spots testes were conducted in 32 locations for NMHC stack emissions. In particular, 14 tests from 10 locations failed the inspection, with a failure to pass rate of 29%. In addition, seasonal reports from special industries (petroleum, semiconductor, optoelectronic, car manufacturer, PU synthetic leather manufacturer) were verified, and assistance was provided to the manufacturers in terms of correctness and completeness of data when filing for air pollution charges. In terms of control over petrol stations, 280 petrol stations are scheduled to be inspected and 110 gas pumps will be tested for their air to liquid volume ratio; inspections will continue to be carried in newly established petrol stations, while petrol stations already blacklisted will be inspected for their vapor recovery management measures. In addition, vapor recovery certification will be completed for 120 petrol stations. Regarding awareness promotions at petrol stations throughout Taiwan, seminars on the vapor recovery equipment maintenance training, legal regulations and vapor recovery certification standards were held on August 29, 2008. In terms of the catering industry, 301 restaurants were inspected and a database was created; plans were also made to assist them in the installation of prevention equipments. The most representative location in the Taoyuan County, the Jungli City Tourism Night Market was selected as the subject for the cooking oil fume reduction project. On May 7, 2009, the “Yes (night market) Beautiful!” promotional campaign was launched to encourage stall owners in the Jungli City Tourism Night Market to install cooking oil fume prevention equipments. This campaign not only raised awareness, but also elevated the standards of the Jungli City Tourism Night Market. This campaign has also set the initiative for future cooking oil fume reduction campaigns, and takes on the responsibility for managing and maintaining the environment, and thereby decreasing the impact of the catering industry on the environment. In terms of indoor air quality, staff from 25 departmental units has been assisted in drafting the “Indoor Air Quality Self Management Plan”; furthermore, the most renowned locations in the south and the north region of the county, FET Department Store Taoyuan Station Store and the Metro Walk Shopping Center in Jungli were selected for the real time indoor air pollution bulletin board. The “Check out the weather when going out, and check out the air quality when shopping” campaign was launched in January 12, 2009, in order to encourage the participating stores in stepping up their efforts in prevention of indoor air pollution. Through this campaign, it is also hoped to raise the public awareness on the importance of indoor air quality.