

中文摘要 整治費自民國90年11月徵收至今,徵收金額已達45億元,本計畫已完成96年第2、3、4季及97年第1季各1332、1517、1662、693件之申報案件審理工作,並已寄發審理結果通知繳費人。申報案件審核工作完成後,即進行整治費徵收收入與申報資料核對工作,並請會計師進行核章作業,已完成96年第2、3、4季及97年第1季會計核章報告。 現場稽核作業方面,已完成96年度第2、3、4季及97年第1季現場稽核各80件,無誤共計150件,待確認共計170件,其中33件低於應繳費金額,不需補繳,其餘尚待繳費人確認實際進口資料後判斷是否需補申報。疑似未申報及待確認之化學物質方面,以「潤滑油/脂/膏」為最大宗。 在研議擴大費基部分,本計畫參採95年度檢討整治費徵收物種相關座談會所得結論及具體可行對策,提出徵收煤、鐵等方案。此外,在簡化徵收方面,本計畫依據繳費人反映,提出取消手續費內含之建議,並依據95年度檢討整治費徵收物種相關座談會所得結論,提出取消工程退費之配套方案,於本年度辦理之3場座談會提出與繳費人討論後提出建議方案。 其他如資料庫及網路作業系統更新、維護作業及行政配合作業等亦持續進行:提供兩條專線電話(02-27468365;02-27689831)及專屬電子信箱(soil@sinotech.com.tw)供繳費人諮詢、定期至環保署進行工作執行現況報告,並將業者反映意見彙整送環保署參考、申報資料之掃描建檔工作持續進行中。
中文關鍵字 土壤及地下水, 整治費, 網路申報


專案計畫編號 EPA-96-GA11-03-D087 經費年度 096 計畫經費 6400 千元
專案開始日期 2007/07/01 專案結束日期 2008/05/31 專案主持人 羅鈞
主辦單位 土污基管會 承辦人 邱慈娟 執行單位 中興工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA96GA1103D087_網路版.PDF 9MB [期末報告]公開完整版

Filing for and Auditing of Statements of Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Fees in 2007

英文摘要 The total amount of NT$ 4,500,000,000 soil and groundwater pollution remediation fee has been collected since November, 2001. Since the execution of this project started, a total of 5,204 soil and groundwater pollution remediation fee report had been reviewed, approved and notified to the fee payers. The review and approval is quarterly fulfilled and it would be audited by the accountant regarding the collected remediation fees and fee reporting information. Then the quarterly audit reports were submitted to EPA by the accountant. In respect of the on-site inspections’ part, there are totally 320 on-site inspections taken during the execution period of this project. It was found that lubricants, the chemical substances, were the major subject that required to be confirmed for its quantity and appearance. By the follow-up on-site inspections, a total of NT$ 3,618,685 evaded fees had been pursued. About 73.47% of the respective evaded fees are effects from the failing declaration of Lead, Di-chloro ethane, Organic solvents, Butane and Butanol. The Internet Application system of soil and groundwater pollution remediation fee reporting has increased from 32.6% to 76.6% during 2004 to 2007. The percentage of Internet Application has increased from 8.22% to 85.26% in the soil and groundwater pollution remediation fee reporting. The Internet Application system related to those export chemical substances has also been set up in Jan. 2007. The usage rate of this newly set-up internet filing system was 29% in the beginning. As referred to the regulation revision part, information about the most updated U.S. Superfund situation had been collected. And the potential influence of collecting soil and groundwater pollution remediation fees would build up the collection of environmental tax, and energy tax policy had also been emended through this project. Besides, expanding the criteria of remediation fees collection had been recommended on basis of the revised Soil Pollution Regulation. And the consulting meeting had been held with experts, scholars and fee payers to discuss the drafted alternatives. This project also assists EPA to establish CCC code for those chemical substances currently free of the CCC code and it will provide a reference basis for the Bureau of Foreign Trade if adding those chemical substances to the CCC code list. We offer technical services include two telephone lines and web system for related consultation and information to fee payers. Three convening meetings regarding as the soil and groundwater pollution remediation fees filing system were held with the fee payers and these comments of the fee payers would be summarized and be provided for EPA as a reference basis.
英文關鍵字 Soil and groundwater, Remediation Fees, Internet Application