

中文摘要 本計畫依照合約工作內容執行,計畫執行成果包括:(1)辦理完成「2009年永續物質管理國際研討會」,當中邀請8位國內外專家學者進行專題演講,與會人數達108人;透過研討會之辦理可使參與人員了解永續物質管理之新觀念與具體措施策略。(2)完成「永續物質管理」2場次小型研討會議,當中邀請國內外專家、機關及業界代表參與相關議題討論,使國內外專家學者有意見交流的平台,建立未來溝通聯絡的管道。(3)辦理「維閣實業股份有限公司」及「高陽益實業股份有限公司」2家國內資源回收處理廠或廢棄物處理廠之觀摩參訪;專家們對於我國永續物質管理,均給予正面評價,冀望未來將新觀念帶入台灣。
中文關鍵字 永續物質管理;廢棄物管理;國際研討會


專案計畫編號 EPA-97-H102-02-256 經費年度 098 計畫經費 2090 千元
專案開始日期 2009/01/09 專案結束日期 2009/10/31 專案主持人 駱尚廉
主辦單位 廢管處 承辦人 姚文惠 執行單位 台灣環境管理協會


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期末報告 EPA97H10202256.pdf 33MB

2009 International Conference on Sustainable Materials Management

英文摘要 The implementation of this project achieves the following: 1. Complete the convening of the 2009 International Conference on Sustainable Materials Management. In the conference, eight scholars and experts from Taiwan and abroad were invited to give a speech on dedicated topics. The number of participants to the conference was 108. 2. The convening of two small seminars featuring the theme of sustainable materials management was completed. One seminar is for scholastic purpose whereas the other is held for practicality. Experts, scholars, representatives from organizations and the industry in Taiwan and from other countries were all invited to these events to give their precious opinions about the related topics. 3. Field trips were paid to Vickers Group and Gau Yang Yi Enterprise CO., the former of which is a resource recycling plant and the latter is a waste management and handling plant.
英文關鍵字 Sustainable Materials Management;Waste Management;International Conference