

中文摘要 有關本工作團隊執行本計畫之成果摘要如下。 (1)95年11月1日起公告之回收清除處理補貼費率,在多數的電池種類中都有相當幅度的調降,在回收清除處理補貼費率調整後,多數電池種類之單位回收清除處理成本皆有下降的趨勢,此乃由於在回收市場上處理廠收購廢乾電池價格下降所導致,在筒型一次鋰電池、筒型二次鋰電池、鎳鎘電池3個種類中,回收清除處理補貼費率調降後是更貼近處理廠商之單位回收清除處理成本,其中筒型一次鋰電池與筒型二次鋰電池回收清除處理補貼費率調降後稍低於處理廠商單位回收清除處理成本之平均水準,而鎳鎘電池則稍高於處理廠商單位回收清除處理成本之平均水準;在錳鋅鹼錳電池、鎳氫電池兩個種類中,回收清除處理補貼費率調降後稍低於處理廠商單位回收清除處理成本之平均水準;而在鈕釦型鋰電池、鹼錳鈕釦型、氧化銀、氧化汞與鋅空氣電池,回收清除處理補貼費率高於處理廠商單位回收清除處理成本之平均水準。 (2)在反應成本與年度收支平衡兩原則下估算之廢乾電池回收清除處理費率建議值與現行公告費率之比較可知,年度收支平衡原則下之建議費率高於反映成本原則者,此乃因反映成本原則下信託基金會有入不敷出之情況,而以此二原則計算之數值雖略有差異,其與現行公告費率相較所得之結果則皆是相同,回收清除處理費率建議值低於現行公告費率者的電池種類有錳鋅/鹼錳電池、筒型二次鋰電池、鈕釦型鋰電池、鹼錳鈕釦型、氧化銀、氧化汞與鋅空氣電池與鎳氫電池,回收清除處理費率建議值高於現行公告費率者為筒型一次鋰電池與鎳鎘電池。 (3)廢乾電池國內處理廠因自96年10月開始進行處理,以現有之估計資料觀察,錳鋅、筒型鹼錳電池的處理上較境外輸出處理具成本優勢,在筒型二次鋰電池與鎳氫電池的處理成本則高於境外處理。 (4)根據本研究調查估算,直管照明光源95年之回收清除處理單位成本為29.74~41.11元/公斤之間,平均值為35.06元/公斤,平均單位資源物質效益為-2.42元/公斤。 (5)在反應成本與年度收支平衡兩原則下估算之直管廢照明光源回收清除處理費率建議值與現行公告費率之比較可知,年度收支平衡原則下之建議費率低於反映成本原則者,此乃因反映成本原則下信託基金會有當年餘絀之情況,而以此二原則計算之數值雖略有差異,其與現行公告費率相較所得之結果則皆是相同,費率建議值皆低於現行公告費率。 (6)由於非直管廢照明光源係自96年7月開始回收,各處理廠尚無回收成本、清除處理成本與營業量之實績資料,故建議待累積充足的運作實績資料後再行檢討。 (7)若能由國家整體產品生產、消費與棄置角度,投入行政管理程序與資訊蒐集成本,以建立具公信力之產品生命週期資訊,否則僅侷限於照明光源之產品廢棄階段之綠色設計差別費率,無論就生產業者或消費者之生產與消費行為而言,所能發揮之綠色設計與綠色消費之誘因效果有限。 (8)蒐集荷蘭、美國、瑞士、西班牙、法國、德國、瑞典、日本、韓國等10個國家18家處理廠之廢乾電池處理廠再生處理技術,並針對各國之廢乾電池處理技術分別敘述說明及對現行國內處理技術相關規範妥適性探討,探討方向包括處理設施(如熔煉法應具備前端分選汞含量低於5ppm以下之設備及能力)、進料限制(如熔煉法進料重量不超過該批投料量1%)、資源回收再利用比例(鎳鎘電池者應達75%;其他種類電池者應達50%)等。 (9)調查廢乾電池及廢照明光源之製造及使用材料成分,並探討可回收再利用之物質比例及市場分析。以德國一次電池之金屬再生處理比例約為55.7%;比利時鎳氫電池之金屬再生處理比例約為52.2%、鋰電池再生處理比例約為64.6%。至於廢照明光源日光燈管其可回收再利用物質玻璃約為85%、金屬約為10%、非金屬約為2.5%、含汞物質約為2.5%,而燈泡可回收再利用物質玻璃約為85%、金屬約為12.5%、非金屬約為2.5%。 (10)針對我國、德國、荷蘭及瑞典廢乾電池管理制度與法令進行分析,以德國而言,其管理法規為「廢乾電池及蓄電池收集與處置命令電池命令」,主要回收電池種類為一次電池、二次電池及蓄電池,相關回收方式係由製造者與進口商透過自行建構之GRS Batterien回收再生組織進行廢電池之收集、回收及處置。而GRS Batterien則必須呈交販售電池樣式及重量、回收電池樣式及重量等文件予負責廢棄物管理之地方政府機關。 (11)分析國外(美國、德國、加拿大)及國內押金制(PET容器)實施現況之優缺點,以及實施押金制所可能造成之影響,並分別依法規制度、責任/販賣業者及民眾心理等3面向評估可能效應及建議作法。 (12)蒐集美國、瑞典、德國及日本等先進國家之處理技術,並探討國內處理非直管燈管及HID燈之可行性技術。目前國外目前廢照明光源可行處理技術大致歸類為乾式及濕式處理技術,美國、德國及瑞典處理廠主要採乾式處理技術,至於日本2種技術皆有採用。 (13)針對我國、日本、美國及中國大陸廢照明光源管理制度與法令進行分析,以日本而言,其管理法規係依據「循環型社會基本法」及「資源有效利用促進法」,於2001年7月將廢螢光燈管正式列入回收利用產品指標物件,其回收工作主要是由各地方政府執行,中央政府並不負責,回收方式則為地方單位要求當地居民,每週一次將含汞之日光燈管收集,交由地方垃圾清除人員集中回收,再送至廢燈管處理廠進行後續處理。 (14)蒐集國外非直管照明光源回收方法、回收管道、清運貯存設施與防止破損等相關資訊,以美國而言,其一般家庭或小型企業產生之廢照明光源多以自行包裝後送至地區家庭有害廢棄物回收中心方式處理,而大型企業所產生之大量廢燈具則多以訂購預付郵費及處理費之回收包裝盒方式進行貯存回收,或與燈具供應商簽約於燈管更新時,將廢棄燈管收集送至合格之再生處理廠。 (15)依本計畫要求研擬提報責任業者共同參與回收之工作計畫,並依據回收工作計畫內容與責任業者協調溝通,於達成共識後協助執行,目前已有寶僑家品股份有限公司積極參與並已於10月份同步於各通路張貼宣導海報及各電視媒體播放宣導廣告。 (16)分別於9月30日及10月21日於高雄左營原生植物園社區以及台北萬華新忠里社區辦理廢乾電池回收宣導說明會,活動辦理方式主要結合社區民眾、鄉鎮公所及轄區地方環保機關對於民眾廢乾電池回收認知及行為進行宣導。此外,於說明會現場民眾若回收廢乾電池4顆,則可兌換摸彩卷1張,經統計2場說明會共計回收約160公斤廢乾電池。 (17)分別於96年11月19日及96年11月29日針對環保機關及鄉鎮市公所清潔隊辦理說明會,會議內容除針對社區民眾宣導說明會執行成果進行說明外,並邀集廢乾電池回收成效優良之環保局及社區進行經驗分享,以作為各縣市環保局未來推動及執行回收工作之參考。 (18)執行100組市售乾電池採樣檢測內容及成果進行說明,由檢測結果顯示,僅有1組市售商品內附乾電池汞含量超出標準,該樣品採樣通路為玩具店,電池製造國為中國大陸。
中文關鍵字 廢乾電池費率,廢照明光源費率,處理技術規範,處理廠管理制度,責任業者


專案計畫編號 EPA-96-HA14-03-A134 經費年度 096 計畫經費 4080 千元
專案開始日期 2007/04/18 專案結束日期 2007/12/31 專案主持人 陳宇揚
主辦單位 回收基管會 承辦人 劉秋菊 執行單位 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 報告內文.pdf 14MB [期末報告]公開完整版

The Review and the Evaluation of the Effectiveness for the Collection Systems of Waste Batteries and Waste lamps

英文摘要 (1)Many different types of waste battery collection and recycling subsidy rates had been reduced since EPA post the revised subsidy rates in November, 2006. The collection and recycling costs for many different types of waste batteries dropped off after the subsidy rates adjustment. This is resulting in the low purchasing prices of waste batteries offered by recycling industries in the collection market. For primary Li battery, secondary Li battery and Ni-Cd battery, the collection and recycling costs of recycling industries are close to the subsidy rates after the adjustment. The subsidy rates of primary Li battery and secondary Li battery are slightly below the average collection and recycling costs of recycling industries. The subsidy rate of Ni-Cd battery is slightly above the average collection and recycling costs of recycling industries. For Mn-Zn alkaline battery and Ni-MH battery, the subsidy rates are slightly below the collection and recycling costs of recycling industries after the adjustment. For button Li battery, button alkaline battery, Ag-oxide battery, Hg-oxide battery and Zn-air battery, the subsidy rates are above the collection and recycling costs of recycling industries. (2)The comparing results of suggested waste battery subsidy rates calculated based on the reflecting cost and annual balance principles and EPA subsidy rates , the suggested subsidy rates based on annual balance principles are higher than the ones’ based on the reflecting cost because the recycling fund will be in debt if the suggested subsidy rates calculated based on the reflecting cost. Although the values of suggested subsidy rates have slightly differences, the results of comparing with EPA subsidy rates are the same. The battery types which the suggested subsidy rates of collection and recycling are below the EPA subsidy rates are Mn-Zn alkaline battery, secondary Li battery, button Li battery, button alkaline battery, Ag-oxide battery, Hg-oxide battery, Zn-air battery and Ni-MH battery. The battery types which the suggested subsidy rates of collection and recycling are above the EPA subsidy rates are primary Li battery and Ni-Cd battery. (3)The domestic waste battery recycling corporation started in October, 2007. according to the current data, the recycling costs of Mn-Zn alkaline battery in domestic are lower than the recycling costs abroad. The recycling costs of secondary Li battery and Ni-MH battery in domestic are higher than the recycling costs abroad. (4)Based on the data collection and calculation, the collection and recycling costs of fluorescent lamps are around 11.33~17.20 NT dollars/kg in 2006. The average value is around 13.42 NT dollars/kg. And the unit effectiveness for resources is -2.42 NT dollars/kg. (5)According to the comparing results of suggested waste fluorescent lamp subsidy rates calculated based on the reflecting cost and annual balance principles and EPA subsidy rates, the suggested subsidy rates based on annual balance principles are lower than the ones’ based on the reflecting cost because the recycling fund will be in debt or surplus if the suggested subsidy rates calculated based on the reflecting cost. Although the values of suggested subsidy rates have slightly differences, the results of comparing with EPA subsidy rates are the same. The suggested subsidy rates of collection and recycling are below the EPA subsidy rates. (6)Because non-linear tube lamps had been regulated to collect since July, 2007, all the recycling factories don’t have the data of collection costs, recycling costs and collection volumes. Thus, the evaluation should be run after cumulating enough data. (7)We can build up the trusting life-cycle data of products based on the perspectives of domestic production, consumption and wasting, and provide the costs of management processes and data collections. Only restraining in the waste lamps products level and green-design differential rates, it is hard to raise the effects of green-design and green consumption on produces and consumers. (8)The project team finished collecting the waste battery recycling technology information of Netherlands, American, Switzerland, Spain, France, Germany, Sweden, Japan and Korea.(18 recycling corporations in 10 countries) Also described the recycling technologies above and compared those with domestic technologies in order to evaluate the adequacy of the related regulations. The key perspectives are including recycling equipments (smelting method should provide the separating equipment which can separate Hg quantity content under 5ppm), raw material limitations (the waste battery weight should not over 1% of the total raw material weight by smelting method) and the recycling proportions (the proportion of Ni-Cd battery should reach 75%, others should reach 50%). (9)After collecting the raw materials specifications of waste batteries and waste lamps, the project team evaluated the proportions of recycling materials and the recycling markets. For instance, the metal recycling rate of primary battery is around 55.7% in Germany. The metal recycling rate of Ni-MH battery is around 52.2% and the recycling rate of Li battery is around 64.6% in Belgium. For the waste fluorescent lamps, the recycling rate in glass is around 85%, in metal is around 10%, in nonmetal is around 2.5% and in Hg material is around 2.5%. For waste bulbs, the recycling rate in glass is around 85%, in metal is around 12.5% and in nonmetal is around 2.5%. (10)Referring to the analyses of waste battery laws and management systems for Germany, Netherlands, Sweden and domestic, the German waste battery regulation is “Decree Regarding the Collection and Disposal of Used Batteries and Accumulators”. The main collection battery type is primary battery, secondary battery and accumulators. The waste battery collection and recycling is handled by the GRS Batterien which organized by battery producers and importers. The GRS Batterien has to provide the documents of battery types, collection waste battery types and weights to the local authority for waste management. (11)The project team analyzed the advantages, disadvantages and influences of deposit-refund systems for American, Germany, Canada and domestic experience(PET). The project team also pointed out the possible effects and suggestions regarding to the regulations, producers/distributors and perspectives of consumers. (12)By collecting the recycling technology information of America, Sweden, Germany and Japan, the project team evaluated the feasibility of domestic recycling technologies for non-linear tube and HID lamps. Currently, the recycling methods are divided into dry recycling and wet recycling 2 categories. The method used by America, Sweden and Germany is dry recycling technology. And Japan uses the both methods. (13)The project team finished analyzing the waste lamp regulations and managements of Japan, America, China and comparing with domestic conditions. The waste lamp regulations in Japan are “circulating society law” and “resource recycling law”. In Japan, the waste fluorescent lamps were regulated in July, 2001. The local authority is responding for the collection but not the central government. The local department asks the communities to take out waste lamps every Monday. And the cleaners of local department will collect the waste lamps then send to the recycling factories. (14)The project team accomplished collecting the abroad waste lamps collection methods, collection ways, transporting and storage tools, and breakage preventing information. In America, the waste lamps produced by small businesses and individuals are packed and sent to the local hazardous waste collection center by themselves. The waste lamps produced by large-scale businesses are packed and sent by using recycling and mailing fees prepaid collection boxes, or collected and sent to the legal recycling factories by the contracted supplier while updating the all the lamps. (15)Regarding to the project objectives, the project team already provided the plan for encouraging the battery producers to join the collection events. After intensive discussions with producers, the P&G corporation agreed to cooperate and finished the posting and TV commercial campaigns for the waste battery collection on October, 2007. (16)There were 2 waste battery collection councils for communities held in Taipei and Kaohsiung in September and October, 2007. These encouraging collection activities joined the community, the local environmental authority and its executive departments. During the councils, each participated person can get a lottery by collecting 4 batteries. After calculating, there was 160 kg waste batteries collected at 2 councils. (17)There were 2 waste battery collection councils for local departments’ cleaners and local environmental authorities held in November, 2007. The councils’ contents included describing the results of the collection councils for communities and inviting the excellent local environmental authorities and departments for working experiences sharing. (18)According to the test results of the sampling batteries (100 specimens), only 1 specimen’s Hg quantity content was over the standard. These unqualified batteries were contained in the product distributed in the toy store and made in China.
英文關鍵字 waste battery subsidy rate, waste lamp subsidy rate, recycling technical regulation, recycling facilities management, Producer/Importer