

中文摘要 亂丟菸蒂已成為影響全台灣且持續惡化的問題。根據環保署估計,每年累積棄置戶外公共場所的菸蒂高達百億隻以上,大多棄置於人行道花台、路樹樹根處、安全島、排水孔、公車亭等後區等不易清除的死角,這些菸蒂產生廢棄物的問題讓地方清潔環保隊員疲於奔命。由於菸蒂含塑膠過濾物質無法生物分解,故當菸蒂隨下水道沖進河裏漂至海中,釋放出有毒化學物質,將嚴重危害土壤、水源及野生動物。不僅如此,棄置之菸蒂更有引發火災之公共危險疑慮,實為一不可輕忽之社會及環境問題。 本計畫綜合「民眾對於亂丟菸蒂行為取締措施意見調查」、「各界意見交流座談會」、及「國內外菸蒂管制政策與措施評估分析」等三大部分,期望能有效管理及解決菸蒂隨意棄置之問題。透過意見調查結果得知,包括吸菸族及非吸菸族等大部分民眾,皆認為周遭公共環境亂丟菸蒂情況嚴重,但對於菸蒂所造成之環境面影響並不瞭解。民眾所建議之防止亂丟菸蒂措施以加強公共宣導與教育與加強取締與提高罰則為最高,其餘占比較高之建議措施依序為增加設置公共熄菸桶、徵收菸蒂清潔稅及推廣使用攜帶式菸蒂盒等。吸菸族對於改善亂丟菸蒂措施建議則以增加設置公共熄菸桶、加強公共宣導與教育及推廣使用攜帶式菸蒂盒為最高。 各界意見交流座談會中,與會專家學者建議則與國外防制亂丟菸蒂較有成效之國家如美、英及澳洲等國相似。其建議包括持續性及長期之公共宣導與教育輔以適當之法令規範及硬體設備,並透過擴增菸品健康捐使用方向等方式取得經費來源。整體而言,由政府主導配合民間企業或非政府組織進行公共教育宣導、熄菸設備設置及法令規範執行為改變亂丟菸蒂行為之三大核心要素。唯有三管齊下,長期執行,方能有效達成改變吸菸者行為之目標。
中文關鍵字 亂丟菸蒂


專案計畫編號 EPA-98-J101-02-103 經費年度 098 計畫經費 780 千元
專案開始日期 2009/07/17 專案結束日期 2009/12/31 專案主持人 左竣德
主辦單位 環管處 承辦人 張惠和 執行單位 台灣經濟研究院


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA-98-J101-02-103.pdf 24MB

Survey on Public Opinion of Cigarette Butt Litter and the Possible Solutions

英文摘要 Cigarette butt littering has become a dynamic and pervasive problem in Taiwan. It is estimated that more than one billion cigarette butts are littered by smokers per year. Most of these cigarette butts littered fall into grates and cracks in the pavement, escaping the detection of normal cleaning processes. Cigarette butts are composed of cellulose acetate, which can take more than fifteen years to break down. The toxins from cigarette butts can leach into water and soil and pose a threat to our wildlife. Littered cigarette butts are not only harmful to the environment and time consuming to clean-up, but also pose a fire risk. In order to tackle this difficult littering problem, this project consisted of three main parts: public survey, professional seminar, and research on foreign experiences. The public survey result showed that most people, including smokers and non-smokers, have already recognized that cigarette butt littering was a serious problem of city appearance but are not aware of the hazardous impacts on the environment. The first five public recommendations on reducing cigarette butt litter in sequence were: improving public awareness and education, increasing fines and punishment, increasing the installation of public butt buns, imposing cleanup fees, and promoting personal ashtrays. Smokers were especially concerned with butt bins installation, public education, and promotion of personal ashtrays. Similar to the well-known foreign experiences such as those in the USA, UK, and Australia, most of the scholars, government officials, and other professionals who attended the seminar agreed that the most effective approach to reduce cigarette butt littering was long-term continuous public education to raise public awareness. Other effective approaches that should accompany the main one included law enforcement and appropriate infrastructure installation partly funded by tobacco health and welfare surcharges. In sum, the most effective solution to reduce cigarette butt littering incorporates the critical components of public education, improved ashtrays and enforcement of legislation, supported by strong partnerships with government, industry and NGOs. By well-balancing the three core elements, public attitudes and behaviors are expected to change in the future.
英文關鍵字 Cigarette Butt Litter