

中文摘要 根據計畫內容,完成工作項目之成果如下: 1. 於96年9月14日辦理淡水河系污染整治論壇1場 邀請10位專家學者與會報告、對談,參與民眾共有75人,公部門與民眾在會中針對「淡水河系污染整治之民間觀點」、「淡水河系污染整治之政府觀點」、「對淡水河系污染整治的期望」3個主題做意見交換與溝通,會後並由本團隊整理會中所提意見成「公部門意見分工建議表」,並且在11月7日再次拜會環保署,針對論壇中一些議題做後續處理回覆。 2. 辦理河川巡守義工培育1日課程2處次 針對淡水河流域,串聯社區大學、社區鄰里組織合作,選擇五股、新莊兩地各辦理一場,7月21日主要與荒野保護協會合作,於五股國中舉辦第一個場次;8月5日主要與新莊社區大學合作,於新莊棒球場會議室舉辦,兩場參與人數分別為56人、67人,共計培訓河川巡守義工123人。 3. 完成結合社區大學辦理河川巡守義工長期培育課程,18小時(1學分) 長期培訓課程以大漢溪流域為主題,與板橋社區大學合作,於6/28~7/19辦理18小時的長期訓課程,共計培訓30名河川巡守義工。 4. 辦理淡水河過生日關懷活動1場 於11月24日(農曆水官生日)舉辦,結合16個民間組織與社區大學,依流域為 主題設攤宣傳河川巡守工作,並展示每個團體今年度對於河川教育所做的努力及成果。號召各流域河川巡守義工,組成「自行車踏查隊」與「獨木舟踏查隊」水陸大會師,當日參與人數共計約600人。 本計畫結論與建議事項 本計畫之成果效益:1.提升民眾的環境意識,推廣河川關懷教育;2.提高民眾對於河川污染整治政策的參與及了解;3.形成民間良性力量,促進河川污染整治政策推動。 本計畫之績效評估: 1.計畫中參加與合作的組織-今年計畫中合作的民間組織共有35個。 2.參加課程的人次-每場平均參與人次穩定成長,今年的淡水河慶生活動更由去年的500人次增加到600人次。 3.學員當中是新進者的比例-今年度辦理各項課程,合計共有153人參與,,新進者有120人,新進者比率佔78%。 4.通報案件的數量-今年通報案件數量共有14件。 5.論壇意見納入施政參考-論壇會後將民眾意見整理成「相關分工建議表」,有4點提議已納入環保署的施政參考。 建議: 1.在民眾教育方面:建議持續辦理,並且未來可以與更多不同領域的組織合作,增加河川巡守教育的多元與豐富性。 2.在課程規畫方面:建議日後開辦與社大相關課程,可採用輔助社大相關社團成立的方式,讓課程更具延續性。 3.在河川巡守方面: (1)建議建立資深巡守義工與環保單位的直接聯繫管道,環保單位定期主動溝通後續處理過程。 (2)建議應增加巡守員的誘因,評估河川巡守義工有無可能經過訓練認證成為稽查體系的一環。 4.在民眾參與方面: (1)論壇或工作坊可再持續辦理,並建議「分眾辦理」,有不同的討論議題。 (2)建議日後能定期開論壇,討論的議題可更具體。善用河川巡守義工的民間力量,促成污染整治目標早日達成。
中文關鍵字 污染整治,淡水河,河川巡守


專案計畫編號 EPA-96-G103-02-228 經費年度 096 計畫經費 960 千元
專案開始日期 2007/04/10 專案結束日期 2007/12/31 專案主持人 洪明龍
主辦單位 水保處 承辦人 汪士鈞 執行單位 綠色公民行動聯盟


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期末報告 期末報告書.pdf 29MB [期末報告]公開完整版

The project for public participation of river remediation in Northern Taiwan

英文摘要 The main quantified achievements of this project are as follows: 1. Organizing a series class on river-patrolling volunteer’s educations in the Da-Han River during June 28 to July 19, the coordinator includes Ban-Ciao Community University. The total class hours equal to 18 hours, the amount of students are 30. 2. Two “one-day workshop on river-patrolling volunteer’s education ”were held in Wugu (July 21) and Hsinchun(Aug. 5). The coordinator includes The society of Wilderness and Hsinchun Community University, the number of participants are 56 and 67. 3. One “Forum on Tamshui River Remediation” was held in Sep. 14. The total participants are 75. The speaker of the forum includes government, academic, and NGO. The status, strategy and vision of Tamshui River are discussed. The result of that Forum are integrated as “Suggestion of Related-Authority on Tamshui River”. 4. The birthday party of Tamsui River was held in Nov. 24. There were 16 related groups, includes community university, NGOs, display their result of river-patrolling and river protection, the total participators were about 600. Conclusion and Suggestion The effects of this plan are : Increasing the public environmental conscious and prompting river education. Enhancing the public understanding and participation on river remediation Aggregating the civil power to initiate the progress of river remediation strategies. Performance Evaluation The amount of coordinator up to 35. The total participants of class and workshop from past three years are 633, and the participants of birthday party is up to 600, more than last year. The newcomer of participants are 78%, imply that the breadth and dimension are gradually wide during past three years. The impeach cases of this year are 14, total number during past three years are 25. The forum result can provide reference of government strategy formulation. There are four suggestions can be made. 1. The public education can be extended by increasing the diversity of coordinator, like historical organization, village watch, birds-watch etc. 2. The water-related education class should be keep held in different community university. 3. The river-patrolling volunteers need more incentive to enhance their willingness, such as the certification, regulation communication platform etc. 4. The effect of workshop and forum can be deepening if the participants are specified. That means the public participation on water protection issues are not focus on wideness but also deepness.
英文關鍵字 Remediation, Tamshui River, river-patrolling