

中文摘要 行政院環境保護署(以下簡稱環保署)為我國制訂全國性環境政策與法令的主管機關,其所屬之永續發展室,則負責管理推動各項的環保科技研究計畫,包括彙總、管考及政策研擬、以及技術支援等工作。本年度「科技及施政委辦計畫品質管理與加值推廣計畫」(以下簡稱本計畫),主要係整併97 年度「科技及施政計畫品質提升推動計畫」、「環保創新科技研發推動計畫」,目的為整合資源以提升環保科技與施政計畫之品質。 本計畫主要工作項目及成果可彙整為兩大類,為(一)品質管理類及(二)加值推廣類。品質管理類工作,包括協助完成環保署各業務單位研提科類之綱要計畫書、國內外環保科技資訊蒐集及分析、環保署委託研究計畫管理要點修正、環保署期中(末)專案報告撰寫要求及紙本印製格式修正、主要績效指標(KPI)之撰寫格式分析等;加值推廣類工作,包括彙整環保署98 年度科技計畫成果及空污基金資料庫及製作成果光碟、辦理5 場「奈米國家型科技計畫」計畫相關工作、1 場奈米計畫意見交流座談會,以及7 場「環保創新科技研發計畫」計畫管理工作、辦理1場「環境科技論壇」、2 場生質物資源化研商會及3 場計畫主持人座談會、以及製作環保創新科技研發計畫補助經費撥款相關說明等。 本計畫藉由協助環保署執行上述各項行政工作,達成以下目標:(一)提昇委託研究計畫管理品質:本計畫協助本年度科技計畫之績效管理,並完成各項科學計畫之規範研修工作及相關KPI 指標修訂,利於未來推動執行計畫之管理工作;(二)加值作業:本計畫完成製作論文集、成果光碟及舉辦各項會議,將過去科技計畫之研究成果與各界交流,同時協助最新研究成果規劃轉化為產業實質產出。
中文關鍵字 計畫管理、科技計畫資料庫、諮商會議


專案計畫編號 EPA-98-E1U2-02-207 經費年度 098 計畫經費 1980 千元
專案開始日期 2009/05/15 專案結束日期 2010/03/31 專案主持人 何子健
主辦單位 永續發展室(停用) 承辦人 吳婉怡 執行單位 台灣產業服務基金會


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA-98-E1U1-02-207期末報告.pdf 8MB

Promoting and Advancing Environmental Technology Plan 2009

英文摘要 The Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan (hereinafter EPA) is the authority in charge of the nation’s environmental policies and regulations. Office of Sustainable Development, an affiliated body, is responsible for management and promotion of various eco-friendly technology research projects. The office plays a significant role through programs of support to help collect data, control & evaluate research projects, and make policies. After a slow start, many innovative ideas are implemented as part of a mix of policies. In this vein, environmental policy has embraced the approach of sustainable development where economic and social factors are considered alongside the environment. This paper works on 6 major categories as below: (1) Drawing up Regulations on Review of Environmental Technology R&D Projects and Mid-term Essentials 2011-2014, (2) Conducting Quality Management on Promoting and Advancing Environmental Technology Plan 2009, (3) Marking out Added-value Promotion on EPA Technological Achievement, (4) Handling administrative support on The State-of-the-art Nanotechnology R&D Project 2009, (5) Environmental Technology Innovation R&D Project 2009, (6) Better Format and Layout for Report Preparation on Commissioned Projects. Through implementation of these projects, the aims are to extract the constructive proposition out of industry, authorities, academic as well as institutions, and bring on an assortment of a broad consensus that alternatives to technological innovation, knowledge and regulation be considered wherever possible to deliver policy more efficiently and effectively. The key outcomes from this project to address are: (1) collecting and compiling data of major environmental technology advancements and policies available on websites from industrialized countries, such as the European Union, USA and Canada, (2) revision of “Direction for Research Projects Commissioned by EPA”, (3) amending format and layout for the mid-term/final report on commissioned projects, (4) disposition of key performance indicators (KPI), (5) compiling “EPA Database for Technology Projects & Air Pollution Funds 2008” and editing DVD for the achievements, (6) providing assistance to hold 10 seminars on “The State-of-the-art Nanotechnology R&D Project” and 14 seminars on “Environmental Technology Innovation R&D Project”, (7) explaining The Guide to Grants Appropriation for Environmental Technology Innovation R&D Project, (8) working out the structure for Mid-term Policy Stretegy 2011-2014, holding “the Symposium of Project Coordinators”, “the Symposium of Regulation and Risk Management on the Nanotechnogy Industry”, and “the Environmental Technology Forum”. With the completed work, the present EPA scientific project regulation guidelines were improved, the environmental research project outcomes in prior years have been introduced to the public, and there have been also the transformation from pure scientific reasearches to industrial practices; the “value-adding” object of the EPA scientific researches has been achieved. A complete elaboration covered in this summary can be found in this report, which serves to drive the successive projects more effective.
英文關鍵字 Planning Management,;Database of Technology Plans,;Forum on Environmental Technology