

中文摘要 本計畫之目的主要在於協助屏東縣環保局管制各子計畫執行內容、進度與方法,透過計畫的執行,協助環保局處理空污相關會議資料,檢討年度空污執行計畫成效與方向,有效整合各計畫力量以達到改善空氣品質之目標,此外,配合現階段環保署推動之涵容總量管制計畫及未來推動之總量管制規劃,研擬空氣品質改善方向,規劃短中長程管制目標,提供屏東縣環保局未來執行空氣污染管制之建議方針。本計畫自97年4月7日簽約完成後執行至97年12月31日止,執行摘要說明如下。 97年環保署於屏東縣設立之空氣品質監測站,臭氧及懸浮微粒空氣品質不良站日數為61站日,較96年減少23站日,較95年減少29站日。屏東縣設立之鹽洲測站,97年空品不良站日數為28站日,較96年空氣品質不良站日數相比減少18站日,較95年減少33站日。主要皆以臭氧為主要指標污染物。當空氣品質趨於不良時,啟動空氣品質不良通報及回報作業,該項作業主要進行預報、通報及回報作業,並透過各計畫之測站認養機制及重大污染源之掌握工作進行查處回報,整體空氣品質預報不良回報率平均為76.1%。 97年屏東縣辦理之空氣品質改善維護計畫共計16項,依計畫類型可區分為固定源、移動源、逸散源、綜合管理及監測與研究地方特性計畫,整體管制工作架構及推動措施係依據屏東縣空氣污染防制計畫訂定,主要重點包括加強於結合「高高屏空氣品質改善行動計畫」規劃重點及97年、98年及100年需分別達到7.0%、6.5%及4.3%的目標,據此規劃及落實98年度空污費推動計畫,包括屏東縣空污基金編列5項計畫,向中央環保署申請補助8項相關計畫。依本年度發包進度、工作重點及執行期程,整體而言,總懸浮微粒、硫氧化物、氮氧化物為及非甲烷碳氫化合物削減量皆已達成本年度規劃目標,由空氣污染管制工作滿意度調查結果顯示,民眾對於縣內整體空氣品質之滿意度(63.2%),已較前次問卷結果(95年47.3%)提升16%,各計畫平均作業進度已達80%,各計畫管制成效分析整體平均為87分。 此外,為因應2009世運期間空污管制,本縣配合環保署推動「高高屏空氣品質改善行動計畫」、「高雄世運清空計畫」及主辦城市(高雄市)推動之世運管制,研擬「屏東縣配合高雄世運清空計畫」,以包括民眾觀感議題、地方污染特性、具造成空氣污染不良之虞及觀光景點沿線之九大管制議題為加強重點。
中文關鍵字 空氣品質管理,空氣品質污染指標,管制策略


專案計畫編號 經費年度 097 計畫經費 2678 千元
專案開始日期 2008/04/07 專案結束日期 2008/12/31 專案主持人 黃招斌
主辦單位 屏東縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 陳宏仁 執行單位 元科科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 97屏東AQMP期末-中文摘要-980122.pdf 0MB

2008 PingTung Air Quality Management Plan

英文摘要 The main task of the project is to assist Environmental Protection Ping Tung County (PTEPB) and to administer the various programs scheme, subjects and methodology itself. By means of the aforementioned implementation, we were able to review on what subjects have been finished over the period of time and helped EPA to deal with Air Pollution (AP) agendas and minutes to boot, supervising the integration of the air quality improvement. Besides, the perspectives that the EPA are marching toward to better the Air Quality (AQ) should again be aligned with our schedule including long-term, mid-term, or short-term as a proposition in the control of the AQ in the future. For the Air Quality inspection stations of EPA, the number of days which PT AQ reported poor accounts with respect to the data analysis from Jan to Dec, 2008, O3 and PM10 were accounted for 61 days in Ping-Tung 23 days less than the same station in 2007 and 29days less in 2006. The Yan-jou Air Quality inspection station that was set by Pingtung County governor, the pollutant was mainly from O3 and less than 18 days compared to the same period from 2007 and 33 days less in 2006. When the AQ have been tending to poor condition, the relevant operations were implementing mechanism of forecast, notification, and feedback. The emails and messages were sent throughout all sites and feedbacks were supposed to be supervised. The report rate were about 76.1%. There were totally 16 projects which are designed to improve the air quality were held by Pingtung County governor and brief as following describe. The main framework and demarches on the whole showed in figure. According to the EPA’s audit result, the average achievement point was 87scores and the rate was about 80%. We have contract with the Public Opinion Poll Studies Center of National Sun Yen-Sen University to survey the satisfaction among citizens above twenty-year old from 33 towns in Pingtung County about air pollution control. The result showed that 63.2% satisfied on air quality and increased 16% compared to 2006. Those could present the nearest surrounding to citizen and help us to improve the important parts. We are in charge to executive of Air Quality Manage Project (AQMP). Studying the control strategy and assemble every subproject to archive their goals that including proposal amendment. For accommodating the future trend controlling strategy, we have issued the Air Quality control plan to EPA for censoring. The content included the reduction quantity and strategy, adjusting air pollution improving and maintenance goals and the emission control of stationary sources, mobile sources, and emission inventory update. According to analysis the intensity and variety of pollutant emission, the control strategy should focusing on stationary, gasoline station, cooking industry, mobile sources, construction sites, open burning, unpaved ground in the future. We have referenced both on the principle execution of EPA and air pollution control plan of Ping-Tung County governor to scheme on the Air Quality Improving project of Pingtung County in 2009. That included to 5 projects for air pollution fee foundation arrangement, and also handed out the subsidy request that including 8 projects for EPA.. Moreover, as the Air Pollution controlling strategy during the World Game in 2009, we have draw up a” the Project for Kaohsiung City World Game Air Pollution Cleaning and coordinating of Ping-Tung County. “That enforcing amendment including the citizens feelings about the air qualities, local pollutant features, the possibility of pollutant causes and nine controlling issue along tour spots.
英文關鍵字 Air Quality, PSI, Control Strategies